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3/2023 “Catastrophic Carbon Removal. How the 'Big Solution' is failing badly.”

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

2021-08-20 _F2A0457aa-n-_F2A8191aa

“Arrest Warrant?

'A small price to pay' - Madeline Albright, US Secy of State. 1,500,000 Iraqis, primarily children died as a consequence of sanctions – UNICEF”


Jason Hickel:

“A political system where corporations own most of the mass media, where billionaires buy politicians, and where private-interest lobbyists shape legislation cannot be described as democratic. Call it what you want, but “democracy” isn’t it”


Caitlin Johnstone:

“It’s not “whataboutism” to say it’s absurd to charge Putin with war crimes without charging Bush, it’s a complete devastating argument against the claim being made. If the law doesn’t apply to everyone, then it’s not the law, it’s just corruption. It’s a tool of the powerful.”


“Putin arrest warrant issued over war crime allegations”

“impressive, very nice”

“Now let’s see the arrest warrants for Obama, Bush, Clinton, Blair and Netanyahu”


“They all belong in prison.” Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden


Threats and intimidation,…America is your typical bully:

“US threatens to arrest ICC judges if they pursue Americans for Afghan war crimes

“White House National Security Advisor John Bolton called the Hague-based rights body "unaccountable" and "outright dangerous" to the United States, Israel and other allies, and said any probe of US service members would be "an utterly unfounded, unjustifiable investigation."

"If the court comes after us, Israel or other US allies, we will not sit quietly," Bolton said.

He said the US was prepared to slap financial sanctions and criminal charges on officials of the court if they proceed against any Americans.”


“The US Invasion Was a Catastrophe for the People of Iraq”

“The US promised to bring freedom to Iraqis, but its eight-year occupation resulted in death and destruction on a horrifying scale. It left behind a corrupt, sectarian political order that has responded to popular protests with brutal repression.”


“Catastrophic Carbon Removal. How the 'Big Solution' is failing badly.”

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