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3/2023 “Amid Drought, Wealthy Homeowners in New Mexico are Getting a Tax Break to Water Their Lawns"

Updated: Mar 17, 2023

2017-05-13 050aaa

Class warfare to the bitter end:

“Amid Drought, Wealthy Homeowners in New Mexico are Getting a Tax Break to Water Their Lawns

A new study found lax oversight of the tax break and the use of water meant for crop irrigation, which some of the homeowners were sprinkling on their “yards.””


“Ty Terence Kumpf:

/ Aldous Huxley /

"Aldous Huxley was a famous Novelist from England, who lived between July 26, 1894 and November 22, 1963.

Aldous Leonard Huxley was an English writer, who in retrospect, is best known for the dystopian future satire Brave New World (Brave New World) from 1932.

He moved to the U.S. in 1937, to escape the anticipated war in Europe, and lived in Los Angeles until his death in 1963. He wrote in most genres: novels, short stories, poems, travelogues, essays, prose and screenplay. In the interwar period, he wrote "cynical fable about how modern psychology and science had broken down traditional values ​​and led to rootlessness among the intellectuals." From the late 20th century, he writes of "large ethical seriousness and [affected] by his interest in mysticism and parapsychology...."


“As Above So Below”

The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery, where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would live their servitude.”

Aldous Huxley


“Tennessee has some of the highest HIV rates in the country.”

“The Federal Government Gives States Money for HIV Treatment. Tennessee Rejected It”


“ICE cancels operation targeting sex offenders – Several Florida attorneys general urging Biden administration to reverse the cancellation.”


“Federal Taxes do not fund U.S. government”

“Technically correct at the Federal level and you should be applauded for knowing the difference. But in my defense please consider,

1.The problem of government resources being used in pursuit of what is essentially fascism, wealth concentration, or class war fare in general, is not unique to just the Federal government and happens at all levels of government. Even those lower levels of government where the simplification of “…our/your,…” tax dollars is entirely appropriate,

2.Cash is fungible – give a dollar to the government, for any reason, and that dollar is no different and arguably the very same dollar they gave to a person, corporation, or cause while acting in bad faith unconstitutional way that should anger you. [consider the implications surrounding politicians who are stockholders in big oil and other industries before govt where they have a conflict of interest on issues of. say, like cash subsidies to big oil. The dollar Govt prints in your name and then gives to big oil is arguably the very same dollar they get back in the form of a stock dividend - a conflict of interest that has lead to raw embezzlement pure and simple]

3.“…if it were not but for…” allows any and all American citizens to have a possessory interests in any and all that govt does, including the cash they produce when they issue currency. If it were not but for your consent to let them govern, they would not have access to any of it, be it tax revenue or the print press used to issue USD. And, like it or not, our challenge you to prove that none of your federal tax dollars go to paying for the operation of any aspect of government.

4. How do you think the super rich view their tax payments or the tax payments by those individual slaves they employ?

Economics helps people understand what’s going on. And certain schools of economic thought can be and have been used to justify toxic government. But beyond explaining how things work and justifying class warfare ideology in favor of the rich, don’t lose sight of the substance and meaning of what is actually going on.”

Reader Comment:

“Wink Edelman

Translation: Our federal Income Taxes do Not pay for federal spending (on things

like a $748 Billion "Defense" Budget, or Food Stamps, or NASA, or..., or...

nor Fund the Gov't). Those things are paid for with $$ Dollars $$ from thin air.”

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