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3/2023 Collapse is already in motion. Billions of people are going to die. Blame your politicians$

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Horned Spanworm (Nematocampa resistaria)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018-06-16 069aaa

“"Scholz A Lapdog" | Seymour Hersh On US Reports On Nord Stream Leak & Why Germany Is Shielding Biden”


Our 2 parties are practicing a policy of scorched earth to serve the rich and purifying the human gene pool


Willow Point approved - still think Democrats & Republicans don’t allow the rich and their corporations to kill us for profit and their own campaign donations? Climate Change and Mass Extinction are all about purifying the genepool:

And knowing this, Democrats still approved the Willow Oil project:

Temperatures are rising at super speed in the US / The US is heating up faster than the planet, and that’s already brought changes to every corner of the country.”

And knowing this, Democrats still approved the Willow Oil project:

“The US has fallen way behind on climate goals / President Biden pledged to cut carbon emissions in half by 2030 — but it will take a lot more work”


“Why climate credits for solar geoengineering are a bad idea / There’s still not enough research to start solar geoengineering, scientists say, let alone sell it as an easy climate fix.”


”Oh SH*T, more banks fail as Biden authorizes Fed and FDIC takeover”


“Oil giant Saudi Aramco makes a historic $161B profit in 2022”


Florida is soooooo very much off my radar. If I want a beach I'll go up to Lake Superior and freeze my ass off before setting foot in Miami:

“Will Ron DeSantis be the end of ‘Florida man’? Press critics sound the alarm over the potential demise of the famous ‘Sunshine Law.’”


Big Oil claims another life:

“How many more innocent souls do you want Africa to bury so that you can finally reduce CO2 emissions?

#CycloneFreddy in Malawi”


Willow point\Class Warfare\Genocide\ Human Extinction:

increasing green house gas emissions TODAY on the assumption that at some point in the future the required abatement can be achieved by some miraculous technology the planet’s feedback mechanisms can’t compete with is saying you don’t, as a public servant, have a problem with the high probability of risking the lives of billions of people and causing irreparable damage to the entire planet to ensure increasing the wealth of a relatively very small group of individuals

That’s not reasonable or even remotely sensible. It only makes sense if you place no value on human life - starting at the low point of the global socio-economic scale and moving up.

This is especially the case when completely viable alternatives exist but are refused because of political ideology.

A political ideology whose values clearly indicate this would be done to achieve social cleansing. In fact, certain of the members to this ideology have stated precisely that - publicly.


After 2 years the EPA finally acts with the bare minimum to protect the nonrich from PFAS and it makes National Mainstream Media news. Sad.

Corporations are COMPLETELY in charge of every aspect of America while a feeble minded President provides theatrical cover. Nothing is sacred - not human life, damn sure NOT your children’s future, & the environment will be liquidated


I am not an “acceptable loss”


“Overshoot: Why It’s Already Too Late To Save Civilization


“Civilization is going to collapse. Not in 1000 years, not in 100 years, but within the lifetimes of most people alive today.

It doesn’t necessarily mean humans will go extinct, but at the very least, billions of people are going to die from disease, violence, starvation, dehydration, natural disasters, and war.

How do I know this? Because it has already begun.”


“Rich countries export twice as much plastic waste to the developing world as previously thought. Current estimates only cover “the tip of the plastic waste iceberg.””


“Badly Flooded California Braces for Another Atmospheric River

Communities in the state are already struggling with road closures and flooding, and another storm is on the way.”


Jesus is sending Republicans a message:

“A 5,000-Mile-Wide Blob of Stinky Seaweed Is Headed Straight for Florida

Sargassum algae is having an early, potentially record-breaking bloom in the tropical Atlantic this year. It's a problem for tourism and coastal ecosystems.”



““Another Massive Climate Disappointment”: Biden Slammed for Oil Project Approval

The Willow project, as proposed by ConocoPhillips, has been dubbed a “carbon bomb” by climate advocates.”


“Cyclone Freddy death toll in Malawi, Mozambique passes 100

With bare hands, Malawians dig through mud for survivors; Mozambique officials say fallout from the storm’s second landfall was worse than expected.”


Marburg virus outbreaks are increasing in frequency and geographic spread – three virologists explain”


“First Footage of Giant London-Sized Iceberg Reveals Its Breathtaking Scale”

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