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12/2022 Jamie Dimon wants to see +5C because JP Morgan is basically an oil company with a bank

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

2019-06-16 _F2A5790aaa

An opinion of a man whose company is deeply tied to the oil industry’s success. JP Morgan even has custody of America’s Strategic Oil Reserve not to mention being extensively involved in leasing large hard assets used by the oil and gas industry. Dimon’s JP Morgan is in fact so aligned with Big Oil that I was told in Grad School that JP Morgan is actually an oil company that does banking on the side. His influence over Washington must be purged:

“If the lesson was learned from Ukraine, we need cheap, reliable, safe, secure energy, of which 80% comes from oil and gas. And that number’s going to bwe very high for 10 to 20 years.” Jamie Dimon, CEO JP Morgan


Soon you’ll be able to smell the dead on earth all the way to Mars:

“Duen Hsi Yen>NearTermHumanExtinction:

Contemplating what no one dares too. With no fossil fuels, according to Jack Alpert, Earth can only sustain a population of 50M at present standards of living. (98% would go back to Nature) #jackalpert

In other words, we would need a 50% reduction in population per decade to get to this level by 2100. This coming year alone, we would need to reduce our population by 200M! Current projections

So we would need to double the number of deaths/day.

Year Population

2023 8B

2030 6.4B

2040 3.2B

2050 1.6B

2060 800M

2070 400M

2080 200M

2090 100M

2100 50M

Per Jack Alpert #jackalpert

“At the end of this century, Earth's deliveries may support only small scattered low-tech tribes. Are there other possible futures for our children? Are there civilization designs that are equitable, peaceful, preserve the natural environment and dependent only on renewable or recycled resources.

I have identified three electrical grids powered by hydroelectric dams which produce enough power to maintain themselves for 500 years and support three small self-contained civilizations totaling 50 million people. In my design each has constant population, constant footprint, high technology and advancing arts and sciences.

Also because of energy limits, each recycles rather than mines new resources. Each uses natural soil maintenance rather than synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and each limits where it distributes energy. Too wide an area will dilute energy intensive services like healthcare, transportation and education. Because there is no energy distribution outside of the cities, no one lives in these areas. They return to their natural wilderness states. Eco-sustainability, formerly a victim of too much energy, is now a byproduct of limitations in energy distribution. The well-being level within these cities, by my rough calculations suggests each person could have postgraduate education,

European health care, housing, job, symphony tickets, ability to launch kids and an electrical transportation system. Cars, roads and airplanes would be mostly absent. Thus far, I have presented the physical aspects of the human predicament and a design where the energy budget balances.”

“Changing the Course”

Transcript starts at 3 minute mark where 50 million sustainable steady state world population figure comes from.”

“Current World Population”


“Noam Chomsky: “We’re on the Road to a Form of Neofascism”

The ground is well prepared for neofascism to fill the void left by class war wrought by neoliberalism, says Chomsky.”


“The benefits of abolishing the two-part duopoly

It will reduce toxic polarization

It will improve civic discourse

It will promote competition and choice in elections

It will reduce the power of special interests and big money

It will expand the voice of a diverse electorate

It will encourage cooperation and reasonable compromise

It will lead to a more functional government

The question is- Why wouldn’t we abolish a rigged system that’ tearing society apart, distorts the will of the people, and creates a dysfunctional government??

Quit getting played by a corrupt two-party system that doesn't represent you and is driving us off a cliff.”


They will kill us to fund their lifestyles:


IPCC AR6 projections to 2300 [Huge underestimate as amplifying feedbacks and carbon sink decline excluded]

Yes, warming continues long after 2100, while IPCC impacts & mitigation projections only go to 2100-misleading. BUT Huge underestimate, error increasing with temperature, as amplifying feed-backs and carbon sink decline are excluded.


Jens Poulsen:

“Meanwhile your new B.C. Premier Eby allows for continued Logging of your pristine Old Growth forests...

Climate leaders of CONada currently ranks wayyy down in 142nd place of Yale University's most comprehensive Environmental Performance Index ☝️

Here on Climate Policy Objective”

“Environmental Performance Index


America leads in death, destruction and imposing inequality:

“China and India lead in greening of the world through land-use management”


“Human Activity in China and India Dominates the Greening of Earth, NASA Study Shows”


“NASA Says Earth Is Greener Today Than 20 Years Ago Thanks To China, India”

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