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12/2021 “Oil Giants admit to a 5C Temperature Increase being baked in but no one else will!”

Updated: Aug 8, 2022



“Amazon is making its own containers and bypassing supply chain chaos with chartered ships and long-haul planes”


“Restaurant industry failing to attract workers who love low pay, terrible conditions and inconsistent hours”


2017-07-29 290aaa

“Translating Job Ads:

We’re Hiring!

Competitive salary = Low pay revealed in 5th interview

Flexible schedule = work holidays, Sundays

Be your own boss = Contractor with no benefits

Seeking rockstar = work 80 hour weeks

We’re like a family = Run like hell


Einstein was a socialist:

“Capitalism as it exists today is in my opinion. The real source of evils” Albert Einstein.


“Storm Barra: Extremely dangerous DOUBLE BOMB CYCLONE explodes over Ireland and UK triggering widespread power outages, giant waves and 80mph winds”

“Storm BARRA, a Dangerous Bomb Cyclone Heads for Ireland and the UK on Tuesday, the Second North Atlantic System of the Winter Season 2021/22”


“Wheewwwww does it feel warm out in Fairbanks! It was 25°F at 10AM, up 62°F from our -37°F low Saturday morning, and our warmest temperature since Nov 7th.

You may say "how does 25°F feel warm?!" Well, imagine the difference between 32°F and 94°F...


“Oil Giants admit to a 5C Temperature Increase being baked in but no one else will!”

Mankind goes extinct at +3C:

“BP and Shell planning for catastrophic 5°C global warming despite publicly backing Paris climate agreement

Companies are trying to 'have their oil and drink it' by committing to 2°C in public while planning for much higher temperature rises, says shareholder campaign group, ShareAction”

“I've edited this post to include a new video titled "How Oil Companies Hid the Truth About Climate Change".

We have the evidence, I await the trial. These planet killers will spend their last minutes running from angry youth armed with pitchforks.”


“Biden is approving more oil and gas drilling permits on public lands than Trump, analysis finds”


“Biden sends warning as 'difficult' Iran nuclear talks resume

President speaks of 'other options' over expectations talks are set for failure”

“For anyone who is a registered Democrat after the Biden presidency: I recommend Al-Anon to help get out of your abusive relationship.”


“EXPOSED: US STUNNINGLY Dishonest In Iran Talks”

“WASHINGTON, Dec 3 (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday said that the latest round of Iran nuclear talks ended because Iran right now does not seem to be serious about doing what is necessary to return to compliance with a 2015 deal.

Blinken, speaking at the Reuters Next conference, said that the United States would not let Iran drag out the process while continuing to advance its program and that Washington will pursue other options if diplomacy fails.

"What we've seen in the last couple of days is that Iran right now does not seem to be serious about doing what's necessary to return to compliance, which is why we ended this round of talks in Vienna," Blinken said. read more

"We're going to be consulting very closely and carefully with all of our partners in the process itself ... and we will see if Iran has any interest in engaging seriously," he said.”


Biden’s Press Secretary “Psaki MOCKS Notion Of Sending Every American A COVID Test, Neoliberal Elitism On FULL Display”


“Liberals SILENT As Biden Admin Persecutes Assange, Donziger”


Assange for President, for a President we can trust:

“Can’t believe they let the US continue the Assange extradition process:

- On the last day of the US Summit for Democracy

- On the same day two other journalists are formally getting the Nobel Peace Prize

- On UN Human Rights Day

- After this show of support for press freedoms: “Secretary Antony Blinken: Media freedom plays an indispensable role in informing the public, holding government accountable, and telling stories that otherwise would not be told. The U.S. will continue to stand up for the …”


The Democratic Party is a disgrace:

“I don’t want to hear another god damn thing from @JoeBiden or Democrats about the grave death march to authoritarianism. Extraditing Julian Assange for the crime of historic journalism is radical authoritarianism.”


“An Outrage”: House Passes Largest Military Budget in Generations Despite End of Afghanistan War”

“The highest military budget for armaments production including nuclear weapons since the Second World War, is being passed in the Senate right now. But, there is no funding available for support services to help the poor and working class.”


“America has forgotten three words: ‘the public good’”


“Why Capitalism is Killing Us (And The Planet)”

“The irresponsible nature of single minded pursuit of profit. This is capitalism as it has always been. This is how or why our species will likely destroy itself.”


Trump’s\Biden’s Supreme Court Justice Barrett proves stunningly asinine & bigoted:

“Justice Barrett Wonders About 'Jewish-Palestinian' Conflict

In a case about separation of church and state, Justice Gilead lets everyone know her "position on Jews."”

“**Supreme Court Justice Barrett actually said this:** 'we take a position on the Jewish-Palestinian conflict because of our position on, you know, Jews, right?'

**Yes, she is openly antisemitic, but maybe seeing this will wake up some of the lefty 'But Israel' people, who use the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as cover for hating Jews. **

**Warning for bleeped-language and fury** (The article was written by an Admin from another group):

'Listen, you rapture-desperate Jesus freak. It's the Israeli- Palestinian conflict, you f*-ing pinecone. It's language like yours, framing like yours, which allows the anti-Semitic-curious to go full-fledged Nazi using the cover of a "progressive" cause.

It's asinine, reductive conflating of a deeply complex set of circumstances into an oversimplified (and mind you, incorrect) childish sketch of reality.'”


“Life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

“In the united states’ declaration of independence, Thomas Jefferson states that our Rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness can not be taken or given away. The arrangement of these words, as expressed, were not written haphazardly.

They represent our natural human rights in perfect prioritized order. Life comes before liberty and Liberty before our Pursuit of Happiness. This deliberate and thoughtful sequence of words clearly describes that the right to be free from unnecessary and avoidable harmful exploitation is a higher moral principle than another’s freedom to exploit for personal gain.

When we earnestly strive to learn what is truly important in life, when we understand the difference between what is essential to life and what merely makes us happy, our intuition tells us that personal growth and fulfillment are more essential to a meaningful life than the addictive and negligently exploitative pursuit of excessive wealth and luxury.”


“Dutch Citizens just sued their government over inaction on climate change and they won!

“886 Dutch citizens, including teachers, entrepreneurs, grandparents and students united to sue their government for its inaction on climate change. In a decision likely to reverberate across the world, the court ordered the state to reduce emissions by 25% within 5 years to protect its citizens from climate change.

A HUGE congratulations to all involved, including Urgenda, the group that brought the suit on behalf of the citizens.”


“How the West invited China to eat its lunch”


“It has always seemed strange to me… the things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, openness, honesty, understanding and feeling, are the concomitants of failure in our system. And those traits we detest, sharpness, greed, acquisitiveness, meanness, egotism and self-interest, are the traits of success. And while men admire the quality of the first they love the produce of the second.”

John Steinbeck


“It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country.

By “business,” I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers, I mean all workers: the white collar class as well as the men in overalls. And by “living wages,” I mean more than a bare subsistence level. I mean the wages of decent living.”


“Friendly reminder: The USA is the only country in the world with “pre-existing conditions.” Everywhere else it’s referred to simply as your “medical history”.

“Pre-existing condition” is a term created by insurance companies as a means to defraud their customers.”


America’s Judiciary is a political body that benefits Republicans and their fascist ideology shared by Democrats:

1 “The Wisconsin GOP is showing us how stealing state elections is done

The state's Supreme Court is helping Republicans keep gerrymandered maps that will solidify Republican control for a decade.”

2“Are Wisconsin’s Political Maps Unconstitutional? 3 Lawsuits Say Yes.”

3 “Nation’s Worst Prison Gerrymandering?

Wisconsin’s a leader in counting prisoners to inflate rural areas and rob urban areas of representation.”

4 In Wisconsin a defendant being prosecuted in a criminal case can donate cash to the Judge presiding over his\her case and neither party are required to tell anyone or have the judge removed:

“State high court: Donations don’t require recusals”


Today’s Elon Musk,…well, consider the following,

1 Success creates ruinous competition,

2 We learn from others mistakes: the reality of Elon Musk is that his plans proved bust until he agreed to launder proceeds of a life saving $4.9 B in govt welfare back as donations to fascist politicians

Every knows the amount of money is just as important as WHEN it comes. When (and if) it comes can make you or break you. And that is what we saw with Musk. The $4.9B by kept him in business.

And just like that government allowed his boobery to persist. Was it wise if govt to get involved? Call the $4.9 B immediately due and payable to the Taxpayers and push Tesla into bankruptcy if you have to get the money and watch what happens. You’ll find that musk is as about as necessary as a screen door on a submarine. Hell, the judge could even see fit that whoever is better at cash management than pumpkin head Elon can take Tesla out of receivership only if they give all frontline workers a $15.00 raise. It was asinine for politicians to bail him out. But instead they followed Wisconsin’s Foxconn example and saw musk as a way to get kickbacks


“New study outlines high costs of extreme heat in Phoenix”


“Planetwide Ecocide - The Crime Against Life on Earth

by Andrew Glikson

Planetwide ecocide results from anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, raising their combined forcing (CO₂ + CH₄ + N₂O, etc.) to levels over 500 ppm CO₂-equivalent, (Figure 3), almost doubling the pre-industrial CO₂ level of ~280 ppm, and corresponding to a rise of +3°C per doubling of CO₂ levels.

Humans have developed an absurd capacity to simultaneously create and destroy, culminating with the destruction of environments that allowed them to flourish in the first place. Possessed by a conscious fear of death and a craving for god-like immortality, there is no murderous obscenity some were not willing to perform, including the transfer of every accessible carbon molecule to the atmosphere.

Humans have developed an absurd capacity to simultaneously create and destroy, culminating with the destruction of environments that allowed them to flourish in the first place. Possessed by a conscious fear of death and a craving for god-like immortality, there is no murderous obscenity some were not willing to perform, including the transfer of every accessible carbon molecule to the atmosphere.

Based on direct observations and the basic laws of physics, the life support systems of the biosphere are threatened by the rise of greenhouse gases and temperature by an average of more than 1.14°C since 1880, currently tracking toward 2°C. These values take little account of the masking effects of the transient mitigating effects of sulphate aerosols in the range of −0.3 to −1.8 Wm⁻², pushing mean global temperature to >1.5°C. Following the current acceleration (Figure 3), mean temperature could reach 2°C by 2030, 3°C by the 2050s and 4°C by 2100, inducing heat waves and major fires.

As $trillions are invested in future wars, who or what will defend life on Earth?

From the post 'Planetwide Ecocide - The Crime Against Life on Earth ', at:

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