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2/2023 “The Covd-19 pandemic in 2023: far from over”

Updated: Mar 10, 2023

2023 Photos\Dislocated Images All Years IMG_6027aaaaNo2

Chaos is very profitable:

“No Consensus Plan for Colorado River Use”

“Colorado River states again failed to arrive at a consensus plan for water use reduction. Watching how this unfolds will be instructive for navigating future resource shortages.”


“Q&A: Colorado River crisis brings ‘very dry’ reality to US West”


“Should we start preparing for the evacuation of Miami?”


“A Crucial Group of Covid drugs has stopped working”

“A key tool in the early pandemic response, monoclonal antibodies are now ineffective against new variants. Immunocompromised patients are especially at risk.”


“The Covd-19 pandemic in 2023: far from over”


“Ramping up wind turbines, solar panels and electric vehicles can’t solve our energy problem”

“Transitioning to an all electric economy requires too much complexity”


“China warns of more floods and heatwaves in 2023”

“Last year was marked by a record-breaking heatwave and China’s weather agency has warned of more this year, as the climate crisis escalates”

“China’s weather agency warned regional authorities to prepare for more extreme weather this year after record-breaking temperatures and a lengthy drought played havoc with the country’s power supplies and disrupted harvests last summer.”


“Starbucks Asked a COVID-Positive Employee to Work, Then Fired Him for Tweeting About It

Well over a hundred pro-union Starbucks employees have claimed the company fired them illegally in retaliation for union organizing.”


“You will own nothing – including books”

“Amazon joins the great reset to feudalism”

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