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12/2022 “Corporate Profits hit record high in third quarter amid 40-year high inflation”

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

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“Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick”


Never Forget: Democrats continued Trump’s Tax Scam for the Rich:

“Nobel Prize-Winning Economist Joseph Stiglitz: Trump Tax Plan to Worsen Inequality, Expand Loopholes”


“Democrats ignored the deadline to block gerrymandering of elected officials at the state level so now the same gerrymandered politicians can overturn the voting results of US Congresspersons and US Senators. Even if it violates the state’s constitution.

Democrats will NOT stop this.

They are complicit.”

I am not a Republican but find the spin interesting:

“Moore v. Harper and Marc Elias’s Curious Idea of ‘Democracy’

Democratic lawyers seek to hijack elections via state judges. The Supreme Court has a chance to stop them.”


Democrats despise the Working Class:

““Enough Is Enough”: Rail Workers Decry Biden’s Push to Impose Strike-Breaking Labor Deal”


“The Biden administration must act urgently to protect communities and the climate from the risks of gas exports by halting the industry’s plans to lock us into decades of oil and gas extraction and pollution.”

“Don’t Sacrifice the Gulf to LNG

Stop the Expansion of Fracked Gas Exports


“End American Empire Before it Ends Us”



“The Most Amazing Graph of the 21st Century: How the Empire is Striking Back!”

“Collapses are the way the universe gets rid of the old to leave space for the new. It was noted for the first time by the Roman Philosopher Lucius Anneaus Seneca (4 BCE-65 CE) and it is called today the "Seneca Effect."”


“A 1968 paper commissioned by the American Petroleum Institute warned that burning fossil fuels would drive up temperatures.

Forgotten for decades, the research was recently rediscovered and is now playing a key role in climate lawsuits against oil majors.”

“How an Early Oil Industry Study Became Key in Climate Lawsuits

For decades, 1960s research for the American Petroleum Institute warning of the risks of burning fossil fuels had been forgotten. But two papers discovered in libraries are now playing a key role in lawsuits aimed at holding oil companies accountable for climate change.


Welcome Aboard UK!:

“UK faces largest drop in living standards since 1950s”


The Green New Deal and Universal Healthcare would lower the basic cost of living in America:

“Cost of Living Debate: how bad is it going to get?”


Watch for misnamed initiatives that try to hid cuts to the safety net:

“Altman: Social Security And Medicare Work Just As They Are”


“The Power of Bee Democracy”



“An Orgy of Thieves”



We are close to many tipping points but when the cloud tipping point goes ALL life on earth goes. It can be reversed and will ultimately involve the oceans boiling off into space to name but one highlight:


“Kroger-Albertsons mega-merger could cause more US food deserts, experts say

Agreement between two of the largest supermarket chains in the US could also make prices increase”

“Whose protecting us from monopolies?

American exceptionalism is when we ignore this as corporate price gouging. It's going to take a people's party to hold corporations accountable for the problems of our nation.”

“Corporate Profits hit record high in third quarter amid 40-year high inflation”

“US Oligarchy: Command & Control”

“It's going to require eliminating Citizen's United that declares a corporation as being equal to a person. Just think of the absurdity. It's going to require reining in lobbyists, particularly the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It's going to require setting limits on donations and eliminating the round-about measures that skirt limits already in place. It's going to require stopping politicians from trading on Wall Street. And stopping bailouts. And so much more. Like regulation. A Capitalist Society can only survive and serve its populace well if regulations are in place to control acquisitions and mergers that result in bigger and bigger corporations that actually work together to keep prices high. For sure, this country is losing more and more of the pride it once held. A country for all its people, with equal opportunity. That's what we once were told. As they say, "Nothing lasts forever", a shame we're so willing to just sit back and watch it all slip away.”

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