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12/2022 The 99% will die for their prosperity: UK proceeds with new coal mine

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

2016-07-08 263aaa

"UK coal mine approval sparks global fury and hypocrisy claims"

"The decision to allow a new coking coal mine goes against official climate advice and the UK’s international rhetoric on fossil fuels"


Great for keeping things in line on Main Streets throughout America!:

“Military Robot Exhibition in Paris”

“Euronaval 2022 – the largest exhibition of military and marine robots | latest Technologies”

“Eight Milrem Robotics’ THeMIS UGVs exhibited at Eurosatory 2022”


“Religious leaders believe that the recent drying of the Euphrates River is a sign of the end of days.”


“Twilight of the Tigris: Iraq’s mighty river drying up”


“Politics, climate conspire as Tigris and Euphrates dwindle”


Lies, Damn Lies, and then Statistics Record Holiday Shopping?: Inflation has pushed prices up; shopping was online using debt (credit cards), all in the face of 50% chance of recession in the coming year


“Retailers are fighting a notion: Buy Nothing Day. This concept was invented by a magazine, AdBusters. That same magazine has a website now. Their landing page says that today, we should buy nothing. They tell us to "Participate by not participating."”

“Retailers Are Scared Out of Their Minds That ‘Buy Nothing Day’ is Becoming a Reality

For once, the headlines don’t lie.”


“Hemp can produce nearly four times as much oil per acre as the current favorite source of biodiesel, soybeans. Hemp could be the go-to for making diesel fuel from a renewable plant source.”


“Lord Robert Skidelsky

Emeritus Professor of Political Economy

At the University of Warwick

If one machine can cut necessary human labor by half, why make half of the work-force redundant, rather than employing the same number for half the time?

Why not take advantage of automation to reduce the average working week from 40 hours to 30, and the 20, and then to 10, with each diminishing block of labor time counting as a full time job?

This would be possible if the gains from automation were not mostly seized by the rich and powerful, but were distributed fairly instead.

Rather than try to repel the advance of the machine, which is all that the luddites could imagine, we should prepare for a future of more leisure, which automation makes possible. But, to do that, we first need a revolution in social thinking.”


“Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.” Lysander Spooner


“Elon Musk doesn’t make cars.

Jeff Bezos doesn’t deliver Amazon packages.

Howard Schultz doesn’t make Starbucks drinks.

The rich don’t create value

Workers do.


“The Dollar General Theory is as cruel as it is simple. They want you to work cheap, live cheap and die cheap. They don’t want to pay you what you’re worth or pay for you when you’re ill, even if they caused your sickness.”

“The Retail Carrion Feeders of Rural America”


Sam Carana:

“Underwater tsunamis created by glacier calving cause vigorous ocean mixing”

“Internal tsunamigenesis and ocean mixing driven by glacier calving in Antarctica” - by Michael Meredith et al.


“Part of the Arctic, already warming much faster than the rest of the world, is warming even faster than scientists thought. Meanwhile, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge & Western Arctic face drilling threats that would lead to massive climate pollution.

The need for the Biden administration to take strong executive action on climate to help our most threatened places, including the Arctic, is more urgent than ever”

“Arctic warming is even worse than we thought, climate scientists say”


“The mind of one freethinker can possess a million ideas,

A million fanatics can have their minds possessed by a single idea.”


“Yes, universal basic income would allow us to survive between jobs but it would also allow us to grieve, after loss, to move, to care for others, to have children, to create art, to start new businesses, to be ill, to be disabled, to rest, to rest, to rest.”


“Late-stage capitalism:

The game of ongoing exploitation that takes advantage of periodic economic collapse

The game that best describes predatory late-stage capitalism isn’t Monopoly. It’s Jenga.

The game of systemic exploitation, where each party takes turn making the situation more precarious for the next until someone is unable to continue without causing the entire system to collapse.

The persons suffers great misfortune while everyone else elevates their positions. And after numerous cycles of collapse and rebuilding, at the end of this game, it’s the person who consistently exploits the system better than everyone else who is finally declared the winner.”


“Will Housing Prices Collapse? Featuring Richard Wolff

The Crash of 2008 started with subprime loans in the housing market, this housing crisis could make that crash look small in comparison.”

“Will Housing Prices Collapse? Featuring Richard Wolff”

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