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12/2022 U.S. 40th in life expectancy as CO2 is 40% & methane is 140% higher than last 800,000 yrs

Updated: Dec 15, 2022

2016-07-29 184aaa

“Biden Blundering Billions...”

“Biden Admin SCRAMBLES To Account For $20B+ In Ukraine Aid Ahead Of GOP Investigations: Report”


Washington has failed humanity:

“It is getting a lot worse. Look at the USA now. There was very little red last week.

Methane is lighter than air so this is methane coming out of the ground and out of the methane wells.”


The accomplishments of chevron’s legal team, if any. and the power of chevron’s wealth over our three branches of govt death don’t mean shit when assessing what is right or allegedly wrong

Steven Dover for President 2024!


“The Texas Group Waging a National Crusade Against Climate Action

The Texas Public Policy Foundation is shaping laws, running influence campaigns and taking legal action in a bid to promote fossil fuels.”


“Fonda retakes the Hill: ‘Cancer is scary, but the climate crisis is scarier’

After years away from Washington, the actress is reviving her Fire Drill Fridays rally — and occasionally still talking movies”


Brace for impact:

Peter Carter



All far higher than past 800,000 year limit (CO2 40% higher, methane 140%)

Abrupt increase obvious 2000 years ago

All accelerating higher from 25 years go


“'Heartbreaking' and 'Pathetic': US Obstructs Patent Waiver for Covid Tests and Treatments

“There have been at least 290,000 deaths from Covid-19 since the WTO punted on the question of global access to tests and treatments back in June," said one advocate. "How many more need to die before the U.S. joins the right side of history?"”


“Here's what D. C. Demwits are supporting...a Biden-backed Ukraine Civil War that's a U.S. proxy war with Russia. Senseless killings by the thousands risking World War III and worldwide annihilation.

A key passage from The Times of London:

Savluchenko, 32, was a senior Ukrainian official of the local government installed in Kherson during the Russian occupation, a lifelong pro-Russian activist and the head of the city’s department for families, youth and sport. His killers were Ukrainian partisans, members of a loose resistance movement that operated in the city after it fell to Russia in March.”

“‘They think we won’t find them’: the hunt for collaborators in occupied Ukraine

The clandestine struggle of undercover partisans against those judged to have betrayed their country by siding with the Russians”


“I wish people would stop referring to @TheDemocrats as the left.

They’re another part of the right wing.

They just use different social issues to entrap voters.”


“The U.S. ranks 40th in life expectancy. We have to do better - and we can, if we act urgently.

At the Bloomberg #AmericanHealthSummit, the Bloomberg American Health Initiative at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health shared a new report outlining 10 steps to set our country on a path toward longer lives.


“ACTION: Call D.C. to Stop Sen. Manchin’s Dirty Deal to Fast-Track Mountain Valley Pipeline”

“Together, we’ve killed this zombie bill before, and we can do it again! #NoMVP #DirtyDeal #PeoplevsFossilFuels

1. Call key targets and ask them to VOTE NO on any rule that advances the dirty deal. You can use this script: “Hi, my name is ____, & I’m calling on behalf of ____. We urge your boss to vote NO on any rule that would advance Senator Manchin’s dirty permitting deal. This legislation is an unacceptable fossil fuel giveaway that makes a mockery of our climate and environmental justice goals. I urge them to VOTE NO on this effort to fast-track fossil fuel projects, harm our climate, & sacrifice communities.”

2. Send an email to House democrats asking them to VOTE NO on any rule that advances the dirty deal. (Contact list and sample email language at the link)”

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