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3/2023 Latent Heat Tipping Point and the Seafloor Methane Tipping Point to be crossed in 2024

2017-07-16 109aaa2

The military industrial complex needs to be renamed “the military\congressional\Main Stream Media\stock market industrial sized uphill wealth transfer complex


Xi wants to fight a war with America on American soil. Disturbing on many levels, most notably I very much doubt Washington would rebuild or give aid to nonrich Americans destroyed by their war


“The Corporations don’t have to lobby the government anymore, they are the government.” Jim Hightower, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.


“Biden's PR stunt in Ukraine backfires”


US Supreme Court to find Biden’s Student Debt relief unconstitutional for nonrich students as the expand their authority into deciding on building permits for replacements of kitchen cabinetry in single family homes


What happened to America l? Take for instance a few realities,...

the gibbering crack whores of war rant over China and now did you hear what Iran did?

as a giggling janel yellen spirits away another brief case of cash for Zelensky to launder and

the media dare not breathe a word about Kevin McCarthy dumping sensitive security docs to a white supremacist actively engaged in over throwing out democracy at Fox



The image shows the Northern Hemisphere Ocean Temperature Anomaly, compared to 1901-2000. The pink trend, based on 1850-2022 data, shows that the Latent Heat Tipping Point (at 1°C) was crossed in 2022, but the red trend, based on 2007-2022 data, better reflects variables such as El Niño and shows both the Latent Heat Tipping Point and the Seafloor Methane Tipping Point (at 1.35°C) getting crossed in 2024.

From the post 'Dire situation gets even more dire', at: “


“God Save Ukraine”

“In this episode of the Remnant Underground, Michael Matt looks behind the noise of “Putin’s War.” It’s easy to repeat after the talking heads on TV: “I stand with Ukraine,” or “Putin’s an evil madman!” But how does this help the suffering Ukrainians on the ground? And how is it beneficial to Americans, now that powerful voices in Washington are beating the drums of war in Europe?”

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