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12/2022 Still in Nov 2022: “CNN Banned From Ukraine After Showing N@zi Salute”

Updated: Dec 31, 2023

Compton Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis vaualbum or N. l-album)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2015-06-30 604aaaavsn2p

November 23, 2022:

“CNN Banned From Ukraine After Showing N@zi Salute”

“We discuss Western hegemony and U.S. policy in Russia, Ukraine and China with Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs, whose new article is headlined "The West's False Narrative About Russia and China." Sachs says the bipartisan U.S. approach to foreign policy is "unaccountably dangerous and wrongheaded," and warns the U.S. is creating "a recipe for yet another war" in East Asia.”


This is what the White House (including Federal Reserve Chairman Powell) hears and responds to:


“"America's bank" wants things to be even harder for us so it can profit even more.”

“A leaked Bank of America memo: A summary “by the end of next year, we hope there are fewer job openings so working people have less job market leverage so wages will fall.”



The CONGO has fallen to big oil in a very destructive way:

“stop fossil fuel in drc”



“Uganda to begin commercial oil exploration in 2025, seeks funding

Uganda and neighbouring Tanzania are seeking funding from China to develop an export pipeline before 2025.”

““A Carbon Bomb”: Movement Grows Against EACOP East African Pipeline Funded by France’s Total & China”


Know the New America:

“The 10 tactics of fascism”


And here comes the domes,… and no, you’re probably too poor to live in one:

“America's Biggest Upcoming Megaprojects By 2030”


Cities are going to be privatized:

“Why American Cities Are Broke - The Growth Ponzi Scheme”


Caitlin Johnstone:

“If capitalism was really about “voluntary transactions” capitalists wouldn’t work constantly to crush unions and destroy the labor movement.”



In other words, government is NOT going to be bothered by trying to prevent their EXTINCTION - capitalism found a solution and what’s more go ahead and apply pesticides freely because it won’t harm the robots:

Terrifyingly Robots are replacing bumblebees as a more efficient and reliable way of pollinating crops.

Arugga, a startup based in Israel, is, for the first time, commercializing robots that mimic the buzzing of a bumblebee.

Tests in commercial greenhouses in Israel, Australia and the United States, show tomatoes pollinated by Polly had yields up to five per cent higher than those pollinated by bumblebees in the traditional way, and up to 20 per cent higher than manual pollination.

The company says its robots could entirely replace bumblebees, which are vital for the production of tomatoes, blueberries, potatoes and many other crops.

The Polly is an autonomous ground robot that drives down rows of tomato plants in greenhouses, capturing images of every flower, and using artificial intelligence to detect which ones are ready to be pollinated.

It then shoots out air pulses to replicate buzz pollination, the delicate process in which bumblebees vibrate the middle of their bodies hundreds of times a second to release the pollen and fertilize the flower. It works for tomatoes and other crops which contain both male and female parts.

Over the next year, Arugga aims to deploy its robots over several hundreds hectares, especially in North America, but also in Europe and Australia.

“Black Mirror Hated in the Nation Trailer”


Wholly Crap is this ever true!:

“Some people will never ask for your side of the story

Because the side that they heard fits the description of how they feel about you.”


“Lakota historian Nick Estes talks about Thanksgiving and his book "Our History Is the Future," and the historic fight against the Dakota Access pipeline at Standing Rock. "This history ... is a continuing history of genocide, of settler colonialism and, basically, the founding myths of this country," says Estes, who is a co-founder of the Indigenous resistance group The Red Nation and a citizen of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe.”

“Lakota Historian Nick Estes on Thanksgiving, Settler Colonialism & Continuing Indigenous Resistance”


Ezekiel 5:17

“I will send hunger and wild animals to kill your children, and will send sickness, violence, and war to kill you.

I, the lord, have said it.

Everything about this God is killing killing and causing pain.”


“In Finland, charging fees for tuition is illegal, which means rich kids have to mix with normal kids, which means rich families had to make sure the school their kid went to was good which meant the rich were prompted to invest in public schools. Finland, take a bow.”


Custer, Columbus Day, and Thanksgiving are all misinterpretations of history:


And how you can support Native communities this holiday and beyond.

"We can’t use inaccurate histories to inform our understanding of Native communities. The erasure of Native narratives and voices contributes to the invisibility of Native people and issues."”


And how you can support Native communities this holiday and beyond.”


“COP27 is over. What did it achieve?

The climate conference delivered a historic deal on loss and damage — but little else.”

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