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4/2023 Genocide: What's coming is what our politicians intended

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

2021-06-07 _F2A4570aaa

We got a surplus of salt water that is cheaper to desalinate using renewable energy & we got a surplus of moisture in the air that is cheaper to condense out of the air using renewable energy than war,… but America’s solution will be first give the supply of water to wall st so they can constrain supply for profit and then work in the military:

“Global fresh water demand will outstrip supply by 40% by 2030, says experts

Landmark report urges overhaul of wasteful water practices around the world on even of crucial UN summit”


“3,100 gallons of diesel spills in train derailment near Anacortes”


“proposes” means they got to see if it’s ok with the rich people:

“U.S. proposes limits for cancer-causing chemicals in drinking water”


Burning leaded gas?:

“Dept. of MAGA? A group of psychologists has found via online testing that IQ scores in the U.S. may be dropping for the first time in nearly a century.”

“Online tests suggest IQ scores in US dropped for the first time in nearly a century”


“A new report has found that 186 banks in the US are at risk of failure due to rising interest rates and a high proportion of uninsured deposits. The research estimated the market value loss of individual banks' assets during the Federal Reserve's rate-increasing campaign. Assets such as Treasury notes and mortgage loans can decrease in value when new bonds have higher rates.”

“186 US banks at risk of failure similar to Silicon Valley Bank, says research; here's why

The study also examined the proportion of banks' funding that comes from uninsured depositors with accounts worth over $250,000.”


“Striking satellite photos taken from space reveal how the earth's toxic algae blooms dramatically increased as the climate warmed.”

“Satellite Images Reveal Danger of Earth’s Toxic Algae Blooms”


“If we take bold, coordinated, global action now — in this decade — we can limit climate change to a tolerable level. But if we stay on our present course, then heaven help us all. The good news is that wealthy nations, including the US, are taking steps to curb emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The bad news is that emissions from China, India and other developing nations continue to rise.”

“The climate warnings are consistently bad. And about to get worse.”

It can only mean that the coming condition of our world is precisely what our Politicians intended, else they’d stop. That means only one thing, Genocide.

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