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12/2022 "The US Govt no longer represents the will of the American People”

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

2015-08-19 470aaaa

Every city in America needs to ditch the grass - even cities in the Great Lakes states! Minnesota gives a tax break to covert your lawn to natural space for pollinators etc.:

“8 Arizona cities have agreed to ditch some grass. But the deal goes far beyond that”


Biden’s recent actions in furtherance of oil & gas are that of a depraved elderly man who knows the consequences to the climate will be after he’s gone, and a big oil knows they’ve bought the judges to shield them from reckoning


ENEMY of Mankind,…and an American Poltician and consummate self-serving sociopath:

“Billionaire Peter Thiel won big in the midterms, buying himself a Senate seat in Ohio. So what does Thiel want? Unfettered corporate power and the destruction of government institutions. This election got him closer than ever.”

“Peter Thiel: The Billionaire Buying The End of Democracy”


“Great Barrier Reef should be placed on the 'in danger' list, UN-backed report shows

Scientists say the reef is facing major threats due to the climate crisis and that action to save it needs to be taken "with upmost urgency."”


Book: “An Inconvenient Apocalypse: Environmental Collapse, Climate Crisis, and the Fate of Humanity”


Book: “Beloved Beasts: Fighting for Life in an Age of Extinction”


If teching our way out of the consequences of Climate Change and the Mass Extinction is so great and worry free why are so many people dying?’

Book: “The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming”


Book: “Food or War”


The power elite have locked us in to so very much death and suffering:

Book: “Children's Health and the Peril of Climate Change”


Book: “A Guide to the Climate Apocalypse: Our Journey from the Age of Prosperity to the Era of Environmental Grief”


A Green New Deal would save trillions in losses but it doesn’t enrich the select few:

Book: “Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal: The Political Economy of Saving the Planet“


Harriett Tubman coin, Same Sex marriage, etc: there is no equality without economic equality, especially in a fascist cash-based government like America


Democrats continue to refuse reversal of Trump rule allowing patients on Medicare to be unknowingly & unwillingly switched to private for-profit Medicare Advantage scam


If it comes to using must pass legislation to cut social security - stealing money that govt had deducted from paychecks in order to fund personal savings accounts - don’t do it, instead CRASH THE FUCKING ECONOMY BECAUSE:

#1 Economic gains don’t accrue to 99% of Americans, and

#2 their bluffing as the resulting global disruption would invariably catch up to the rich and we all know the rich aren’t allowed to lose money

Stopping cuts includes cuts by committee so don’t think you won’t be held accountable in elections.

In short, if Republicans want to force cuts in Social and Medicare by holding up the debt limit LET THEM. It’s their suicide and the current economy doesn’t serve 99% of Americans and needs to change.

But watch what happens. In the end, Democrats – in an act of what is actually complicity - won’t stop the cuts, just like they didn’t stop state level gerrymandering when they had the chance.

“MAGA Republicans’ Plan to Force Social Security and Medicare Cuts

A Republican default on the national debt would exacerbate inflation, increase costs, and put Americans’ benefits at risk.”


“Let It be Known to the World”

“The US Government no longer represents the will of the American People”

Bert Wolfe writes:

While the Pentagon is planning for America to foolishly involve itself in a “long war” with Russia and China that will, in all probability, end in disaster for America at a minimum, and for the entire human race, at the maximum, America in the 21st century stands at an important crossroads. One road leads to a stubborn effort by a declining America, an America that continues to ignore the will and welfare of its people, yet forges ahead with a misguided policy of seeking to establish an unquestioned and unquestionable global hegemony, an American world empire. The other road leads a wise and enlightened America, an America that embraces the will and welfare of its people, to willingly end its drive for global hegemony, understands that we have entered a multipolar world where power, both military and economic, is dispersed among a number of regional powers, and that comes home to finally deal with the many serious internal issues, problems and crises that it has ignored for decades.

All the BRICSA (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) countries, amongst others, have tired of chafing under the weight of the American dollar’s financial dominance as the world’s “reserve currency.” Unlike small countries of limited power and influence, such as Iraq, Libya, and Syria, the BRICSA countries are rising powers which are industrializing rapidly and have rising, increasingly prosperous middle classes. And the BRICSA countries are very unlike the aging, steadily weakening economic superpower of the moment, the United States of America, with its dissipated, hollowed out industrial core; rapidly shrinking middle class falling into poverty and 21st century neofeudal serfdom; crumbling, decaying infrastructure; and its underfunded, unappreciated, disrespected public school system.

In 1945, at the end of WWII, the United States of America was a mighty colossus astride the Earth. An economic powerhouse, the world’s foremost conventional military power, holder of a monopoly on atomic weapons, the United States of America seemed overweeningly self confident, invincible, and unassailable. Unfortunately, for many years America let the heady dreams and delusions of power overcome a sober, dry eyed, and carefully considered constant reassessment of its place in the world.

While America was consumed with flexing its muscles and counting its money, the rest of the world was busily reconstructing itself from the disaster of WWII, rapidly developing its economic base, putting in place educational systems that would serve as the platform for even more growth in wealth and power, and creating their own rising, prosperous, innovative middle classes.

Meanwhile, the United States of America, simply believing its own press clippings rather than reviewing and reassessing its wealth, power, and military might vis-a-vis the rest of the world and taking the necessary sober, prudent steps to protect and insure its primacy in the world, began to eat its own seed corn by letting its small but powerful class of super wealthy people establish itself as a predatory, kleptocratic plutocracy of the 1 percent, an American oligarchy. The American plutocrats, seeing what their fellow countrymen would not see, the impending decline of the United States of America as the world’s foremost economic and military superpower, began to take advantage of the situation by starting to dismantle, liquidate, and offshore our national economic patrimony — the Great American Economic Patrimony (GAEP) — for their own selfish benefit. This destructive process has been going on for several decades, and is now far advanced.

And as the American oligarchy deliberately and selfishly weakened America internally, externally the rest of the world, chiefly the BRICSA countries, was catching up. Sadly, America today is mired in acrimony, savage inequalities, decay, indecision, and decline.

Meanwhile, the BRICSA countries are getting ready to knock the United States of America out of its seat at what used to be America’s exclusive table of world power and wealth, and sit down to eat America’s financial and economic lunch. America can either wisely and graciously make room at the table for these rising upstarts and by doing so, save a comfortable spot for itself at the table. Or America can continue on its current course of folly, and eventually be forcibly removed as the world’s foremost economic and military power.”

“End American Empire Before it Ends Us”

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