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12/2022 We are dumping GHGs into the air at 10x the rate of the Great Dying of 252 million years ago

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

2019-06-16 _F2A5788aaa2p

“Europeans NOT HAPPY U.S. Profiting off of Ukraine War!”


The entire City of Houston Texas has to boil their water :

“Ben Norton

The USA is the world's "wealthiest" country (although only the rich benefit). Yet its public services are so bad that its 4th-largest city is warning residents to boil their water. Many formally colonized, developing countries have much cleaner water than the ultra-capitalist US”

“A boil water notice has been issued for the City of Houston ‼️ Everyone should boil the water before drinking, cooking, bathing, and brushing their teeth.”


Amen brother:

“People don’t realize how hard it is to speak the truth, to a world full of people that don’t realize they’re living a lie” Edward Snowden


America is in desperate need of antitrust enforcement:

“Black Friday and the need for antitrust”



“Endgame: How the Visionary Hospice Movement Became a For-Profit Hustle”


“US 'success' is Ukraine's disaster

In adopting "Success is confrontation" as a credo toward Russia, NATO states have invited catastrophe and undermined Ukrainian voices for peace.”


“100 UK Companies Move Permanently To Four-Day Week”


Last human alive please turn out the lights:

“Climate graphic of the week: World on track for up to 2.6C temperature rise by 2100, reports UN

Countries’ targets far short of 45% fall in emissions needed by 2030 to limit global warming to 1.5C, says forecast”


“Water use per well can be anywhere from about 1.5 million gallons to about 16 million gallons.”

“How much water does the typical hydraulically fractured well require?”


+2.1 to 2.9 degrees Celsius

Last one alive please shut off the lights:

“World still way off track on goal to keep global warming below dangerous threshold, UN says”


“6 Years Later, Marine Life Still Hasn't Recovered From The Monstrous Ocean Heat Blob”


The only reason we aren’t currently being baked alive is the fact that there is so much air pollution:

“Climate Honesty - Ending Climate Brightsiding”

“Current data on emissions, atmospheric concentrations, global temperatures, and widening impacts are frightening. Even so, some of the most worrying science has been downplayed, while the emissions curve continues to rise. Clearly, such brightsiding, not only limits the climate agenda, but is neither scientific nor ethical. Dr. Jem Bendell exposes the danger of imagining that we can ignore facts, playing games with nature, because nature always wins.

Dr. Ye Tao explains why efforts towards net zero, while essential, have the effect of reducing the global dimming that is the result of polluting particles, which is actually cooling the planet significantly: a terrifying dilemma that has been largely ignored. Yet many influential organizations criticize people for being ‘too negative’ about the current and future impacts of”


“We are pouring greenhouse gases into the atmosphere at 10x the rate of the mass extinction known as the GREAT DYING which occurred 252 million years ago.


“It’s really important to realize that 1.5 (degrees of warming) was never safe”

“The climate crisis is creating a “cycle of worsening inequality,”

“We don’t have till 2050, COP27 is a joke. If we are to survive this it will be despite our leaders not because of them” Terrance Daniels


“New report paints dire picture of America's future as climate crisis accelerates”


Waukesha Judge who made a spectacle of nut job parade killer trail (in a bid to smear Americans of African ancestry during Mandela Barnes for US Senate campaign) debates payout in the form of seat on State Supreme Court


Shocking video:

“There is nothing that will be more worthless, more expensive, more heavily subsidized, or more deregulated than that last barrel of oil.” ~Terrence Daniels


“US bat species devastated by fungus now listed as endangered”


Where was govt's planning?

Why is this disruption being allowed to play out when we have full time politicians?:

“U.S. warns California cities to prepare for fourth year of drought”

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