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12/2022 WARNING: SCOTUS is consolidating its power, systematically undercutting any branch of govt

Updated: Nov 26, 2023

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Quote: "Indigenous peoples, together with scientists and academics and activists and NGO organizations like Amazon Watch, we are calling for much beyond 30×30 or even 50×30. We are calling for 80 by 2025." Don't let them liquidate our world for their luxuries.

"Major U.N. Biodiversity Deal Recognizes Indigenous Rights But Lacks Critical Enforcement Measures"


“The correct term for spending 12 to 16 years of your childhood training to work and then 50 years of your adulthood ‘earning your living’ in order to spend the remaining 12 years of your life, when you’re too broken to do anything, in retirement is ‘slavery.’”


Nothing sacred to the Christofascists. They’ll even harass the Pope:

“Conservative thinktank seeks to change Pope Francis's mind on climate change

Heartland Institute (Charles Koch, again) wants to lobby Vatican before pope delivers a moral call to climate action this summer”


Ok I’ll say it, Trump passed out a Tax Scam that Biden & the Democrats have has since allowed to continue and now trump is getting charged with defrauding the country

Do NOT try to explain that prosecutors are referring to an isolated surgically applied act of defrauding that is in unrelated

Laying the groundwork for an authoritarian elected or not: Democrats won’t even inform or attempt to generate public opposition to The US Supreme Court’s consolidation of all power at any level of every facet of Govt in America

Today’s United States’ Supreme Court is the most deadly Supreme Court in American history


“Replacing the words “the economy” with “rich people’s yacht money”

~ How can we respond to COVID without sacrificing rich people’s yacht money?

~ Saving the environment sounds nice but what about rich people’s yacht money?

~ Medicare for all would destroy rich people’s yacht money”


And who owns the Supreme Court? None other than America's unelected President Charles Koch

Biden and the Democrats are an abomination


"“The court has not been favoring one branch of government over another, or favoring states over the federal government, or the rights of people over governments,” Lemley wrote. “Rather, it is withdrawing power from all of them at once.”

He added, “It is a court that is consolidating its power, systematically undercutting any branch of government, federal or state, that might threaten that power, while at the same time undercutting individual rights.”"

Note: soon it may be the case that an unelected person with sway over the US Supreme Court can effectively control the country with impunity.


America's failed Judiciary: "WHERE'S MY MONEY?"

Quote: A letter by Robert Chobert, the star witness in the case, who said that he saw what happened, and he allegedly saw Mumia, he wrote a letter, with his handwriting, asking the lead prosecutor in the case, Joe McGill, “Where is my money?”


“Judge Orders Philly DA to Disclose All Evidence in Mumia Abu-Jamal Case. Could It Lead to New Trial?”

They are like drug dealers. The substance is fossil fuels. The consequences, like with drugs, are physical destruction and death. They know we are hooked but keep indulging or addiction – making sure we don’t get clean – to their profit.


When the continue their failure to a-d-e-q-u-a-t-e-l-y address the collapse of our climate to support life and the causes of Mass Extinction but instead talk about eugenics and cleansing the human gene-pool what they are signaling goes way beyond their considering themselves genetically superior and god’s chosen. They are in effect saying that your life – the life of the non-billionaire reader and their loved ones – have no further value to the world than to die for their conveniences.


As organized society erodes so will our ability to hold them accountable in a court of law.

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