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12/2022 “Greenwashing Governments and Oil Companies Turned COP27 Into a Climate Disaster”

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

White Slant-Line (Tetracis cachexiata)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2015-06-12 New-Out99999_336_338_99998aaaap

“Kicking our growth addiction is the way out of the climate crisis. This is how to do it”


Our leaders will not save us, we must save ourselves despite our leaders:

Val Eisman:

“It’s up to each one of us to wage the fight for our planet’s survival

Nothing has changed or will change until the mass populace stop using fossil in everything they do from transportation travel cooking and heating to the consumption of meat.

That will happen once disaster is imminent and unavoidable.”

“Greenwashing Governments and Oil Companies Turned COP27 Into a Climate Disaster”


Big Oil pays professors to publish pro oil “studies” and “research”. Documents to provide cover for big oil and the consequences of burning oil. But when they do, it adds credibility to claims of big oil’s guilt. If you suspect this take a look at who, if anyone, provided a peer review and whether or not any respected journals published it or cited it:

Kevin Hester:

The last sentence shows how delusional many of these papers can be.

Even a drowning man clutches at straws.”

“Texas A&M Experts Explain Slowing Ocean Currents

Professors in the College of Arts and Sciences analyze a system of ocean currents that is slowing over time and may cause abnormal weather.”

[no hyper link provided, I will not give this any air]


“Why Scientists Got the Fast Pace of Arctic Warming Wrong

Concerns about accusations of hype may have biased them toward conservative underestimates”


Arctic Cyclones to Intensify as Climate Warms”

“The influence of recent and future climate change on spring Arctic cyclones” - by Chelsea Parker et al.


“If you’re outraged by XR and Just Stop Oil, imagine how disruptive climate breakdown will be”

“Focusing on activists detracts from what we should be angry about – failure to tackle the most urgent problems of our age”


“Professor McPherson with Ed Fallon and Charles Goldman of the Fallon Forum, recorded 7 November 2022”


“COP27: War causing huge release of climate warming gas, claims Ukraine”



Peter Carter:


China caused a COP27 stir telling media it is expanding its massive coal plant fleet.

Germany is to reactivate 5 coal plants, dismantling a wind farm to facilitate the expansion of one of the country’s largest lignite mines.

This is energy security for today depriving today's children of any security of life Forbes 15 Nov. 2022”

“China Maintains Plans For Massive Additional Coal Expansion”



Methane keeps rising:


In 2020 and 2021, the global network of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) detected the largest within-year increases (15 and 18 ppb, respectively) of atmospheric methane (CH₄) since systematic measurements began in the early 1980s.

Methane reached 1908 parts per billion (ppb) in 2021, 262% of the 1750 level, while carbon dioxide (CO₂) reached 415.7 parts per million (ppm) in 2021, 149% of the 1750 level, and nitrous oxide (N₂O) reached 334.5 ppb, 124% of the 1750 level.

The WMO adds that analyses of measurements of the abundances of atmospheric CH₄ and its stable carbon isotope ratio ¹³C/¹²C (reported as δ¹³C(CH₄)) indicate that the increase in CH₄ since 2007 is associated with biogenic processes.

Methane's rise has been accelerating since 2007, which makes this a scary suggestion, since this suggests that increasing decomposition of plant material is taking place as a result of climate change, a self-reinforcing feedback loop that will be hard to stop. Interestingly, a 2019 analysis points at a different explanation.

Another explanation, discussed in an earlier post, is that there was a slowdown from 1984 to 2004 in the rise of methane as a result of rising temperatures increasing the water vapor in the atmosphere, resulting in more hydroxyl decomposing more methane in the atmosphere in the 1990s (compared to the 1980s). Accordingly, while the rise in methane concentration appeared to slow down over those years, methane emissions actually kept growing and continued to do so at accelerating pace, but since an increasingly large part of methane was decomposed by hydroxyl, this continuing rise in methane emissions was overlooked.

This could still mean that plant material is now getting decomposed at higher rates, but an even larger danger is that methane emissions started to increase more strongly from the early 2000s due in part to more methane eruptions from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean. In other words, while hydroxyl kept increasing, seafloor methane emissions kept increasing even faster, to the extent that methane emissions increasingly started to overwhelm this growth in hydroxyl, resulting in a stronger rise in overall methane abundance in the atmosphere.

Sadly, there are few measurements available for methane that could erupt from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean. Moreover, WMO and NOAA data that are used to calculate global means are typically taken at marine surface level, which may be appropriate for carbon dioxide that is present more strongly at sea surface level, but methane is much lighter and will rise quickly and accumulate at higher altitude. Moreover, the lack of measurements of methane over the Arctic Ocean and at higher altitudes makes it hard to determine from where the methane originated. Much methane could originate from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean and rise to the Tropopause, while moving from there closer to the Equator, all largely without getting reported.

From the post 'Methane keeps rising', at:”

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