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12/2022 Methane emissions are raging

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Common Lytrosis Moth (Lytrosis unitaria)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2016-06-21 080aaa

Sam Carana:


The IPCC keeps downplaying developments that could lead to a huge temperature rise. Such developments include:

• Rising greenhouse levels due to more emissions by people and collapse of the biosphere, and due to more emissions from forest, peatlands and waste fires;

• Collapse of the cryosphere, including decline of permafrost, glaciers and sea ice loss and latent heat buffer loss resulting in more clouds over the Arctic, more ocean heat moving into the Arctic Ocean and associated seafloor methane releases;

• Loss of cloud reflectivity and the potential for CO₂e levels to cross the clouds tipping point;

• Loss of the aerosol masking effect;

• More water vapor in the atmosphere in line with rising temperatures and as a result from loss of sea ice.

Altogether, these developments have the potential to raise the temperature by 18.44°C from pre-industrial, as discussed at the extinction page.

One of the most harmful ways in which the IPCC has been downplaying the potential for temperatures to rise is by using a too low Global Warming Potential (GWP) for methane.

In the IPCC special report Climate Change and Land a GWP for methane is used of 28 over 100 years to assess the impact of AFOLU (agriculture, forestry, and other land use) versus the impact of fossil fuel, etc.

The IPCC seeks to justify its use of a GWP of 28 by focusing on a pulse of methane over 100 years. The impact of such a pulse declines over the years, since the lifetime of methane is only 11.8 years. However, using a pulse to calculate the impact of the total methane in the atmosphere isn't appropriate, because methane doesn't just disappear, but is constantly replenished, or rather is more than replenished. Because of this and because of the potentially huge temperature rise within a few years, it makes more sense to calculate the impact of methane over a short period. Over one year, methane's GWP is 200.

The NOAA image shows a methane monthly average for November 2022 of more than 1950 parts per billion (ppb) at Mauna Loa, Hawaii.

From the post 'There is no Carbon Budget', at:


But Total is still invested in Uganda’s new oil venture:

“Encouraging News

"French politicians are also examining proposals to build large solar farms on empty land by motorways and railways as well as on farmland." We need to tell our own political leaders to follow suit:


“Lesson from the late Permian”

“Methane discovery sheds new light on world's largest mass extinction event”


We don’t get a second chance:

Demand UNRESTRAINED Climate Action:

“Earth Is “Unequivocally” in Midst of Climate Emergency

Demand #ClimateAction #SDG13 #TellTheTruth Stop stealing our children’s future! #ClimateCrisis #EcologicalCrisis



“That is an ominous display of too much Methane too soon.”


“It’s high time to defuse the military carbon bomb

We cannot tackle climate change, and save our collective future, while increasing military spending.”


“This is another consequence of the loss of the old 'Fast Ice'. The new thin sea ice is more vulnerable to perturbations.

If these storms occur over the ESAS, Houston we have a problem.”

“Strongest Arctic cyclone on record led to surprising loss of sea ice”


“Alleging ‘Failures’ to Protect Drinking Water, Coalition Urges EPA to Take Over Ohio Fracking Waste Wells

Ohio’s “permissive” regulation of fracking waste injection wells threatens public health and the environment, a petition to the EPA says.”


Val Eisman:

“In the last 50 years 69% of wildlife has GONE! I'm 69. I'm am living through EXTINCTION! I have been witnessing it happening close and upfront from my place in the mountains I recently sold. Now I see the migrating birds have vanished--thousands of the geese and other migratory waterfowl--according to local Portland newspapers from the wildlife preserves I have visited. We had little rain and there are few lakes for those that didn't die from Avian flu to land in. I saw few geese and no swan at Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge 10 days ago. Only the migrating cranes came and some ducks.”

“Here Are The Scary Reasons Why We Need To Stop Ignoring The Climate Crisis”

[similar observations with insects in Wisconsin.. 'dinosaurs gave us flowering plants and now dinosaurs are taking them away]


That ship has sailed. It’s in the rearview mirror:

The planetary emergency we must avoid (spoiler alert: it’s not climate change) #EcologicalCrisis Planetary Boundaries #auspol #TellTheTruth #SDGs


“UNESCO calls on Australia to commit to 1.5°C limit to protect the Great Barrier Reef

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