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2/2023 The collapse of insect populations has remained completely absent from the public debate

Updated: Dec 23, 2023

Lobocleta peralbata (Lobocleta peralbata)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-08-03 216aaa

The whole spy balloon thing is premised on the masses not understanding and having to except main stream media’s moneyed interpretation of events. This IS the fourth Reich’s war machine in action.


I’m reminded of a friend’s technique used with his young children when they try to explain an act of bad behavior with the excuse that “…but everyone was…”. He would respond with “…if everyone was jumping off a cliff would you do that to?!”

Only with America’s Fourth Reich it becomes a matter of ”…but the Rich wanted…” and the response becomes “… if the Rich wanted you to kill people for their profits would you do that to?!”


“What a slanted article. I was the Illinois State Representative in the early 1990s representing Fulton County, including the Dickson Mounds facility. This article is nothing more than a shakedown operation by special interest groups.

A few weeks ago, I visited Dickson Mounds and was shocked by the dilapidated condition of a once-educational state museum.

The "native Americans" claiming a connection to the Mississippian culture may have through their ancestors been the reason for the Mississippians' destruction. Now they want control over modern scientific research by substituting their own superstitions.

Even this article, with a victimhood spin, admits there isn't any DNA evidence linking the Mississippians buried at Dickson Mounds to today's "Native Americans."”

“The museum built on Native American burial mounds

For decades, Dickson Mounds Museum in Illinois displayed the open graves of more than 200 Indigenous people. Thirty years after a federal law required museums to begin returning remains, the statewide museum system still holds thousands.”


“Cyclone-battered New Zealand declares national emergency”


“The collapse of insect populations is the most terrifying element of the unfolding environmental crisis. Not only because the problem is of unprecedented gravity, but also, and perhaps especially because it has remained completely absent from the public debate and from the political vision of our decision-makers.”

“Biodiversity: 'Neither the magnitude nor the speed of the collapse of insects were anticipated by scientists'”

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