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12/2022 Greater Chaco Landscape is threatened by oil & gas and Deep Sea mining to destroy our Oceans

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

2016-06-15 144aaa

“The sea floors under Arctic waters are surreal, haunting — and increasingly dangerous. Bordering Russia, Norway, Finland, and Sweden, these northernmost seas are home to underwater kelp forests and coral reefs now littered with over 17,000 pieces of rusting radioactive debris. From spent fuel rods to old submarines laden with nuclear torpedoes, they’re corroding mementos of the Soviet Union, which used the Kara and Barents Seas as dumping grounds for thirty years.”

“A ‘Chernobyl in Slow Motion’ Under Arctic Seas

Thousands of radioactive objects — including spent fuel and corroding nuclear reactors — lie at the bottom of several Arctic seas”


Biden’s “Climate Power” facebook page is regurgitating conservative spin that will prove deadly to the nnorich:

Climate Power: “Because of the tax credits included in the Inflation Reduction Act, a new $150 million dollar battery factory was just announced in Arizona.”

Response: Tax credits don’t create demand for batteries. They only make it more profitable for the for profit entity involved. (who are these climate power Biden flunkies anyway?!) oh look it’s in Arizona hmmm the political benefits are boundless!!


“No better man [bernie sanders] has ever been cheated out of the chance to be our President.”

“Obama, Hillary, the DNC & corporate Democrats made sure to sop us from have a Bernie Sanders presidency.”


“I wish all train operators a very pleasant illegal rail strike”


Black in the Empire:

“Isn’t it cool how the United States can illegally occupy Syria, steal their oil and scream about Ukraine’s sovereignty at the same time?”


“The Greater Chaco Landscape is threatened by oil and gas development – making it essential to protect the areas surrounding the Chaco Culture National Historical Park. Add your name to show your support for protecting this living landscape and World Heritage Site! #ProtectChaco



“I have only a short time to live, only one death to die, and I will die fighting for this causes. There will be no peach in this land until slavery is done for.”

“On this day in 1859, abolitionist John Brown was executed for his attempt to incite an armed slave revolt.”


“At the bottom of the Pacific ocean, there was once an ecosystem full of life. Then, in 1989, scientists tested a deep-sea mining simulation, and it wrecked the surrounding ecosystems beyond repair. The area remains lifeless more than 20 years later.

If we do not take action, deep-sea mining will move beyond testing in 2023 and cause irreversible destruction at a massive scale to untouched ecosystems.

Add your name to stop deep-sea mining today, and help prevent this tragedy before it begins. #DefendtheDeep

“URGENT: What’s been disclosed so far about how the deep-sea mining process works is chilling.

Miners plan to use massive, robotic machines that operate like super-charged vacuum cleaners. Once lowered thousands of feet to the ocean floor, they begin sucking up precious minerals, as well as the top 5-30 centimeters of the seafloor and any marine life that gets in the way. The process has been likened to clearcutting a forest and then siphoning off all the nutrient-rich soil. Even worse, the thick layer of ocean floor that the mining machines would suck up and pump out would create a massive plume of debris, similar to an underwater sandstorm, that could harm life for hundreds of miles in every direction.

Add your name to stop deep-sea mining today, and help prevent this tragedy before it begins. #DefendTheDeep

“Say No to Deep-Sea Mining”


“Fresh in from Zack Labe (12/1/22), we are now at 1.7C over land. This means in most of the Northern Hemisphere the average is already above 2C. According to the ultra-conservative UN IPCC 2019 report, global wheat and corn yields will continue to fall rapidly. -

"Brace for impact"”


“Paid sick leave is a right we all deserve — and an urgent public health issue. Win or lose, we’re indebted to the railworkers for their fight to achieve it.”

“By Fighting for Paid Sick Leave, the Railworkers Are Fighting for All of Us”

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