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12/2022 Epic chaos setting in as people fleeing Climate find no place is ready

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

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“This Black Friday, retailers warned their investors that they had built up high inventories and were starting sales in October, not because shoppers were worried about getting their gifts on time, but because retailers needed to get rid of the inventory they had accumulated.”

“Why Black Friday is going on forever this year

Bulging shelves and nervous consumers mean a longer holiday shopping season.”


“The world can’t recycle its way out of the plastics crisis

The International Energy Agency projects that by 2050, more than half of all oil and gas will be used to make plastics and petrochemicals. This has enormous climate impacts.”


Everything is connected:

“Mauna Loa, Earth’s Largest Active Volcano, Just Woke Up after 38 Years

Hawaii’s Mauna Loa, the largest active volcano on Earth, erupted for the first time in nearly 40 years. Its eruptions tend to be shorter-lived than those of the other Big Island volcanoes, and its lava is more liquid and flows faster”


“The world’s governments gather together to discuss what should be done about global warming, and finish their time together by issuing statements of concern while doing little concrete to actually solve the problem. And it is thus with COP27.”

“COP27 continues the climate summit ritual of words without action”



“In this century, climate migration will be larger, and is already by some measures larger, than political or economic migration. People are relocating and the “map of humanity” will shift in the coming decades, with an eye toward climate change.”

“Fleeing Global Warming? ‘Climate Havens’ Aren’t Ready Yet

Climate migration is already underway. Here's how cities can prepare.”


America once again is failing it’s people’s health:

“Understand that this is a consequence of environmental decay

What's a "tripledemic?" Three viruses are leading to a rise in hospitalizations in children. Covid-19, flu and RSV have combined to create a tripledemic.”

“What’s a tripledemic? RSV, Covid, and Flu”


“Humans could disappear from planet Earth without even a whimper, that is, the whimper of new babies as the human sperm count keeps plummeting.”

“Path to extinction? Sperm count accelerates its decline”



Pelosi, McConnell, Kerry, McCarthy, all them boobs need to be the ones putting the coming tsunami of dead Americans in body bags. Whose going to feed the families taking refuge under bridges in back ally’s of northern and non coastal cities?! What’s going to happen when disease breaks out from the resulting overcrowded squalor?! The magnitude of the failure committed by our politicians is absolutely gargantuan!

Over the next 30 years, climate change is likely to uproot hundreds of millions of people around the world from their homes. Regardless of where they started, most of these climate refugees will end up in a city — drawn by the promise of more resources or a fresh start. This will pose enormous challenges for urban areas across the world.”

“In this century, climate migration will be larger, and is already by some measures larger, than political or economic migration. People are relocating and the “map of humanity” will shift in the coming decades, with an eye toward climate change.”

“Climate migration is about to explode. Cities will bear the brunt.

Some mayors are trying to turn a crisis into an opportunity. But planning and preparing will take money.”


“Climate change will clearly disrupt El Niño and La Niña this decade, 40 years earlier than we thought”


“Party Like There’s No Tomorrow. There Probably Isn’t.”


“On the edge of retreat

An island community moved to the mainland. Now the fast-rising sea is following — a warning for the rest of the East Coast.”


“US Composite PMI Suggests the Economy is On the Verge of Recession

Private sector demand is weakening, signaling recession. As a side benefit though, supply chain problems are decreasing.”


“Consumer Bankruptcies, Foreclosures, Delinquencies, and Collections: Free Money Still Doing the Job”

“Powell said many times consumers can take tightening because loan distress is at historic lows. What consumers cannot take for long is raging inflation.”



Joe Manchin, Lindsey Graham, and 14 other U.S. senators demand that Biden give Ukraine a top-tier U.S. drone.”


“It’s All About the Bomb

Why civilian nuclear power is merely a cover for producing more nuclear weapons


“Can We Trust Corporate Media Outlets to Report on the Laws Set to Govern Them?

Establishment news outlets have irresponsibly buried stories on media policy to which they have an awkward relation.”


“Herschel Walker, South Park, and the Prius: How loving gas-guzzlers got political

Why do Republicans defend polluting vehicles? Because Democrats love the saintly Prius.”


“Drought Is Killing Christmas Trees Across the U.S.

Fewer available trees may mean higher prices for people hoping to display a real fir during the holidays.”

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