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4/2023 Chase, Citibank, Wells Fargo & Bank of America fund 1/4 of all fossil fuels

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

2021-04-20 _F2A2257aaa

How the war machine took over the Democrats w/ Dennis Kucinich | The Chris Hedges Report”


“U.S. seeks to head off any Chinese call for cease-fire in Ukraine

A cease-fire would recognize Russia’s territorial gains, said a National Security Council Spokesman.”

“Why is capitalist China hated by Republicans and Democrats?

The Wall Street Journal states the obvious.

President Joe Biden where is the US peace proposal for Ukraine? The US wants to escalate; not negotiate.

The money is made in waging war, not in so much in the peace that hopefully someday follows


The power of propaganda Must NEVER be underestimated.

None are more ignorant than those who falsely believe they are informed.

None are more hopelessly propagandized, than those who don't know they are propagandized.

The key to ending the violence against the most vulnerable among us, is to wake everyone up to the lies we're all being told. #Transparency

Horrifically effective #NarrativeControl hides the terrible truth of our #dystopian situation.

When enough of us become aware of the lies -- real, systemic change can begin.

Before a revolution happens, it will be perceived as impossible; after it happens, it is seen as having been inevitable -- #RosaLuxemburg

#Revolution is self-defense against the brutal, criminal #parasites & their #collaborators in power.

If we don't fight for change, things will only get worse.

Power concedes nothing without a demand -- Frederick Douglass

Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave -- Frederick Douglass

#MassCivilDisruption is all we have left to save ourselves -- Chris Hedges

If 10 million of us were TALKing about #Revolution, would our corrupt AF politicians be more likely to listen to our demands?

The first responsibility of every #citizen is to #QuestionAuthority.

The Biggest Obstacle To Real #Freedom Is The Belief That We Already Have It -- Caitlin Johnstone”


“Data is now the most valuable “resource” on the planet, and it’s not just so corporations can sell you products.

It’s so the powerful can study you, predict your behaviors, see what manipulates you, find what makes you obedient, and better understand how to control you.”


“It’s crazy that our banks and our pensions are investing in fossil fuel,

When these are the very things that are jeopardizing the future that we are saving for.”

Sir David Attenborough


Yeah, but his judicial appointments are an exception to his fascism and life long obsession with fraud (sarcasm). Seriously, Trump’s appointments to the bench were made in bad faith:

“For everyone who was spent years now trying to argue that Donald trump isn’t a fascist or a demagogue, open your eyes.

Facing indictment he’s calling for unrest and violence, exactly as he did when he was soundly beaten in an election.

We’re in this thing.

Time to get serious.”


Chase, Citibank, Wells Fargo And Bank Of America Fund A Quarter Of Global Fossil Fuel Financing”

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