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12/2022 “Humans Are Inherently Wired for Self-Destruction.”

Updated: Dec 29, 2023

2010-06-16-2021-19 IMG_7884aaa

“The only brand you can’t live without [earth]

Forget Black Friday, Celebrate Buy Nothing Day.

Instead of shopping and consuming, stay home and relax.”


“Chris Hedges | ASSAULT on American Democracy”


“European traders are rushing to fill tanks in the region with Russian diesel before an EU ban begins in February, as alternative sources remain limited.”

“Europe rushes to fill up on Russian diesel before ban begins”


Arctic Warming Seven Times Faster

“Arctic System Collapse? Devastating new research.”

“The arctic region is a key driver of global climate patterns. In the summer of 2022, three peer reviewed research papers were published, all of which showed the systems that have kept the arctic stable for thousands of years are now collapsing far more quickly than previous analysis and modelling had suggested. A fourth paper, published at the same time, shows us what the consequences are likely to be. This video assesses all four.”


I’ll always remember Democrats as having let corporations feed at will on the America as a deadly pandemic was left uncured:

“'Ripped Off': Katie Porter On How Price-Gouging Companies Are Driving Inflation”

“Congresswoman Katie Porter joins Chris Hayes to discuss how corporations are hiking prices and generating record profits—all under the guise of “inflation.””




Corporatist CIA Necon Establishment Stooge pete buttigieg’s had this to say about the Christo fascist mass murder at a LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs: when do I get my check!?


“How Rich And Powerful The Rothschild Family Really Is”


“The Guardian view on Cop27’s outcome: a real achievement, but too far to go” - Editorial

“The creation of a loss and damage fund is a milestone, but a 1.5C limit to the global temperature rise looks even further out of reach


“Humans Are Inherently Wired for Self-Destruction.”


“The canary in the coal mine is the Arctic.

A blue ocean event is imminent. Methane warming causing accelerating collapse. Jet stream and AMoc collapse.

Emissions continue as Copout fails again.

Count the minutes!”

“Stop COP”


“An Orgy of Thieves”

“Neoliberalism and its discontents”


Neoliberalism, that catch-phrase of our time, is one of those squishy words that resists a simple definition, but everyone feels its meaning as they struggle to pay the rent, put off going to the doctor, gasp for breath in rotten air or see their sons and daughters shipped off to fight distant wars for oil or lithium. Neoliberalism is nothing less than capitalism’s latest and perhaps cruelest manifestation. It arrived stealthily in America under the seemingly benign grin of Jimmy Carter, kicked into gear under Reagan, and reached maximum speed during the Clinton era, when the legacy of FDR was dismantled and its government pastures were sown with deregulationist salt so it would never take root again. Cockburn and St. Clair were there to cover this economic warfare from the frontlines—from NAFTA to the gutting of welfare, the drug war to the Wall Street bailouts. These dispatches from the wreckage document how a generation of political do-gooders cut the cords of the social safety net, letting millions fall into destitution “for their own good,” as the wealthiest among us fattened their bank accounts in a frenzy of accumulation, an orgy of thieves.”


“The big takeaway from Cop27? These climate conferences just aren’t working

Rather than a bloated global talking shop, we need something smaller, leaner and fully focused on the crisis at hand - by Bill McGuire”


“‘Not enough for people and planet’: Critics denounce COP27 deal

While a climate fund for poorer nations was established, ‘no progress’ was made to reduce emissions and abandon fossil fuels.”


“Rapidly Melting Glaciers Are Releasing a Staggering Payload of Unknown Bacteria”


Sean Hill:

“What's next for the Canary of the Western World?! A water shortage in Australia's largest city, that's what. Turns out despite being full, the water in the reservoir is so full of garbage from the flooding that only about 15% of the water floating on the top is fit enough to filter and drink. Eww, drinking garbage water. That's bad enough but then to run out of even garbage water? What's next?!”

“Sydney could face summer water shortage, Albanese pushes IR reforms | 9 News Australia”


160F to 190F are inevitable in the near future:

“Extreme Heat will Change us”


Stefan Sommer:



by Dr. Tom Finger, NAU Professor of Environmental History

It is scary to realize that we have already raised the Earth's temperature more than what was required to end the human societies at Chaco Canyon, Mesa Verde, Wupatki, Betatakin, and many others across the Colorado Plateau and the American Southwest.

Human activities have already raised the Earth's average temperature by 1.2°C (=2.2°F) and we are projected to raise it by 5°C (=9°F) by the year 2100. It's not surprising that farmers in northern Alberta are now growing corn and their yields are increasing year after year.

Will we be able to adapt to those new temperatures and climatic conditions?

To get active fighting Climate Change join NAZCCA

(the Northern Arizona Climate Change Alliance) by visiting:

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