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12/2022 “Texas Just Had Its Biggest Earthquake in Decades, and Fracking Is a Prime Suspect"

Updated: Nov 26, 2023

2015-06-06 New-Out99999_350-353_99998aaaa

“The Military Industrial Complex is a global murder machine enriching the upper class while standing on the graves of the lower class.





American Protester sign:

“You’ve fucked with the last generation”


“A technologically advanced society is choosing to destroy itself. It’s both fascinating and horrifying to watch”


““Climate Collateral”: How Military Spending Fuels Environmental Damage”


Research continues to pour out indicating that +1.5C is far more damaging than our out of touch leaders care to admit


When it comes to profit or the economics of private wealth there is NO such thing as patriotism:

“Wall Street’s Chorus of Buy China Calls Is Getting Louder

Morgan Stanley, Bank of America shift away from bearish views

Offshore Chinese stocks lead rally driven by policy shifts”


“Drought's impact on Mississippi River causes disruptions in shipping and agriculture”


Welcome to your new planet. (And washington says we haven’t even reached +1.5C yet):

“What Happens If Lake Mead Dries Up Forever?”


Democrats and Republicans and our Judiciary should be ASHAMED!:

“100 year old veteran outraged “What did we die for?!”


“The UN is being urged to adopt a misleading, partisan redefinition of antisemitism that is intended to protect Israel from critical scrutiny. We should oppose this cynical attempt to silence advocacy on behalf of the Palestinians in the name of anti-racism.”

“It’s Not Antisemitic to Oppose Israel’s Apartheid Rule Over the Palestinians”


“What refutes science”

~ Better Science

What doesn’t refute science:

~ Your feelings.

~ Your religion

~ Your favorite politician

~ Your half-baked opinion after watching two YouTube videos

Listen to the science, #BanFossilAds”‘


“As forecasts have predicted for several months, a third La Niña winter in a row is on our doorstep. Over at the ENSO Blog, our blogger explains what it might mean for average temperature and precipitation across the U.S.”

“Another winter in La Niña’s grip? – November update to NOAA's 2022-23 Winter Outlook”


“Beaufort Sea Ice Loss

This discusses the evolution of #Arctic sea ice concentration during the 2022 melt season from 5/2 to 9/18. Rapid early loss was noticeable in the Kara Sea with large retreats also occurring in the Laptev & Beaufort Seas throughout 2022. However, what is even more disconcerting is that the melt is continuing now even deep into the fall and early winter. This past week the Beaufort Sea saw considerable melt, even though it should be beginning to refreeze by now. Learn more:”

“Increasing Multiyear Sea Ice Loss in the Beaufort Sea: A New Export Pathway for the Diminishing Multiyear Ice Cover of the Arctic Ocean”


“The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood he was one of them.” Turkish proverb


“How fossil fuel influence choked climate talks

At COP27, "the influence of the fossil fuel industry was found across the board."”


“COP27 is over. What did it achieve?

The climate conference delivered a historic deal on loss and damage — but little else.” [and the loss and damage fund deal didn’t include any money to fund it!]


America is hands down the single largest cumulative admitter of GHG to date. The fact that China logged a year of higher annual emissions than America is misleading:

“US receives stinging criticism at Cop27 despite China’s growing emissions

The country is highlighting China’s status as top polluter after being called out for climate inaction”


“Texas Just Had Its Biggest Earthquake in Decades, and Fracking Is a Prime Suspect

The state's Railroad Commission is investigating whether the 5.4-magnitude quake last week was a natural event.”


Take a guess how many oil tankers are leased by wall str firms like JP Morgan?

In my mind, Democrats will always be the party that allowed corporations to feed at will on the American people”

“Oil Tanker Rates Soar To Astronomical Levels”


Nobody wants our crappy Debt (and coincidently raising interest rates helps create demand, hmmm):

“US Treasury market liquidity to be worse than COVID-19 levels, MSCI warns

Period of quantitative tightening could be over”

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