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3/2023 Strategies for their removal of “life-time appointments” to the judiciary that only require

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

False Crocus Geometer (Xanthotype urticaria)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017-08-13 145aaa

Perhaps no other white collar extremist group – outside the Democratic & Republican Parties, Big Oil, Big Ag, Big Pharma, and Too Big to Fail Banks – have done more damage to the greatest numbers of Americans than Leonard Leo’s Federalist Society (that staffed Trump's Judicial appointments) and soon Leo's Teneo Group:

To stop SCOTUS from using Independent State Legislature Theory to appoint the next President, Democrats could do any of the following or do nothing at all as they step back and watch the country plunge into an authoritarian dictatorship:

Dems could stop SCOTUS using Independent State Legislature Theory to appoint a Teneo extremist by getting rid of the Conservative Majority held by politically active fascist Judges (set up by Leonard Leo);

Strategies for their removal of “life-time appointments” to the judiciary made by a treasonous anti-American President Trump (acting at the behest of Leonard Leo) may or may not include:

1. defunding their salaries;

2. forcing their retirement;

3. buying them out of their appointment;

4. illegally firing them and allowing them to seek restitution against the U.S. Government in the courts;

5. pass a law targeting a judges’ circumstances making it illegal for them to be a judge;

6. fire them legally for just cause;

7. impeachment, and

8. use any of the above in tandem with the bully pulpit.

* All any of the above 8 strategies need to succeed is political will

Trump “counseled” Anthony Kennedy to retire. The only reason a judicial appointment is “life-time” is because the dominant political party lacks the will to end it. Beyond which the Supreme Court has a history of “Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted.” Recruiting assistance internationally to purge the justices may also help.

[Ref. Making it all Permanent, 5/2020]

Trump’s entire career is riddled with criminality. To think that Democrats demand working American Citizens observe his appoints to the bench (apparently because he temporarily went out of character to act in good faith, spirit and intent only to switch back to criminality promptly afterward) is heinous:


A product of Leonard Leo’s handiwork can be seen in members of his US Supreme Court:

Human Reform Politics on FB \ From Douglas Dunn

December 2, 2021

All of the six Republican-appointed ”justices” are illegitimate. All were either appointed by an illegitimate “president” who did not win the popular vote and only “won” the electoral college by massive cheating and voter suppression, OR lied under oath about sexual violence during their confirmation hearings, OR only got their nominations or confirmations because of illegitimate manipulation of the confirmation process in ways never envisioned by the Founders.

1. Clarence Thomas — committed perjury during confirmation hearings lying about sexual assaults.

2. John Roberts — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and only “won” the Electoral College solely because of cheating and voter suppression in Florida.

3. Samuel Alito — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and solely because of cheating and voter suppression.

4. Neil Gorsuch — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and solely because of cheating via CONspiracy with Russia and vote suppression in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Also occupies a seat that should have been filled by Obama who was obstructed by racist Mitch McConnell.

5. Brett Kavanaugh — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and only “won” the Electoral College solely because of cheating via CONspiracy with Russia and voter suppression AND committed perjury during confirmation hearings and sexual assaults, including rape.

6. Amy Coney Barrett — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and solely because of cheating and voter suppression AND whose appointment was illegally rushed through in an unprecedented violation of the Senate’s own rules after voting in a presidential election was already under way.

Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh both lied under oath about sexual harassment of women, who they seem to think are their personal playthings. They are hardly the right people to be making judgments about women’s rights.

The nonconforming and surreptitious nature with which they cancelled the Clean Air Act qualifies them from removal from the bench


Here is more on Leonard Leo from facebook grouip “Republicans are Thugs in Suits”

"A few months ago, Leonard Leo laid out his next audacious project.

Ever since the longtime Federalist Society leader helped create a conservative supermajority on the Supreme Court, and then received more than a billion dollars from a wealthy Chicago business owner to disburse to conservative causes, Leo’s next moves had been the subject of speculation.

Now, Leo declared in a slick but private video to potential donors, he planned to “crush liberal dominance” across American life. The country was plagued by “woke-ism” in corporations and education, “one-sided journalism” and “entertainment that’s really corrupting our youth,” said Leo amid snippets of cheery music and shots of sunsets and American flags.

Sitting tucked into a couch, with wire-rimmed glasses and hair gone to gray, Leo conveyed his inspiration and intentions: “I just said to myself, ‘Well, if this can work for law, why can’t it work for lots of other areas of American culture and American life where things are really messed up right now?’”

Leo revealed his latest battle plan in the previously unreported video for the Teneo Network, a little-known group he called “a tremendously important resource for the future of our country.”

Teneo is building what Leo called in the video “networks of conservatives that can roll back” liberal influence in Wall Street and Silicon Valley, among authors and academics, with pro athletes and Hollywood producers. A Federalist Society for everything.

Despite its linchpin role in Leo’s plans, Teneo (which is not the similarly named consulting firm associated with former officials in the Bill Clinton administration) has kept a low public profile. Its one-page website includes bland slogans — “Timeless ideas. Fresh approach” — and scant details. Its co-founder described Teneo as “private and confidential” in one presentation, and the group doesn’t disclose the vast majority of its members or its funders.

But ProPublica and Documented have obtained more than 50 hours of internal Teneo videos and hundreds of pages of documents that reveal the organization’s ambitious agenda, influential membership and burgeoning clout. We have also interviewed Teneo members and people familiar with the group’s activities. The videos, documents and interviews provide an unfiltered look at the lens through which the group views the power of the left — and how it plans to combat it.

In response to questions for this story, Leo said in a statement: “Teneo’s young membership proves that the conservative movement is poised to be even more talented, driven, and successful in the future. This is a group that knows how to build winning teams.”

The records show Teneo’s members have included a host of prominent names from the conservative vanguard, including such elected officials as U.S. Sens. J.D. Vance of Ohio and Missouri’s Josh Hawley, a co-founder of the group. Other members have included Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York, now the fourth-ranking House Republican, as well as Nebraska’s attorney general and Virginia’s solicitor general. Three senior aides to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a potential 2024 presidential candidate, are members. Another is the federal judge who struck down a Biden administration mask mandate. The heads of the Republican Attorneys General Association, Republican State Leadership Committee and Turning Point USA — all key cogs in the world of national conservative politics — have been listed as Teneo members.

Conservative media figures like Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire, several pro athletes and dozens of executives and senior figures in the worlds of finance, energy and beyond have also been members.

Leo joined Teneo’s board of directors as chairman in 2021 and has since become a driving force.

Teneo co-founder Evan Baehr, a tech entrepreneur and veteran of conservative activism, said in a 2019 video for new members that Teneo had “many, many, many dozens” of members working in the Trump administration, including in the White House, State Department, Justice Department and Pentagon. “They’re everywhere.”

The goal, Baehr said in another video, was “a world in which Teneans serve in the House and the Senate, as governors — one might be elected president.”"

“Inside the 'private and confidential' conservative group that promises to 'crush liberal dominance'”

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