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12/2022 Another American coup attempt already coalescing as biosphere collapse to kill est. 2 bn

Updated: Dec 28, 2022

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Another coup attempt already coalescing

The Rich prefer that America’s government descends into unfunctioning chaos and upheaval regardless of the consequences to working Americans:

“New MAGA coup evidence revealed in GOP texts: Be scared!

Host of Republican lawmakers pushed for the Jan. 6 coup and are about to become leaders of the government they wanted to overthrow.”


Marjorie Taylor Greene assured everyone that if she had been in charge of Jan. 6, the insurrection would have succeeded because people who didn’t have guns that day would have been armed. Even more scary than her remarks is the fact that House Speaker wannabe Kevin McCarthy, if he wishes to assume that role, has to give Greene control over many major moves by the House.

Greene’s speech was delivered just before it was revealed in a trove of 300,000 text messages newly made public that at least 34 of her Republican colleagues took an active role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attempted coup. The list includes leading GOP luminaries like Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, Paul Gosar of Arizona and Rick Allen of Georgia. Allen told Mark Meadows, Donald Trump’s former chief of staff, “high tech operatives in foreign governments” had stolen the election.

Meadows and 34 members of Congress shared text messages detailing plans of the coup”


A huge list of US Congresspeople, US Senators , etc. currently serving involved in the Jan 6 Practice Coup that continue to conspire against our government and society together with the SCOTUS to secure ANOTHER COUP


American wealthy’s human collateral:

“Peru's 'forgotten people' rage against political elite after Castillo arrest”


“Many analysts and forecasters anticipate that a recession will land next year. Yet month after month, data piles up showing solid, if slowing, jobs growth, low unemployment and an expanding economy. So, if economic indicators are strong, why is the conventional wisdom that a recession is likely next year?”

“Why does good news about the economy sound bad to the Fed? The complicated reason why could push us into a recession.

Wages and employment are high — but so is inflation”


“Landlord: the cost of rent has gone up

Businesses: that’s a natural part of doing business

Suppliers: the cost of materials has gone up

Businesses: that’s a natural part of doing business

Worker: the cost of my labor has gone up

Businesses: listen here you little shit.”


“Green capitalism” means turning the global south into a giant sacrifice zone so rich folks in the Us and Europe can drive electric SUVs.”


“For a fraction of what Musk paid to become the butt of business school jokes for the next century, he could have done something so spectacular for humanity that he would have been hailed as a hero for the next 1000 years.”


“part of #MentalHealthAwareness is realizing that capitalism destroys our humanity, alienates from our families/communities, tells us that happiness is only a purchase away, and places us in a daily struggle to survive, where the only way out is to exploit & dehumanize others.”


“Conventional economic logic hinges on a core assumption: Bigger economies are better, and finding ways to maintain or boost growth is paramount to improving society. But what if growth is fostering the destruction of the planet and jeopardizing its future?”

“Degrowth: A dangerous idea or the answer to the world’s biggest crisis?”


“Climate Crisis: Heading for Extinction”

“We are entering a critical decade in our history, in which a failure to enact unprecedented changes in all aspects of industrialized societies may lead to a catastrophic and irreversible ecological collapse.”


Soon you'll be able to smell the dead on earth all the way to Musk's Mars:

This jives with the Pentagon’s prediction of 2 or so billion. And here’s the kick in the pants: these deaths will accumulate and not all take place at once. So expect a time of great dying that’s going to make COVID look like a girl scout jamboree.

Also, ever heard the expression: shoot for the moon cause even if you miss you’ll land amongst the stars? In this context, I’im trying to say that 2 billion or only 1.75 billion or 4 billion out of a revised estimate of 6 billion isn’t going to feel a lot different from one another. So don’t let Washington say it, “it won’t be that high, probably only 600 million by 2026”. Deaths are deaths and those are nevertheless big numbers,…of which I might be apart.

“'We're looking at Billions of People not being able to Survive'”

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