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4/2022 The IPCC has been criminal

Updated: Jan 13, 2023

The IPCC has been CRIMINAL:

Renata Peters:

“Interview highlights and discusses inconsistencies in the ipcc mitigation paper. “

2019-06-29 _F2A9082aaap



“How I Came To Believe That Civilization Is Unsustainable

A Practical Guide To Collapse Awareness”

What happens in the arctic doesn't stay in the arctic... Collapse is inevitable. Collapse has happened before, is happening now, and there is much more collapse to come. Activism that doesn't recognise the fundamental predicament of #overshoot leads to maladaptive actions that are naive at best, and exacerbates the problem at worst. #CollapseAcceptance is proactive not inactive. #JustCollapse

‘But it’s different this time!!! No. It’s not. Overshoot is overshoot. Once your civilization starts to consume more than what naturally gets regenerated, in its folly to pursue infinite growth on a finite planet, collapse is only a matter of time’.

In its hubris, modern techno-industrial civilisation remains captivated by fairy tales and unicorns, but collapse is now irreversible. The longer we delay #CollapseAcceptance, the worse it will be. We must strive for what justice we can, where we can. A #PlannedCollapse is a #JusticeCollapse.”



Methane rose by 15.27 parts per billion (ppb) in 2020 and by 16.99 ppb in 2021, the two highest growth levels since the NOAA record began in 1984.

The image in the left panel shows a trend based on January 2008-December 2021 monthly mean methane data. When extending this trend, current methane concentration would be 1920 ppb. Note that methane in December 2021 was 18.6 ppb higher than in December 2020, and it now is April 2022.

The situation is even worse, as NOAA's data are for marine surface measurements. Methane tends to rise in the atmosphere and accumulate at higher altitudes. As illustrated by the second image, mean methane level is growing fastest at the higher altitude associated with 293 mb.

Anyway, have another look at the first (combination) image. The right panel shows that, when extending the trend further, a concentration of 3840 ppb (i.e. double the current concentration) could be crossed in 2029, which would translate into a carbon dioxide equivalent (CO₂e) of 768 parts per million (ppm) at a one-year global warming potential (GWP) for methane of 200.

Add up a carbon dioxide level of 420 ppm brings the joint CO₂e up to 1188 ppm, and when also adding nitrous oxide (N₂O), the CO₂e will be well over the 1200 ppm tipping point at which the clouds feedback starts to kick in, which on its own could raise the global temperature by 8°C. When also adding a burst of seafloor methane, the clouds tipping point could be crossed even earlier, say, by 2026.


Shortcomings of IPCC AR6 WGIII - Mitigation of Climate Change”

2019-06-16 _F2A5334aaap

“The Snowballing Effect of Repeat Disasters

Disaster responders sometimes miss the larger picture by examining natural disasters in isolation.”


“Underwater Permafrost Is a Big, Gassy Wild Card for the Climate

You’ve probably heard of permafrost, the frozen carbon-rich land. But it’s also thawing under the sea, burping up planet-warming gases.”

“Val Eisman

“"Methane is a [serious climate threat]

, as it is [80 times as potent]

a greenhouse gas as CO2 (although it disappears from the atmosphere much faster). In terrestrial permafrost, it’s produced when microbes have wet organic material to chew on—and obviously the seafloor is rather wet. But submarine methane also comes from underlying deposits of natural gas that have leaked upwards and gotten trapped in a latticework of frozen water, a solid known as methane hydrate. (It’s basically gassy ice; it’ll [even ignite]

These molecules are “sitting there just waiting for a temperature threshold to be crossed, and then they can be released quite dramatically,” says Abbott."


Sam Carana

“Ocean Warming Doubles Odds for Extreme Atlantic Hurricane Seasons”

“New research shows vulnerable communities need to prepare for more years like 2017-2020, with devastating storms like Harvey, Irma, Maria and Laura.”

“Extreme Atlantic hurricane seasons made twice as likely by ocean warming” - by Peter Pfleiderer


“Alaska permafrost thaw is clue in mystery of Arctic methane explosions”

Val Eisman

“Russian scientist says large infrastructure in the permafrost in the Yamal peninsula is like a heat-directed missile and could cause methane explosions where there are gas pipelines.

"Vladimir Romanovsky: That’s right. Yeah, the more greenhouse gas concentration, faster warming. Faster warming and permafrost thaw, more right conditions in more areas where it isn’t possible right now, and more explosions and so on. But I wouldn’t kind of neglect the possibility of problems with infrastructure with that, because according to my theory, this phenomena happens in the areas of warmer permafrost. And also, we know that any large infrastructure makes permafrost warmer. So in this case, this protrusion will actually be directed toward the warmer permafrost, which is under infrastructure, and that makes it very dangerous. So, you see, it’s kind of some sort of heat-directed missile, you know. It goes to the source of heat. Of course, it’s speculation. Of course, it’s kind of like an interesting twist in this phenomena, but it’s possible.

Casey Grove: Yeah, that does seem pretty troubling, and also interesting, just that, if that’s the case that it goes toward those things, it definitely seems worth studying more."

Vladimir Romanovsky: Right. And in the Yamal Peninsula, in Siberia, several of them have already happened. And very, very close to this Bovanenkovskoye gas field infrastructure, to the pipelines. So for them, it’s not a theoretical, potentially possible problem, but it is real problem. They’re already pretty much worried about what is going on there."

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