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3/2023 Chad nationalizes assets by oil giant Exxon

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

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“Biden Administration Sued Over Willow Oil Project in Alaska’s Western Arctic

Environmental Review Fails to Account for Project’s Full Climate Impact

ANCHORAGE, Alaska— Earthjustice filed a lawsuit yesterday on behalf of conservation groups to stop the massive Willow oil drilling project in Alaska’s Western Arctic, which the Biden administration approved March 13”


+18.4C by 2026!?

Recent data is showing that temperatures have started to increase at an increasing rate,...I think the dirty bastards may have finally killed us all off*

Washington’s Climate\Biosphere Genocide: There’s going to be a hell of a lot people whose dying words are going to include ‘but I didn’t think it was supposed to be that bad’


Colin McCarthy:

“Global sea surface temperatures have just reached the highest mark in Earth's recorded history.

Marine heatwaves are dominating Earth's oceans.”


Bank Bailouts:

Gov should not bail out a member of an industry alleging to be critical for a properly functioning economy unconditionally.

To do so continues America’s long history of rewarding poor biz management and poor biz risk assessment skills. Such unconditional bail outs are a drag on the economic performance of Govt resources.

In banking, this should me that the bailed out entities Board member, executives, sr and mid level managers should receive zero protection in the bail out ad should be barred from holding any similar and greater position in any biz venture ever again. Additionally they should never be allowed to exercise any form of voting rights related to any form of stock or other ownership.

Otherwise Govt is incentivizing them to do it again. And, banking, if this should preclude mgmt from seeking a bailout - in the sole and absolute discretion of depositors (including but not limited to instance s of bank runs) then the operators of the biz (listed above) should be charged with theft (carrying a minimum mandatory sentence of 5 years) and govt will be free to proceed with a bail out and\or liquidation of the venture making depositors completely whole in the process, using the wealth of any politicians, political parties, super pac, foundation, any dark money apparatus, or other - both foreign an domestic - who have received political donations from anyone at any rank or title to the bailed out entity.

The people banned from ever holding similar positions shall also be banned from consulting to member of the banking industry, as well as be banned from ever exercising voting rights on any shares of an biz operating o the U.S.

Any politicians who might be subject to having their wealth seized during the bail out may not be party to Govt’s bail out, including the decision to put the entity into bailout

…..or something like (without the iPhone miswords)


Golly, who would of thought it?! The corrupt implosion of Silicon Valley Bank and the threat to working depositors hard earned savings occurred in Nancy Pelosi’s stomping grounds!:

“Nancy Pelosi: ‘Follow the Money’

The former speaker of the House discussed Silicon Valley Bank, January 6 revisionist history, and more in an interview focused on money and greed.”


Jim Robertson writes:

“Our military should be giving Chad democracy any day now.”

Pamela Sansone: “Chad nationalizes assets by oil giant Exxon”

What’s the matter with the US?

Lynn Eyer: “Learn from the French. Organize, agitate,& strike”

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