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3/2023 Procter & Gamble, Pepsico, Unilever, Colgate and Nestlé - Sustainable palm oil does not exist

Updated: Dec 31, 2023

Compton Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis vaualbum or N. l-album)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017-07-11 460aaap

Sustainable palm oil does not exist! Palm oil companies clear parts of the world’s most biodiverse forests! Now there’s hardly anything alive

Large areas of the world's most biodiverse forests have been cleared for palm oil plantations and the inhabitants are being driven off their land. The situation is getting worse since palm oil is not only used for food but also for bioenergy production. Meanwhile, corporations and countries, such as Germany, advertise sustainably produced palm oil. But there is no such thing as sustainable palm oil, as is being revealed time and again.

According to the NGO Friends of Earth, on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, one of the world's largest palm oil companies, has illegally appropriated thousands of hectares of community-owned land, devastated local waterways and destroyed rich forests. Palm oil from these plantations most likely ends up in everyday products made by companies like Procter & Gamble, Pepsico, Unilever, Colgate and Nestlé. The group is financed by the world's largest financiers, including BlackRock, State Street and a host of multinational banks. "If you trace the supply chain, you will find an oil palm at some point, probably in Indonesia. But the companies that sell it to big companies like Johnson & Johnson, Kellogg's and Mondelēz are potentially depriving indigenous communities of millions of dollars in income," according to another recent BBC research. Indonesia's list of the super-rich is already full of palm oil billionaires.

Opaque supplier networks, cleared rainforests and associated lost habitats of endangered species, that's palm oil. And not only Indonesian environmental lawyers are brutally murdered when they fight against palm oil companies, journalists are also arrested. Like Monsanto, which brutally takes action against critics and even keeps lists of critics, the palm oil mafia also lets itself be supported by PR companies so that the critics are silenced. Meanwhile, special PR companies are taking over the work that paid mercenaries used to do, although they also already have such companies and even monitor social networks and spy on critics. Anyone who writes negatively about the machinations of the palm oil mafia goes to prison or is murdered. This is also palm oil and does not really sound "sustainable".”

Sustainable palm oil does not exist! Palm oil companies clear parts of the world’s most biodiverse forests! Now there’s hardly anything alive”

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