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12/2022 Israel's robot pollinators make living pollinators & pesticide control irrelevant

2015-07-12 362aaaa


In other words, government is NOT going to be bothered by trying to prevent their EXTINCTION - capitalism found a solution and what’s more go ahead and apply pesticides freely because it won’t harm the robots:

Terrifyingly Robots are replacing bumblebees as a more efficient and reliable way of pollinating crops.

Arugga, a startup based in Israel, is, for the first time, commercializing robots that mimic the buzzing of a bumblebee.

Tests in commercial greenhouses in Israel, Australia and the United States, show tomatoes pollinated by Polly had yields up to five per cent higher than those pollinated by bumblebees in the traditional way, and up to 20 per cent higher than manual pollination.

The company says its robots could entirely replace bumblebees, which are vital for the production of tomatoes, blueberries, potatoes and many other crops.

The Polly is an autonomous ground robot that drives down rows of tomato plants in greenhouses, capturing images of every flower, and using artificial intelligence to detect which ones are ready to be pollinated.

It then shoots out air pulses to replicate buzz pollination, the delicate process in which bumblebees vibrate the middle of their bodies hundreds of times a second to release the pollen and fertilize the flower. It works for tomatoes and other crops which contain both male and female parts.

Over the next year, Arugga aims to deploy its robots over several hundreds hectares, especially in North America, but also in Europe and Australia.


Conservative State level governments in America are committing Ecocide against the entire planet. If they enter your country they should be arrested without hesitation and shipped to the Hague for prosecution and sentencing:

“Who Were the Worst Climate Polluters in the US in 2021?

The worst of the worst included a coal-fired power plant in Alabama, a coal mine in Pennsylvania and a nylon plant in Florida, recent EPA data shows.”


“'Let's Try Something New': Naomi Klein Calls for Boycott of Next COP Climate Summit

"Now is the time to decide not to do this all over again next year, when the summit will be in the UAE," argued the author and environmentalist.”


“The Stench of Corruption Is Growing Stronger Around the Supreme Court

Chief Justice John Roberts insists the court can police itself, but all evidence points to the contrary.”


“Right-wing influencers and media double down on anti-LGBTQ rhetoric in the wake of the Colorado shooting

Tucker Carlson was among the conservative media figures who continued attacking LGBTQ people in the wake of the Club Q shooting.”


I’ll wait until I see it. Notably Stephen Schwarzman Biden’s private equity overlord and Hillary:

“Exclusive: U.S. aims to sanction Brazil deforesters, adding bite to climate fight”


America is also welching on its climate funding obligations. Again, America is hands down the largest GHG emitter to date. Just because China recorded a year that exceed America doesn’t mean they are the worst (America doesn’t count emissions from war):

“How China, the world’s top polluter, avoids paying for climate damage

United Nations still considers China, now the world’s second-largest economy and biggest annual polluter, a developing country”


The US Supreme Court could very well appoint DeSantis as America’s new President:

“When It Comes To Climate, DeSantis Is Trump In Moderate's Clothing

DeSantis represents a new, more reasonable-seeming climate candidate—but the denial is still there.”


“What “longtermism” gets wrong about climate change”


Law firms have to maximize profits too:

“Waters Run Dry, Lawsuits Run Hot

Alabama, Florida, and Georgia would rather litigate than cooperate on planning for the seasons of drought to come.”


“Greenland is Worse Than Ever, Much Worse”


“Studies Sound Alarm on “Badly Out-of-Date” FEMA Flood Maps

The billions of dollars needed to update the maps would be offset by the flood damage avoided, experts say”


“The challenge of tracking methane emissions and why they are higher than publicly reported”


“Biden Administration Quietly Approves Huge Oil Export Project Despite Climate Rhetoric

The Sea Port Oil Terminal, 30 miles off the Texas coast, is the first of four proposed offshore terminals designed to dramatically expand the U.S. oil export capacity.”


“LA City Council votes to move forward with banning oil drilling

Two committees had approved the item before it came before the council, which voted 10-0 to request that the city attorney prepare an ordinance to prohibit new oil and gas extraction and phase out all oil drilling activities in the city”


““I Don’t Know Where I’m Going to Go”: HUD Displaces Even More Residents in This Small City”


“Environmental Justice Must Be in the Forefront of Any Permitting Reform Efforts by Congress

Manchin's bill would severely erode community input, advance inadequate environmental analysis, and eliminate judicial relief for those most harmed by inadequately reviewed and/or illegal permitting by state or federal agencies.”


Mass Extinction:

“Heatwave may have killed 'generation' of baby bats”


Class Warfare takes many forms:

“Inflation Inequality: The Impact of Soaring Prices on the Bottom-Tier Communities of the South

Current approaches to fighting poverty and economic inequities are often individually strong, but they are not achieving the results that economically vulnerable households need. We need collective action and we need it now.”


“'The poor are getting poorer': How cost of living is impacting those at the bottom”

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