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12/2021 Court Ruling: The food at McDonald’s is too toxic to be fed to humans

Updated: Nov 24, 2022

“Social Murder

(the paraphrased words of Frederick Engles)

When an individual inflicts bodily harm upon another causing death, we call the deed manslaughter. When the assailant knows in advance that the injury will be fatal, we call this an act of premeditated murder.

But when society places ordinary people in circumstances that cause them to meet their premature and unnatural deaths, there is no recourse and no one is held accountable, even thought the end result is the same has having been killed by sword or bullet.

When the framework of society deprives people the necessities of life, placing them under conditions in which they can not possibly expected to survive, enforcing these harsh conditions upon them through the strong arm of the law, to remain in such conditions until death is the inevitable outcome, knowing these victims exist will perish, and yet allowing these conditions to persist, is itself an act of structural violence against which no institution can defend itself.

And though this does not appear to be murder on its surface because no one can identify a solitary murderer, because the death of victims seem natural and because the offense is one of omission rather than commission, these socially acceptable acts of murder are nonetheless undeniable moral crimes against humanity that could have been prevented in an otherwise caring society.”

2022 631aaaaa3

With this comment, buttigieg makes abundantly clear he doesn't understand core inflation or generally how inflation:

“Buttigieg: Families who buy electric vehicles “never have to worry about gas prices again”

News: Pennsylvania residents could see electricity prices rise as much as 50 percent this winter \ Today in Pa.


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“EXPLAINER: Stuck jet stream, La Nina causing weird weather”


Orca’s are not habituated against killing when not necessary to eat:

“As Arctic Sea Ice Melts, Killer Whales Are Moving In

Underwater recorders have picked up the sounds of orcas in places they haven’t previously been detected”


Morrison must be brought up on Ecocide:

“We are professional fire watchers, and we're astounded by the scale of fires in remote Australia right now”


“A 'no snow' California could come sooner than you think”


“Pacific Gas & Electric company: Serial Arson and Multiple Murder


George Tsakraklides:

“Never before in its history has humanity built a civilization that has at its disposal so many different ways to accurately monitor, measure and predict its own impending collapse – yet so incapable to do anything about it.”


“Collapse Means Collapse”


“Storm sweeps Hawaii, brings threat of 'catastrophic' floods”


Climate Collapse:


The Frequently Asked Questions page discusses 24 questions, including:

• Did the annual increase of methane slow down until 2004, and then speed up? Why?

• How high is the mean methane level? Where are the highest methane levels?

Frequently Asked Questions”


“Melt Down at the Poles - COP26”

“Polar ice sheets are critical to maintain ocean currents, temperature, and salinity. Only if they stay frozen can we prevent sea level rise, intense storms, and disruption of the Jet Stream and major ocean currents. #PeterWadhams, pre-eminent polar scientist, explains how brightening marine clouds with tiny particles from sea water to reflect the sun’s heat could keep the arctic frozen. #PaulBeckwith, physicist, talks about both poles, permafrost, as well as the importance of #phytoplankton. Hosted by Dale Walkonen.”


Truduea’s career is more important than the Canadian Commons:

“Western Canada sees record-high winter temperature”


Romeu Peitinho:

“Weapons trade booms as profits hit record $531bn in 2020

Swedish think tank says world’s 100 biggest arms firms were largely shielded from the effect of the pandemic.”

“Firms in the United States continue to dominate the industry, with total sales of $285bn from 41 companies accounting for about 54 percent of all arms sales among the 100 biggest companies. The top five companies in the ranking since 2018 have all been based in the US, SIPRI said.”


“Japan’s Upcoming Nuclear Waste Dump”


Court Ruling: The food at McDonald’s is too toxic to be fed to humans:


McDonald's loses the legal battle with chef Jamie Oliver, who proved that the food they sell is not fit to be ingested because it is highly toxic.

Chef Jamie Oliver has won a battle against the world's largest junk food chain. Oliver proving how burgers are made.

According to Oliver, the fat parts of meat are "washed" with ammoniac hydrogen and then used in the packaging of the meat "cake" to fill the burger. Before this process, according to the presenter, already this meat was not suitable for human consumption.

Oliver, a radical activist chef, who has waged a war against the food industry, says: We’re talking about meat that would be sold as dog food and after this process it’s served to humans. In addition to the quality of meat, ammonium acid is harmful to health. Oliver says this: "The process of the pink shit".

What sane human being would put a piece of meat soaked in ammonium hydrogen in the mouth of a child?

In another of his initiatives Oliver has demonstrated how chicken nuggets are made: after selecting the "best parts", the rest: fat, skin, cartilage, visuals, bones, head, legs, are subjected to a mec split smoothie canica - it's the euphemism that engineers use in food, and then that blood pink paste is deodorant, bleached, re-refreshed and repainted, dipped in flour and fried melcocha, this is left in usually partially hydrogenated oils, that is, toxins.

The food industry uses ammonium hydrogen as an anti-microbial agent, which allowed McDonald's to use meat in its burgers, which is not suitable for human consumption.

But even more disturbing is the situation that these substances based on ammonium hydrogen are considered 'lawful components in the production process' in the food industry with the blessings of health authorities worldwide o. So consumers will never be able to discover what substances they put in our food.”


American health insurance interests are taking over healthcare in Europe:

“Looks like soon the EU health care for all is going to be a thing in the past and they're going to be lucky enough to have our system. Poor people I feel sorry for them”

“US Empire Seizes UK’s National Health Service”

“It is safe to say that, far from being overstated, the Americanization of the NHS is very nearly complete, write Stewart Player and Bob Gill.”


“Making Health Care “Accessible and Affordable” Isn’t the Same as Making It Universal and Free”

"Centrist Democrats use phrases like “accessible and quality health care” to sound like they support reforming the broken US health care system while avoiding the only genuine reform: removing health care from the market altogether."


“Joe Biden sides with our murderers. He thinks Americans dying for corporate profits is peachy, and will do anything to protect that. If you're endangered because you can't afford the rip-off scams, you deserve whatever hell comes your way.”


“McChrystal’s new book is so stuffed with mendacity and banality that it serves as an exposé on America’s generals after 9/11, writes Peter Maass.”


McChrystal’s new book is so stuffed with mendacity and banality that it serves as an exposé on America’s generals after 9/11. Peter Maass”


“Before you make fun of Children for believing in Santa Claus,

Remember, there are still people who believe the U.S. Troops fight for Freedom.”


America’s education system is in a death spiral:

“What happens when conservative school boards gain power at districts around the country”

“…inclusion and acceptance are now forbidden and that includes race and sexual orientation…”


“Supreme Court poised to further open the door for taxpayer funding of religious schools”


“This Supreme Court Case Could Take a 'Wrecking Ball' to Separation of Church and State”


The extreme nature of America’s social injustices (e.g. medical care, etc) and the economic injustices that aid them are human rights violations masquerading as capitalism


One of America’s most egregious Human Rights Violation:

“The Right To A Safe, Clean, Healthy, And Sustainable Environment”


“The rapidly changing climate in high-altitude regions, such as the western Tibetan Plateau, poses a major risk of natural hazards such as avalanches. However, the impact of giant ice avalanches on downstream lakes and the ecology of the region is not clear.

What happens after glaciers collapse? Now, TPE scientists have highlighted the short- and long-term effects of avalanches on downstream lakes, providing a reference to evaluate such extreme events in response to melting glaciers.”


“Capitalism is an economic system in the private sector, not a form of government. By nature, it has no social conscience. Government run by capitalist bosses for their own benefit is Fascism!

Democratic Socialism is government in the public interest, that regulates the excesses and abuses of capitalism.”


“McDonald’s and Visa partnered to show fast-food restaurant workers can live on $8.25 an hour if they budget. Unfortunately that budget includes working a second job and not having heat.”

“This is proof that rich people are SO out of touch with reality”


“Student loan payments resume in less than 60 days.

~89% of borrowers say they aren’t financially secure enough to resume their student loan payments.

~27% will spend at least a third of their income on their loan payments.

@POTUS must lift this burden and cancel student debt.”


“Under Stalin, repression was so severe that Soviet Gulags held 22% of the world’s entire prison population,…

Just kidding, that’s in the United States today”


“Straws Aren’t the Only Problem. Fishing Gear Accounts for Tons of Ocean Plastic.”


“Whales, Sea Turtles, Seals: The Unintended Catch Of Abandoned Fishing Gear”


“What Is Bycatch? The Fishing Industry's Darkest Side Effect, Explained”




“10 Alarming Facts About Overfishing”


“The CDC is funded by the pharmaceutical industry

The WHO is funded by the pharmaceutical industry

The FDA is funded by the pharmaceutical industry

The Fact Checking is funded by the pharmaceutical industry

The Media is funded by the pharmaceutical industry


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