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3/2023 “CLIMATE EMERGENCY DECLARATION" reads like this

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

2021-07-29 _F2A5747aaa

“Scientists know conclusively through its distinctive isotopic signature that all of the postindustrial rise in atmospheric concentration of CO2 is from human activities.

Coupled with the hallmark drop in atmospheric oxygen, the inevitable conclusion is that the human combustion of fossil fuels is raising atmospheric concentrations of CO2, lowering atmospheric O2 and warming the surface (which melts land-based ice and raised global sea levels).

From the IPCC AR6, WG1, Summary For Policymakers, Statement A.1.1, Page 4:

"Observed increases in well-mixed greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations since around 1750 are unequivocally caused by human activities."”


“I feel the need to explain something to the generation that does not remember, or never saw, a time when one person with a high school education could support a family of 3 comfortably.

This was real. For millions of families. It was *normal.*

It was stolen from you.”


“Order followers are the people that keep the system of slavery in place.”


Sam Carana \ Near Term Human Extinction:

“Heat reaching Arctic Ocean seafloor”

North of Norway, where the water is less than 400 m deep, temperatures higher than 5°C show up throughout the vertical water column, over a period from May 31, 2022, to March 16, 2023.

Stronger winds along the path of the Gulf Stream can at times speed up sea currents that travel underneath a cold freshwater lid forming over the North Atlantic. As a result, huge amounts of warm, salty water can travel from the Atlantic Ocean toward the Arctic Ocean, abruptly pushing up temperatures and salinity levels at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

The danger is that, with further melting of sea ice and thawing of permafrost, the Arctic Ocean will receive more heat from direct sunlight, more heat from rivers, more heat from heatwaves and more ocean heat from the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, resulting in destabilization of methane hydrates at the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean leading to explosive eruptions of methane, as its volume increases 160 to 180-fold when leaving the hydrates.

From the post 'Sea surface temperature at record high', at:



(If you squint you can just make out a pile of dead orangutans - with “wall st” printed on their foreheads)


Washington knows they are going to need additional resources if they are to control the 99% in the face of what is coming. SUPPRESS THE PEASANTS, the Fuhrer has spoken!!:

“#Police Funding

Fuk #Biden, the #DemParty / BOTH corrupt parties, and the Deepstate parasites.

Until we reform All police depts so there's much more #accountability & #transparency, #ACAB.”

“Biden budget doubles funding for police hiring program

“Fight for real reform to end #SystemicRacism & #PoliceBrutality

Create a #BadCops, National #PoliceDatabase so the scumbags can't work Anywhere

Lawsuits against bad cops need to primarily come out of police pensions & police unions -- this should instantly incentivize entire departments to quickly prioritize the permanent, self-removal of most of the bad apples. As well as motivate / prevent future criminal / careless behavior on & off duty.

#CRT #CriticalRaceTheory aka #History must be mandatory in schools

When 100 'good cops' don't report 1 criminal cop, you have 101 bad cops. ACAB”


Sam Carana \ Near Term Human Extinction:


A catastrophe of unimaginable proportions is unfolding. Life is disappearing from Earth and runaway heating could destroy all life. At 5°C heating, most life on Earth will have disappeared. When looking only at near-term human extinction, 3°C will likely suffice.

Meanwhile, current laws punish people for the most trivial things, while leaving the largest crime one can imagine unpunished: planetary omnicide!

Considering this, a Climate Emergency should be declared, supporting action including:

• Institutionalization of climate deniers until rehabilitated, under national acts such as the U.S. RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act and Sherman Antitrust Act.

• Holding politicians accountable for committing crimes against humanity and bringing them before the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the Netherlands, to avoid that they indemnify themselves for their inadequate action on the unfolding climate catastrophe.

• Local implementation of action on climate change, with Local People's Courts ensuring that implementation is based on the best-available scientific analysis, to avoid control by politicians who get bought by looters and polluters.

From the post 'Sea surface temperature at record high', at:”

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