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12/2021 “Global Extinction: How Long Do We Have Left?”

Updated: Aug 8, 2022

Sam Carana

“Habitat degradation, low genetic variation and declining fertility are setting Homo sapiens up for collapse - by Henry Gee, paleontologist, evolutionary biologist and editor at Nature.”

“Humans Are Doomed to Go Extinct”


Global Extinction Level Event – turning into a Global Extinction Potpourri!

Pollinators, the ability of the ocean to support life, the ozone layer, etc. it’s all going away:


2021-09-19 _F2A1482aaa

“Why you don’t hear about the ozone layer anymore”


“Marine Oxygen Levels are the Next Great Casualty of Climate Change

The increasing frequency of dead zones will affect billions of people who rely on the ocean for survival”

Jan Wylie


But, like virtually everything else, it's speeding up.


The interplay between oceans and the atmosphere is complex and interwoven, but simply,oceans have taken up about 90 percent of the excess heat created by climate change during the Anthropocene. Bodies of water can absorb CO2 and O2, but only to a temperature-dependent limit. Gas solubility decreases with warming temperatures; that is, warmer water holds less oxygen. This decrease in oxygen content, coupled with a large-scale die-off of oxygen-generating phytoplankton resulting not just from climate change, but from plastic pollution and industrial run-off, compromises ecosystems, asphyxiating marine life and leading to further die-offs. Large swaths of the oceans have lost 10–40 percent of their oxygen, and that loss is expected to accelerate with climate change.


“War World III May Arrive Sooner Than You Think”


Francisco Reyes:

“How many of you are willing to start a war with Russia over Crimea, thing are getting serious.

Russia a draw a line warned it would not tolerate any more provocations”


“Saagar Enjeti: Is Biden's INFIRMITY Making Taiwan Invasion MORE Likely?”


“Japan’s former PM warns China invading Taiwan would be an ‘emergency’ for Tokyo”


“At age 79 and 38% approval, Joe Biden is still Democrats' best candidate for president in 2024. Kamala Harris is at 28%. Pete Buttigieg is at 38% too despite far less negative press.

They will not nominate a progressive. Michelle Obama insists she will not run. Andrew Cuomo resigned. Terry McAuliffe lost. Gavin Newsom faced a recall election but survived.”

“At 28 percent approval, say goodbye to Kamala Harris being Plan B to an aging Biden”


“CNN Shills For Corporate Dem Against Biden's Agenda”

“CNN and Corporate Dems have NO IDEA What Voters Want”

"Congress seems to be considering two ways to address the Tax Cut and Job Act’s $10,000 cap on the state and local tax (SALT) deduction. The House version of President Biden’s Build Back Better (BBB) bill would raise the cap to $80,000. An alternative plan, first proposed by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), would eliminate the contentious cap entirely for those making $400,000 or less and then gradually restore the $10,000 deduction limit. Senators Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) are developing a proposal similar to that idea, though final details may differ."


Obama “Energy Independence”:

“US has dropped 'Climate Bomb' on the world, World’s ‘calamitous’ water crisis being ignored in climate talks, New poll says society will completely break down, What does 60˚C mean for the Middle East? Why has the press Ignored retailers' crappy Black Fridays? All in today's Collapse Chronicle!

“The Collapse Chronicle”

“Since Congress Lifted Crude Export Ban in 2015, US has Dropped ‘Climate Bomb’ on the World”


“Global Extinction: How Long Do We Have Left?”


If Koch’s SCOTUS makes abortion illegal, BLAME DEMOCRATS

“In the 48 years since Roe was decided, the Democrats have had ample opportunity to codify the right to an abortion. In that time, they’ve controlled the Senate for 29 years, the House for 29 years and the presidency for 21 years. Instead, many Dems sought to restrict abortion rights, especially for poor women, largely by enacting the Hyde Amendment, which prohibited federal funds for abortions. The Hyde Amendment was first enacted in 1977, only four years after Roe. One of its most enthusiastic co-sponsors: Joe Biden.”

“Roaming Charges: Tribute Must be Paid”


They will NOT stop at abortion rights:



Kevin Hester

"There will be several contributors to rapid planetary heating in the wake of an ice-free Arctic Ocean. Primary among these contributors are: 1) loss of albedo; 2) latent heat; 3) loss of aerosol masking; and 4) release of methane from the relatively shallow continental shelves in the Arctic Ocean."

More inconvenient science from the good professor.”

“The Importance of Arctic Sea Ice to Life on Earth”


“Warriors are not what you think of as warriors. The warrior is not someone who fights, because no one has the right to take another life. The warrior, for us, is one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. His task is to take care of the elderly, those who can not provide for themselves, and above all, the children, the future of humanity.” Sitting Bull


# High-flying wildfire smoke may threaten ozone layer

“Record Arctic ozone loss linked to Siberian wildfires”

“The unexpected smoke layer in the High Arctic winter stratosphere during MOSAiC 2019–2020” - by Kevin Ohneiser et al.


Kirk Norring:

NO2 is also a Greenhouse. The Latest Addition To Nullschool - NO2.

A Greenhouse gas 300 times more powerful than CO2.

Catherine Nelson:

Health effects of No2....


It is possible they let American nuclear reactors simply melt down:

America’s shadow government is instrumental to the 4th Reich and it is going to get very ugly:



2 November

“Winter heat wave sets December records in four U.S. states, Canada”


Kevin Hester

“A 67degrees C temperature swing across Europe.

The new abnormal”


“Why Are Blue-Collar Americans Dying of Despair?”

“Where was the Democratic Party leadership since 1972?

Answer: AWOL for the last 50 years!!! Bought out by Wall Street’s donor class.

Only about half the 30% with college degrees have any good common sense. That's the other problem...They're not smart enough to know what's good for them.

Do you need a college degree to understand that…

1) Employer-provided health care is a loser for wage earners because private health care costs increase faster than worker productivity and wage growth. Your employer isn’t paying for your health care, you are with reduced wage growth.

2) Allowing CEOs and other corporate executives to make 400 times their median workforce income is excessive compensation, and thus, should be taxed out of existence (see #1 Op-Ed Below).

3) Allowing corporations to buyback their own stock is a form of untaxed wealth transfer and should not be allowed (as was the practice prior to 1982) (See #2 Op-Ed Below).


Key Passage:

We have to go back to the high-water mark for blue collar wages, which was 1972. After that the bottom fell out of the low-skilled labor market. Median wages among prime-aged men fell for 50 years. They went up and down a little bit with the business cycle, but the long-term trend was down. The good jobs disappeared, and people felt they couldn’t get married unless one of the partners had a good job. Home life became very unstable, and without the means to support a good life, connections to the community fell as well, including people’s affiliation with churches. Church life faltered, home life faltered, work life faltered. So that’s kind of a Durkheimian recipe for suicide right there.”


Biden’s recent sale of 80million acres offshore oil exploration was an extremely unwise thing to do:

“It’s critical for humanity to engage now to stop Deep Sea Mining before it gets started. If allowed to move forward, deep-sea mining will be the next major climate disaster. If we kill the oceans, we kill ourselves.”


“End American Empire Before It Ends Us”

Bert Wolfe writes:

“Sad, isn't it? The United States of America fancies itself not just A democracy, but rather as THE DEMOCRACY, a shining example to all the rest of the world. Moreover, America's hyper inflated opinion of itself allows it to refer to itself as "the exceptional nation,” even "the indispensable nation.” Yet, for all that inflated national ego, exceptionality, and indispensability neither of the two major political parties in America are willing to stop feeding at the big money political pig's trough kept full of campaign cash by corporations and wealthy donors long enough to, for example, seriously consider how to provide high quality healthcare to all Americans.

Another sad, but awful truth about politics and government in America is that the politicians of BOTH major political parties really don't give a damn what the average American man or woman on the street think about government policy, whether it be national healthcare policy or anything else, for that matter.

We the People of the United States, sadly, have become all but irrelevant in the policy discussions in Washington, DC. A recent study by scholars from Princeton and Northwestern Universities has shown that average, everyday Americans have virtually NO IMPACT on the thinking or policy making of the US Congress. For better or worse, We the People have been reduced from empowered citizens of a representative democracy to the ignored, irrelevant, and powerless subjects of a global superpower determined to flex its muscles and impose its will on a world that is reluctant at the minimum, and adamantly opposed at the maximum, to bend to American hegemony.

Meanwhile, average, everyday Americans have been reduced to helpless spectators as they are left without universal, single payer healthcare coverage, their domestic infrastructure is left to crumble and decay, their childrens' education in the public schools becomes second rate, their incomes stagnate or fall, and their quality of life declines. As long as America outside the Beltway obediently pays its taxes, sends its sons (and soon its daughters) to be IED fodder in America's endless wars of empire, flys its flags and pins its yellow ribbons, and silently acquiesces in the atrocities being committed in their name overseas in places they can't pronounce, inside Absurdistans they never heard of and can't find on a map, they will continue to watch Stateside America atrophy and rot. The politicians and policy makers of the American Empire will continue to ignore America at home as they continue their mad drive to create that which the world has never seen before -- a complete global empire under the undisputed control of one world superpower.

Unfortunately, while America abroad seeks supreme, unquestioned and unquestionable power, America at home is becoming a Potemkin Village — seemingly mighty, powerful, and invincible on the outside; weak, decrepit, and decaying on the inside. Until America abandons its overseas empire, breaks the power of the "Deep State” and the military-industrial complex, the shadow government that wields REAL power in Washington, DC; begins serious nuclear disarmament with Russia, and confronts the challenge of global climate change, America at home will continue to be ignored and taken for granted.”


“We the unwilling led by the unqualified to kill the unfortunate die for the ungrateful”


“the U.S. Spent $2 Trillion on the war in Iraq, 90% of that money went to the Richest 1% of Americans”



“The concentration camp was never the normal condition for the average gentile German. Unless one were Jewish, or poor and unemployed, or of active leftist persuasion or otherwise openly anti-Nazi, Germany from 1933 until well into the war was not a nightmarish place.

All the “good Germans” had to do was obey the law, pay their taxes, give their sons to the army, avoid any sign of political heterodoxy, and look the other way when unions were busted and troublesome people disappeared.

Since many “middle Americans” already obey the law, pay their taxes, give their sons to the army, are themselves distrustful of political heterodoxy, and applaud when unions are broken and troublesome people are disposed of, they probably could live without too much personal torment in a fascist state – some of the certainly seem eager to do so.” Michael Parenti, “Fascism in a Pinstriped Suit”


They are calling it “Civil forfeiture” – authorities simply seize the stuff non rich own. And yea, that includes your bank account(s):

Have you heard of "civil forfeiture"?

This is an eye opener. The levels of corruption infiltrating almost every level of government, is shocking. And this is not being exposed by the corporate media.

This video has been presented by the Institute for Justice

“Watch Cops Seize Combat Vet’s Life Savings”


“Study: Pipeline construction affects crop yield”

"An Iowa State University study looking at the impacts of soil disturbance and early remediation practices from construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline finds significant soil compaction and gradual recovery of crop yield in the right-of-way over five years: The team found crop yields in the right-of-way were reduced by an average of 25% for soybeans and 15% for corn during the first and second crop seasons, compared to undisturbed fields...

"According to a university news release, the study’s primary goal was to assess the extent of soil and cropping disturbances in the approximately 150-foot right-of-way caused by land clearing, topsoil removal and soil mixing, pipeline trenching and backfilling during the construction process.

Researchers also wanted to evaluate the effectiveness of state-mandated remediation requirements and a DAPL agricultural mitigation plan designed to minimize impacts to cropland. The Iowa Utility Code requires pipeline projects to remove topsoil and apply deep tillage to exposed subsoil before replacing the topsoil. The researchers are continuing to study the benefits of these practices, which can be costly. Such field-based research quantifying soil properties and recovery in the years after a pipeline installation on farmlands is limited.

“Our findings show extensive soil disturbance from construction activities had adverse effects on soil physical properties, which come from mixing of topsoil and subsoil, as well as soil compaction from heavy machinery,” said Mehari Tekeste, assistant professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering, director of the Soil Machine Dynamics Laboratory at Iowa State and leader of the project. After the local pipeline construction was completed in 2016, the researchers began studying the impacts of construction and reclamation on a short stretch where the pipeline crossed an Iowa State research farm near Ames, Iowa. They monitored soil characteristics like bulk density and chemical properties at different depths across three zones within the right-of-way and adjacent undisturbed crop fields.

In 2017 and 2018, they analyzed yield data for corn and soybean plots planted on the reclaimed land in the pipeline right-of-way under two tillage systems (no-till and conventional tillage) and compared the yields to crops in the undisturbed fields with similar soils. “Overall, in the first two years, we found the construction caused severe subsoil compaction, impaired soil physical structure that can discourage root growth and reduce water infiltration in the right-of-way,” said Horton, the lead soil physicist on the project. They also found changes in available soil water and nutrients. Though the heavy equipment-induced compaction was still evident two years after construction, a deep subsoil tillage treatment showed some benefit for alleviating the compaction."

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