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4/2023 “Database Of Bush Administration’s Iraq Lies Mysteriously DISAPPEARS!”

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

2021-06-29 _F2A9686aaap

Australia Honest Government ad: “NSW Election”


“The US army destroyed our lives’: five Iraqis on the war that changed the middle east

Survivors tell of the devastating impact of the US-led invasion 20 years on”


“Database Of Bush Administration’s Iraq Lies Mysteriously DISAPPEARS!”


'They Want Blood.' The Same Neocons Responsible For Iraq War Are Responsible For Ukraine Proxy War”


Biden is outpacing Trump in drilling permits on public lands. He's not keeping his promise to end new oil and gas drilling.”

“800 million more tons of carbon pollution”


“DeSantis’s policies are the endpoint of a capitalism that has lost its ability to defend itself and has morphed into a form of fascism.

All the elements are in place to produce pedagogical forms of repressions that include the denial of history, hence the emergence of a pedagogy of historical amnesia.”

“DeSantis’s Educational Policies Come Right Out of the Fascist Playbook” by HENRY GIROUX


Ben Karimi:

“Miseries of Capitalism-US imperialist:

Official Death toll due to COVID-19 so far:

US 1,150,000

China 5,275.”


“Obama wants to kill me, to take away the freedom of our country, to take away our free housing, our free medicine, our free education, our free food, and replace it with American style thievery called “capitalism”, but all of us in the Third World know what that means, it means corporations run the countries, run the world, and the people suffer.”


… If the American Legislators owned by corporations and their knuckle dragging mobs weren’t so desperate to suck up to their script writers and lobbyists who say the issues are:

“to control women’s bodies and risqué performance art “

… and were more concerned regulating :


… The media monopolies that the OLIGARCHY owns would have a more difficult time running lemmings off the cliff .

Our treasury is being looted at a rate exceeding the normal amount!!”


“Database Of Bush Administration’s Iraq Lies Mysteriously DISAPPEARS!”

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