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3/2023 “War and Theft: The Takeover of Ukraine’s Agricultural Land”

Updated: Mar 10, 2023

2017-05-09 581aaa

“Who controls farmland in #Ukraine?

New Report follows the money to unmask Vanguard Group, Kopernik Global Investors, BNP Asset Management Holding, Goldman Sachs-owned NN Investment Partners Holdings, and Norges Bank Investment Management behind major agribusinesses consolidating control of land.”

“War and Theft: The Takeover of Ukraine’s Agricultural Land”

Drill down when referring to Ukraine. Ask yourself “….if it were not but for…” and then say the word "America"...?

reader comment:

“Why did the US federal government push Ukraine to join NATO ? Why did the US not stand up for Ukraine when it applied for NATO? Why can Russia not put missiles on Cuba , because of the US national security?? But ok for the US to arm Ukraine ? Why can China not send weapons to Russia but the US can to Ukraine ?? There is more going on in Ukraine than any of us have any idea about. One thing for sure , is minerals has a lot to do with it. And money. Someone stands to gain or lose a lot of money.”

Government assists the Mass Extinction by pandering to rich donors and\or voter groups. This is what liquidating the peoples’ commons, their human health infrastructure looks like:

“43,000 fish killed in Ohio. Another 1,500 animals killed according to BBC.”

“Ohio toxic train crash killed nearly 45,000 animals”


“Efforts to prevent the Yellow River flooding may have made it worse”


Val Eisman:

“580 Sea Lions dead in Peru from Avian Flu”. The virus has jumped to mammals



What could cause humans to go extinct? Some may mention:

1. asteroid strikes

2. rampant pestilence, diseases, epidemics and pandemics

3. war, murder and violence

4. ecosystems and vegetation collapse, famine

5. dehydration

6. plastic pollution, spread of poisonous and toxic substances

7. nuclear accidents, nuclear war or waste leakage

8. outbreaks of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

9. emerging new or re-emerging ancient microbes

10. bio-weapons and biological experiments gone out of hand

11. infertility, genetic degeneration, loss of genetic diversity

12. madness, cults, depression and suicide

13. polar shifts, earthquakes, landslides and tsunamis

14. Artificial Intelligence gone rogue

15. hostile aliens breeding predatory animals

More recently, climate change threats are mentioned such as:

16. destructive storms, flooding, fires and more extreme weather

17. hydrogen sulfide gas released from oceans

18. depletion of the ozone layer

19. co-extinctions, i.e. extinction of species that humans depend on, resulting in our own demise.

There may be more threats, but my most important candidate is:

20. temperature rise

Temperature rise may cause near-term human extinction within decades or even earlier, as depicted in the first image, posted in 2013 at

The second image, created with NOAA data, shows Annual Northern Hemisphere Land Temperature Anomalies and has two trends added. The blue trend, based on 1850-2022 data, points at 3°C rise by 2032. The pink trend, based on 2012-2022 data, better reflects variables such as El Niño and sunspots, showing that this could trigger a huge rise, with 3°C crossed in 2024. Anomalies are from 1901-2000 (not from pre-industrial).

From the post 'Dire situation gets even more dire', at:”

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