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3/2023 “Wetland Methane Emissions Reached ‘Exceptional’ Levels in 2020 and 2021”

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

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“Breathing Is Going To Get Harder; This Is Why”

“Warmer temperatures mean more pollution from sources you might not suspect.”


“Why rain on snow in the California mountains worries scientists”


“Chicago neighborhood groups sue US Army Corps of Engineers over expansion of a polluted dump

“Our community is fighting back and saying ‘no more.’””


“ArtiFact #34: A Climate Activist Dissects Ted Kaczynski's Manifesto”

“After embarking on a two-decade terrorist campaign of mail bombs, Ted Kaczynski forced the Washington Post to publish “Industrial Society And Its Future”, or, the Unabomber Manifesto, in 1995. This was an infamous tract on climate change as well as on the philosophical and pragmatic ramifications of accelerating technology.

In ArtiFact #34, Alex Sheremet is joined by radical climate activist Arnold Schroder of the Fight Like An Animal podcast to discuss “The Industrial Society And Its Future”. They tackle Ted Kaczynski’s claims about Leftism and political psychology, his time frame for ecological collapse, his use and misuse of terms such as “freedom”, and more. In assessing the Unabomber manifesto, they conclude that while Ted Kaczynski is often labeled insane or a genius, he is in fact neither. Rather, he is very much within his milieu, as well as a statistically likely end-product of his times.”


“The Decline of Western Civilization - Goodbye Old World!”

“The collapse of the west is visible. for us all. In the declining standard of living, the collapse of the banking system, the broken global security, in politics, economics, social justice and our daily life. High energy bills, soaring food costs. Nothing is like it used to be. But how will the future look like for the western world? Can europe, the US and others save themselves, or is change, inevitable ? Lets talk about the Fall of the West, and welcome to Dark New World.”


Pro-Willow because of jobs & energy independence?:

1 jobs that will cost the general economy more than they will benefit.

Jobs working toward your own suicide & digging your child’s grave.

Jobs that have you destroying organized civilization when a viable society is the whole reason you need wages in the first place.

I suppose they next argument will be you want to work in the greenhouse gas generating industry because you need to buy supplies so you can go hunting,…during a the Mass Extinction you helped create.

Maybe you should demand that your job with big oil pay you in the form of food

2 if big oil (aka Washington) really wanted energy independence then why do they export vast quantities of fossil fuels?

Diminishing domestic supplies of energy product via export in the name of achieving energy is like saying your engaging in sexual intercourse to promote virginity.

*At this juncture in human history it is DISeconomic to engage in fossil fuels


“Wetland Methane Emissions Reached ‘Exceptional’ Levels in 2020 and 2021”

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