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4/2022 Biden restarts Oil, Gas Leasing on Public lands "Drill Baby Kill"

Updated: Nov 15, 2022

“Environmentalists blast Biden for new federal fossil fuel leasing”

2020-08-06 _F2A5388aaa

At a time of record profits big oil decided to hold back supply & coordinate with the war to blame Putin for the entire increase of prices at the pump, all in an effort to have Democrats$ open more drilling on the people’s land in the USA.

Alternatively, by choosing to withhold supply & blaming Putin for the price increase, big oil & Democrats were able to extort additional drilling rights on the people’s land. This at a time when the US should be negotiating for materials to build clean energy.

“Biden Administration to Restart Oil, Gas Leasing on Public Lands”


“‘One quarter’ of US emissions since 2005 come from fossil fuels on public lands”


Protect the wealth of the wealthy, all else is secondary:

“Biden Administration Budgets Record $27.6 Billion for Militarization of Outer-Space”


Thomas Brandt:

"Henry George's 140-Year-Old Dream of ‘Government Without Taxation’"--"In 1879, a political economist argued wealth derived from land value belonged to the American public. Today, economists are reviving interest in his ideas as a way to combat wealth disparities."


Whoever is most willing to engage in social murder and new levels of fascism will be our next President:

“In DeSantis’s Banana Republic, Corporations Must Support the Party”


The Rich and their subterfuges will take all they can from us and then cower underground as we slowly die off:

“The Federal Reserve just reported the U.S. Corporate profits are up 25% across the board.

Right now we have the highest inflation in 40 years and the highest corporate profits in 50 years.

Only a fool or a liar wouldn’t make the common sense connection.

You pay more so they can make more.”


“Billionaires Are Buying Everything, Including Free Speech

Their utopia is your dystopia.”


Anti Science: Never let a good tragedy go to waste, Rahm Emmanual:

“Val Eisman

“This short-sighted and foolish view IMO will end up hurting the entire world and ALL scientists and countries. Science is an international cooperative effort!

"Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Germany's Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry froze the funding used to pay personnel at the research station and to maintain instruments that measure how quickly climate change is thawing Arctic permafrost and how much methane - a potent planet-warming gas - is being released."”


“War, climate catastrophe and capitalist profiteering”


“Even the Cactus May Not Be Safe From Climate Change

More than half of species could face greater extinction risk by midcentury, a new study found, as rising heat and dryness test the prickly plants’ limits.”

2019 9/19 _F2A9954aaa2

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