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12/2021 “NecroCapitalism” - when the capitalist system profits from the premature death of citizens

Updated: Aug 8, 2022

Understand that our politicians have probably already killed you, it just takes a while for the bullet to hit when they do it using the climate & environment - but your life has been forfeited for profits

In America you don’t have to be a member of the military for politicians to send you to your death. Under fascism “country” has been replaced with “profits”. And private citizens, as well as members of the military, are also conscripted to die - without adequate notice or explanation – in the unjust acquisition of surplus private wealth for the few.

Social Murder\NecroCapitalism is a fact of life in America. If you don’t like it, the cure begins with purging all manifestations of the Democratic & Republican parties from our 3 branches of Govt


Sam Carana:

Time Lag Between Intervention and Actual CO2 Decrease Could Still Lead to Climate Tipping Point”

“Investigating climate tipping points under various emission reduction and carbon capture scenarios with a stochastic climate model” - by Alexander Mendez et al.

2020 June 29 _F2A9853aaa


“MEGA Disasters (2007) Methane Apocalypse”


Douglas Gibbens:

“Imminent climate catastrophe means the vast majority of people alive today will still be alive when the biosphere collapses.”


“Thomas Saliba

Coming to terms with our short few years left here has been one of the hardest journeys I've had to go on and 18 months later I still fall into a deep depression as I have today but let's please all remember guy McPherson for telling us that the only thing that remains now is love let's all practice it


If manchin, Biden, sinema, McConnell, Pelosi, Feinstein, Baldwin, etc. set foot in any country other than America they should be arrested on Ecocide charges and investigated for War Crimes:

“Joe Manchin Rejects Democratic Plan to Ban New Drilling in Atlantic and Pacific

The senator from West Virginia, a coal and gas stronghold, has single-handedly stripped key elements from his party’s plan to tackle climate change.”


BBB was always just theater

Biden lies to favor Big Oil and Manchin killing the ban on offshore drilling suggest complicity:

“The Biden administration said its drilling-lease spree in the Gulf was court-ordered. It wasn’t.

Leases that could lead to 600 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions didn't have to happen.”


Proof of Social Murder:

“What level of capitalism is this?

Bloomberg: “We’re dying younger. That could be really good news for our employers

Waylon Rhoads Comment:

“I call it “NecroCapitalism”.

It’s when the capitalist system profits from the unnatural, premature deaths of its citizens. In this case, it’s the savings employers enjoy not having to pay out full pensions.”


“The Atlantic’s vital currents could collapse. Scientists are racing to understand the dangers.

So far, the efforts to observe the currents directly show they're weirder and more unpredictable than expected.”


The examples are overwhelming. Washington is knowingly putting non-rich citizens in clear grave danger:

“Is There Something Amiss With the Way the EPA Tracks Methane Emissions from Landfills?

Environmental groups say the agency’s methods are outdated and flawed, with considerable climate change implications. An EPA methane expert agrees.”


“Per Peter Daou, the answer to all the centrists who argue that Leftists "want Republicans to win":”

Pelosi and Biden want a strong GOP

Nancy Pelosi, 9/21

“You’re the grand old party of America, you’ve done wonderful things for our country.”

Nancy Pelosi, 2/21

“I think our country needs a strong Republican party. It’s very important.”

Joe Biden, 1/21

“We need a Republican Party.”

Nancy Pelosi, 9/20

“The country needs a strong Republican Party that’s done so much for our country.”

Joe Biden, 12/19

“Worried that the GOP might get “clobbered “in 2020. “I’m really worried that no party should have too much power.”

Joe Biden, 11/11

“In my view, we need a strong Republican Party. We need a Republican Party that’s united.”


“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln


“End Neighborhood Drilling”

“Tell California Officials: No Drilling Where We’re Living”


“Advocates of capitalism are very apt to appeal to the sacred principles of liberty, which are embodied in one maxim: The fortunate must not be restrained in the exercise of tyranny over the unfortunate.” Betrand Russell


“Who Just Gave Trump $1 Billion? Let’s Find Out.

Investments in a blank-check company backing the former president could turn out to be IOUs if he wins back the White House.”


“The Democrats Are Trying To Lose

How party leaders learned to stop worrying and love losing to GOP fascists.”

Voter suppression laws, DeJoy, SCOTUS, filibuster, tax break for the rich, etc...Democrats are passing the torch of our march to deep fascism back to trump, it’s what big money wants. Biden will always be a Trojan horse in my opinion:

Jean Waller

“Manchin is not the real problem. Biden and the Dem leadership betraying everything they promised to stand for is.

"This weekend’s big news is the likely death of the Build Back Better bill, which includes most of the party’s climate, health care, housing, and other social spending promises. But this plot twist is only the latest chapter in a larger story. Consider what’s happened in the lead up:"


“Carl Sagan testifying before Congress in 1985 on climate change”


“When Your Government Ends A War But Increases The Military Budget, You're Being Scammed”




“UPDATE: November 2021 was the fourth hottest November since recordkeeping began in 1880, coming in at 0.94°C (almost 2°F) above the 1951-1980 baseline average. Eleven of the 13 hottest Novembers have occurred since 2009.

Furthermore, #fall2021 was the fourth hottest meteorological fall (Sept. 1 to Nov. 30) since recordkeeping began in 1880, coming in at 0.95°C (almost 2°F) above the 1951-1980 baseline average. The past 10 autumns have been the hottest:”

“GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP v4)”


The dis-economic crap that comes out of Washing and many State Govt’s is truly astounding! Optimizing a nation’s economy for a few results in a much lower overall level of economic activity than optimizing the nation’s economy for the many


“What Sci-Hub’s latest court battle means for research

Delhi court will scrutinize whether the pirate paper website falls foul of India’s copyright law. The verdict could have implications for academic publishers further afield”


“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever. The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one. Don’t let it happen. It depends on you.” George Orwell, author of “1984” Last interview before his death.”


“Creeping marketization has created perverse incentives for researchers — threatening the wholesale corruption of science itself.”

“Capitalism Is Ruining Science”


“Today’ more than ever before, life must be characterized by a sense of Universal Responsibility, not only Nation to Nation and human to human, but also human to all other forms of life.” The Dalai Lama


Blame Democrats when the U.S. Constitution gets rewritten in a Constitutional Convention of States


To accumulate excess you dis-posses others of theirs

“Karl Marx’s groundbreaking account of alienation in his 1844 “Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts” went unpublished for nearly a century, but forms an invaluable part of his thought. For Marx, alienation was fundamental to understanding capitalism and how to dismantle it.”


“The entirety of humanity has become one big business. Unless this corporation we are all apart of goes through the painful process of completely restructuring itself and re-inventing its business model, it is doomed to certain and sudden death by its own hand.”


“WATCH | Heavy rainfall cause rivers in Mpumalanga to burst their banks”


Either vote her out, or declare her district an unconstitutional fascist terrorist state within a state that doesn’t have the right [until the 2 parties hold their Constitutional Convention] to vote in American elections:

“Pelosi rejects stock-trading ban for members of Congress: 'We are a free-market economy. They should be able to participate in that.'”


“And the rest of us? We are losing our country.”

“The Supreme Court, Weaponized”


David Hamilton:

“Julian Assange is in jail because corporate Democrats like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton want revenge. He not only exposed US war crimes, he also exposed Hillary Clinton and the DNC’s plot to undermine the campaign of Bernie Sanders. And he exposed the CIA’s top secret procedures that allowed them to promote the bogus claim Russia interfered with the 2016 election and got Trump elected. The persecution of Assange is bipartisan, but mostly promoted by right wing Democrats.”


“Japan urged to revoke decision to dump nuclear wastewater after study finds Fukushima radioactive material reaches Arctic Ocean - Global Times

"According to the latest study of Yuichiro Kumamoto, a senior researcher from the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, radioactive Cesium-134 has reached the Arctic Ocean eight years after it leaked into the ocean due to the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, Kyodo News reported on Tuesday. Cesium-137 also arrived in the Arctic Ocean, according to the researcher."

Fukushima radioactive fallout IS global warming. Helluva way to boil a planet.”


Joan Frisinabowles:

“A College Degree was never meant to become *commoditized*.. but it has.. because the kleptoligarch/corporatists and investment class will commodify anything they can *profit* off of. They've bottled water, they have usurped the healthcare delivery system, they are now trying to commoditize Medicare.. through those Advantage plans.. and the list goes on!

If WE The People do not get the money OUT of politics and the politicians who are elected are majority working for the l%.. we can whine for naught. Citizens United really put the icing on the cake.. and it's not being repealed.. is it???? Why??? Because neither party wants to repeal it. The charade goes on .. doesn't it.. in that bought congress.

WE must vote out corrupt politicians and we must do that in order to change the system so there is no powerful influence by the l% on our political process.. and we need to have a Direct Democracy.. or we can whine for eternity.

Try to elect responsible, and noncorporate backed candidates.. and help them get elected to RepresentUS.”


Mike Coverdale:

“I really enjoyed the Master Class I took with Gordon Ramsey but there is nothing I want to learn from this group. Most should be in prison. I am cancelling my Masterclass Membership and recommend you so the same.”

*learn how to lie a country into war and make millions in the process

*learn how to smile and endure knowing your family destroyed millions of lives

*learn how to divert blame after losing to the worst human imaginable

*learn how to subvert an entire political party into a servant of the wealthy and push millions of jobs overseas at the same time

*learn to leverage your public service into a multi million dollar advisory group

*learn how to do nothing when warned about the threat of attack prior to 9/11 and still retain a position of power

2020 June 29 _F2A9853aaa

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