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3/2023 "Law professor warns Supreme Court is a 'threat to the whole system'”

Updated: May 1, 2023

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Eva Valaardingerbroek:

“We should be the ones knowing everything about government, not the other way around. We are private citizens, they are public servants. We pay them in them in the form of (insanely high) taxes, yet they treat us like potential criminals who need to be monitored 24/7.

Why accept that?”


“Dave Chia

March 6 at 9:50 AM


The idea of #Socialism is a massive threat to the corrupt AF #Corporatocracy & the illusion of #democracy that we have.

(link to a series of these memes below)


The key to ending the violence against the most vulnerable among us, is to wake everyone up to the lies we're all being told.

Horrifically effective #NarrativeControl hides the terrible truth of our #dystopian situation.

When enough of us become aware of the lies -- real, systemic change can begin.

Before a revolution happens, it will be perceived as impossible; after it happens, it is seen as having been inevitable -- #RosaLuxemburg

#Revolution is self-defense against the brutal, criminal #parasites & their #collaborators in power.”


“Poverty is violence

Endless war is violence

Homelessness is violence

Racial profiling is violence

Denying healthcare is violence

Unaffordable housing is violence

Destroying our environment is violence.

Once we acknowledge that these unnecessary and avoidable causes of suffering are forms of structural violence, we understand the dominant culture in the United States for what it is – one that glorifies, legitimizes and perpetuates violence for profit.”

“Who is our real enemy?

Is Russia preventing us from getting Universal Healthcare?

And causing ~550k+ of us to declare medical bankruptcy every year?

Did China cause our wealth inequality, poverty, opioid epidemic & endless are problem?

Iran allowing our cops to do racial profiling, police brutality & mass incarceration?

North Kore & Syria destroying our environment & our crumbling infrastructure?

And poison the water in Flint? Then try to cover it up, and keep all the criminals involved from going to prison?

Cuba responsible for homelessness, food insecurity & mental health crisis here?

Yemen & Afghanistoin controlling MSM to continuously spew propaganda lies at us?

F**k BOTH parties of the duopoly – they are the brutal, criminal, collaborator puppets of the parasites of the World Oligarchy!


“Vladimir Putin is “wrecking his own country in a way, although in a very different way from the murdering that he’s carrying out in Ukraine,” the historian Stephen Kotkin says, in a new interview with David Remnick.”

“How the War in Ukraine Ends

An eminent historian envisions a settlement among Russia, Ukraine, and the West.”


Bid Oil and its subsidies cause this and much more:

“More than 171 trillion pieces of plastic are now estimated to be floating in the world's oceans, according to scientists. The concentration of plastics in the oceans has increased from 16 trillion pieces in 2005, data suggests. It could nearly triple by 2040 if no action is taken, scientists warn.”

“Oceans littered with 171 trillion plastic pieces”


Big oil and washington lied and conspired to commit genocide against the little people:

“India is likely to experience heatwaves between March and May, as the country recorded its highest ever maximum temperature in February.”

“India to get heat waves this year after hottest February on record”


Our leaders and their judiciary must be held accountable for Ecocide

“Strap In: The Earth is expected to shift from a cooler La Niña state into the heat of an El Niño event as early as autumn, with researchers urging policy-makers to prepare for further warming—and the possibility of breaching 1.5°C as early as 2024.”

“Looming El Niño Raises Concerns for Global Heating”


“Workers from Mexico were brought to the U.S. for what they thought were decent, legal jobs.

Data from the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline shows many guest workers on H2-A visas face abuse and trafficking.

Tell Congress: It’s time to pass the Visa Transparency Anti-Trafficking Act and fix the system that is causing trafficking!”

“Urge Transparency in Congress for Guest Workers”


“Corrupt Republikkklan Court Packing

"In an grim column for The Atlantic, American University Law Professor Kimberly Wehle warns that the current Supreme Court with its 6-3 conservative majority has become "a threat" to the country as it runs roughshod over previous rulings while usurping the powers of the executive and legislative branch unchecked.

As Wehle explains, using recent rulings including the highly controversial overturning of Roe v Wade last year, the court, bolstered by three far-right justices appointed by former president Donald Trump, has taken on cases that expose "the right-wing majority’s appetite for asserting massive power under the auspices of judicial review."

Noting that Stanford Law School Professor Mark A. Lemley recently wrote that the court, as it stands now, is engaged in “a radical restructuring of American law across a range of fields and disciplines,” Wehle agreed, writing that what the court's conservative wing is doing runs, "...along two lines: substantive changes to the Constitution made under the guise of interpretation, and procedural power grabs executed despite traditions of deference. This has pushed our constitutional system dangerously off balance, with little opportunity for correction."

Case in point, she notes, is how the court ruled on the two hot topics of abortion, in its controversial Dobbs ruling, and guns.""”

“'A guarantee of anarchy': Law professor warns Supreme Court is a 'threat to the whole system'”

“The Supreme Court Just Keeps Deciding It Should Be Even More Powerful

Whatever conservative ethos of restraint there once was has vanished.”

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