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2/2023 Eco-disaster: $3 billion gold deposit found in North Washington

Updated: Feb 16, 2023

2022-05-18 _F2A5187aaa

“NASA's Curiosity Rover Stumbles Upon Wave-Rippled Rocks Left by an Ancient Lake”


“A major dairy company plans to slash methane emissions — but there’s an elephant in the room

Can Danone reach its climate goals without scaling back factory farming?”


Well, well, well, I have to admit I was wrong about the Chinese balloon. It seems,…

‘Washington officials have determined that the balloon could have been, under certain circumstances, made to be potentially capable of collecting information that may or may not be considered sensitive, at some point, by government, quasi-government or private entities and\or individuals.’

Uhm,…I feel violated?

Again, anything they (meaning George Stephanopoulos GMA’s version of a pro Democratic Party Tucker Carlson) allege the balloon was doing China could do from a satellite in space. They are using the balloon to manufacture consent for war with China. WAR WITH CHINA would be incredibly profitable for them and they will use every conceivable resource and say whatever they have to to achieve that war.


“Estimated $3 billion gold deposit found in North Washington

In current market value, an ounce of gold is worth more than $1,800 and the estimated deposit's value could come out to more than $3 billion before extraction costs.”


“Ta-Nehisi Coates on the right-wing backlash to teaching Black history”

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