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12/2021 Biden’s\Trump’s “Medicare Direct Contracting (DC)”: The biggest threat you've never heard of

Updated: Aug 14, 2022

“Earthquake swarm off Oregon coast continues to intensify.. NOT typical.. Earthquake WATCH”


“It’s better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction” Diane Grant


“Near the old Cook County Hospital in Chicago:

“One doesn’t ask of one who suffers: what is your country and what is your religion? One merely says. You suffer, this is enough for me. You belong to me and I shall help you.” Louis Pasteur


Ruthie Wilson Gilmore:

““Philanthropy is the private allocation of stolen social wages.” This is the most important sentence I’ve heard this year.”

D:\Data From 500gb OS Drive\Users\Pictures\Old Favs\New Folder (17)\New Folder\ IMG_2369aaaaap.jpg


“Tim Merges the Worst Climate News in History with Epic Images”


“The “good” in our world begins when we refuse to comply with social values that would have us harmfully exploit others for personal gain. The moment we choose to abide by our own moral sensibilities is the moment we no longer legitimize, reinforce and perpetuate a culture of self-serving exploitation in all of its negligent and destructive forms.”


"No cuts to Social Security. Not now. Not ever." Bernie Sanders

"The Right to a Secure Retirement:

Today, we say to our senior citizens, that we understand that you cannot live in dignity when you are trying to survive on $13,000 or $14,000 a year in Social Security benefits. My Republican colleagues want to cut Social Security but we have some bad news for them. We’re not going to cut Social Security benefits. We’re going to expand them." Bernie Signature

"One out of every three senior citizens in America relies on Social Security for virtually ALL of their income.

I don't think the wealthiest country in history should have seniors living in poverty. Trump wants to slash Social Security. I believe we must expand it." Bernie Sanders

"The Social Security Administration confirmed what we already knew. Trump's disastrous plan to defund Social Security would eliminate retirement and disability benefits by 2023. That may make sense to the billionaires at Trump's country club, but it makes zero sense to me." Bernie Sanders

"Social Security Works

· 24 ago. 2020

BREAKING: Donald Trump's plan to terminate Social Security's funding would eliminate disability benefits in 2021 and retirement + survivor benefits in 2023"

"Social Security is a sound program that has worked well for more than 75 years. It ain’t broke, so why try to fix it?

The government—not Social Security—is what is broken and needs to be fixed. It is time for the American people to stand their ground and fire the crooked politicians.

President Obama, and every member of Congress know that everything in this article is true.

But they have succeeded in fooling the people for three decades and seem to think they can continue to do so. Don’t let them get by with it! - Thanks: Jeff Healy

See more at: fedsmith dot com ronald-reagan and the great

social security heist


I pad for my social security insurance, our benefits are not some kind of charity or handout!

Congressional Benefits…Premium federal healthcare, outrageous retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, three weeks paid vacation, unlimited paid sick days! – NOW THAT’S WELFARE!

And they have the nerve to call my retirement an entitlement???


“This should be easy to understand how freedoms work

This person took his part, but it affected others negatively. He exercised his freedom, but with an injustice to others. Freedoms can’t be exercised as every individual wants without looking at injustices to others. Justice disappears when you harm others. An example of bad exercise of individual freedom.”


“The Life in The Simpsons Is No Longer Attainable

The most famous dysfunctional family of 1990s television enjoyed, by today’s standards, an almost dreamily secure existence.”


“Amazon Slammed for Putting Profits Over Safety After 6 Die in Warehouse Collapse”


“It appears the EF4+ tornado was on the ground for over 200 miles! One of the most significant weather events EVER recorded!


“12-11-2021 Mayfield, KY - Incredible Damage - Homes Leveled - Water Tower Collapsed – Drone”


“Dallas Police Steal* $100,000 from Woman at Love Field”

“A woman flew from Chicago to Dallas with $106,829 in cash. Police seized it and released her without arresting or charging her. They call it "civil asset forfeiture." If you do it, then they call it "grand larceny."

Local media printed copaganda praising the K-9 cop who found it. Now she must spend thousands of dollars and years in court to get it back.”


Ed Costello\Arctic news:

“Winter tornadoes are relatively rarer because the warm air part of the equation is missing. Data covering 1991 to 2015 shows that the country sees just 27 tornadoes in an average December. In comparison, May sees 269 twisters on average. Only ONE prior tornado resembling the one in Kentucky.

Climate Change? We can wait around to see, or DO SOMETHING.”



A peak methane level of 3026 ppb was recorded by the MetOp-B satellite at 469 mb on December 11, 2021 am.

This follows a peak methane level of 3644 ppb recorded by the MetOp-B satellite at 367 mb on November 21, 2021, pm.

A peak methane level of 2716 ppb was recorded by the MetOp-B satellite at 586 mb on December 11, 2021, pm. This image is possibly even more terrifying than the first image, as it shows that at 586 mb, i.e. much closer to sea level, almost all methane shows up over sea, rather than over land, supporting the possibility of large methane eruptions from the seafloor, especially in the Arctic.

Also, the image was recorded later than the first image (with the 3026 ppb peak), indicating that even more methane may be on the way. This appears to be confirmed by the Copernicus forecast for December 12, 2021, 03 UTC, as illustrated by the third image, which shows methane at 500 hPa (equivalent to 500 mb).

Furthermore, very high methane levels have recently shown up over Barrow, Alaka, as illustrated by the fourth image.

The combination image shows that the sea surface temperature north of Svalbard was as high as 4.3°C (or 39.74°F, green circle in the left panel) on December 12, 2021, i.e. as much as 5°C (or 9°F, green circle in the right panel) higher than 1981-2011.

As temperatures keep rising, stronger winds can push huge amounts of heat from the North Atlantic into the Arctic Ocean.

A forecast is added for December 14, 2021, showing strong wind causing waves as high as 8.3 m or 27.2 ft off the coast of Norway, speeding up the flow of warm water as it dives underneath the sea ice north of Svalbard.

From the post 'Terrifying Arctic methane levels', at:”


“'Inexcusable': Amazon Under Fire After Warehouse Collapse Kills at Least Six

"Requiring workers to work through such a major tornado warning event as this was inexcusable."”

Romeu Pietinho:

"Time and time again Amazon puts its bottom line above the lives of its employees," said Stuart Appelbaum, president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU), in a statement. "Requiring workers to work through such a major tornado warning event as this was inexcusable."

"Amazon workers were reportedly told to show up for their shift despite the tornado warnings throughout the region on Friday."

“Didn't have to happen!”

“At least six Amazon workers died after a warehouse in Edwardsville, Illinois received a direct hit. In Kentucky, a tornado struck an occupied candle factory in the city of Mayfield, with 100 workers in it.”

“Numerous warnings were issued in advance of tornadoes that killed dozens of candle factory and Amazon workers”


“Factory workers threatened with firing if they left before tornado, employees say

Exclusive: At least eight people died in the Mayfield Consumer Products candle factory. Its destruction has become a symbol of the tornado's ruinous power.”


“Study: Winter tornadoes to get more powerful as world warms”

“Nasty winter tornadoes—like the deadly ones last week that hit five states—are likely to be stronger and stay on the ground longer with a wider swath of destruction in a warming world, a new study shows.”


“Quad-State Tornado?! Potential New Record Damage Path from 12/10/2021 Tornado Outbreak”

Justin Leso\Arctic news

“Many people are unaware that lower sea-ice levels in the Arctic directly affect storms that spawn tornadoes”

“Historic out of season Tornado Outbreak possibly breaks the record for longest damage path set by the 1925 Tri-State-Tornado! Loss of life reported in multiple states, many factories destroyed overnight in direct hits. The same system passed over New Jersey thankfully with little power/damage. Abrupt, Irreversible Climate Change is Well Underway!”


“Blue Ocean Event 2023” = “Near Term Human Extinction 2026?”

BOE 2023 = NTHE 20026?

Guy McPherson and Beril Sirmacek

probably the most breezy conversation on impending doom on YouTube.


Kevin Hester:

“"The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on Tuesday verified the record, reported in the Siberian town of Verkhoyansk on 20 June last year."

"The temperature was 18C higher than the area's average daily maximum for June."

This is the edited highlights from the corporate media. It doesn't mention that these anomalies will lead to an uninhabitable planet.

Details like that are bad for share prices.”

“Arctic heat record is like Mediterranean, says UN”


“KPFA Special: Demystifying Inflation with Richard Wolff”

“His latest book is The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself.”


It’s not a “Defense Budget” but a slush fund meant to facilitate wealth concentration and generate kickbacks\donations (together with votes). The fund does this by spending it on special interests with a view towards our military taking other countries resources using violence

The only time the money is used for “defense” is after we’ve solicited a response from a victim nation who we’ve targeted with an offensive assault to take what our rich customers citizens want

“Did Anyone Even Look at the Massive Defense Budget Before Passing It?”


BRACE YOURSELF: Jill Biden, like Pence before her, is “visiting” Milwaukee, WI, the Conservative homeland of ALEC\Bradley\Koch to get marching orders they dare not speak over the phone


“The most important element of creating a circle economy is that we currently design items for ease of assembly and to be discarded when no longer serviceable or needed. Consequently we have a disposal and trash problem. Products should be designed for easy repair, recyclable and or if needed easy disassembly into reusable material streams. To encourage such design principals we need an environmental surcharge tax on products which do not meet the criteria. We could also make o.e.m. responsible for disposal of many products. Imagine a refrigerator manufacturer having to pick up and dispose of any fridge they produced. I am sure it would stimulate a lot of design innovation.”

“Everyday life in Japan’s Edo Period would today be known as a recycling society. They didn’t just recycle to reduce garbage; they had a mentality of valuing things and completely using everything up. For those of us who live in the disposable society of today, there might be a lot of things we can learn from the Edo Period recycling mentality.”

“What is Wabi Sabi? The Elusive Beauty of Imperfection”

"In a few words, one could say that wabi sabi (侘寂) is the beauty of imperfect things. In Japan, wabi sabi is imperceptible but everywhere: a crack on a teapot, the wood of an old door, green moss on a rock, a misty landscape, a distorted cup or the reflection of the moon on a pond. Andrew Juniper defines wabi sabi as "an intuitive appreciation of ephemeral beauty in the physical world that reflects the irreversible flow of life in the spiritual world.”

"In old Edo (present-day Tokyo), nothing went to waste, nothing was thrown out. Take umbrellas for instance. An Edo umbrella was oiled paper stretched taut over a bamboo frame. When the paper tore, it was patched up or replaced. If the frame came apart, you sold it to a peddler, who sold it to an umbrella maker, who refurbished it, topped it with fresh oil paper and sold it for new, beginning the cycle all over again.

Peddlers and itinerant repairmen were the lubricants of the Edo economy. You didn’t throw out an old pot or pan; you hailed a passing tinker to plug the holes in it. Clothes did not flit into and out of fashion as they do today; they were handed down from older child to younger child until they could be worn no more, then sold to old clothes dealers who darned them and mended them until they could pass for merchandise.

Envy-driven social climbing was not a major force in Edo life. Mutual assistance and living happily within our means are virtues we can relearn from Edo -- for the sake of the environment, if not of our souls. No doubt they would be good for us.."

What We can Learn from Edo Period about Recycling

"In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi (侘寂) is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of appreciating beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete" in nature. It is a concept derived from the Buddhist teaching of the three marks of existence (三法印, sanbōin), specifically impermanence (無常, mujō), suffering (苦, ku) and emptiness or absence of self-nature (空, kū)."

"Everyday life in Japan’s Edo Period would today be known as a recycling society. They didn’t just recycle to reduce garbage; they had a mentality of valuing things and completely using everything up. For those of us who live in the disposable society of today, there might be a lot of things we can learn from the Edo Period recycling mentality."

"Today Japan depends on imports from other countries for 78 percent of its energy, 60 percent of its food (caloric value), and 82 percent of its timber consumption. But for approximately 250 years during the Edo Period, Japan was self-sufficient in all resources, since nothing could be imported from overseas due to the national policy of isolation.

In recent years, an increasing number of Japanese have begun to realize that during the Edo Period their country had what we now recognize in today's terms as a sustainable society. The population was stable and the society did not rely on material inputs from the outside. Many are now trying to learn more about the social system of that time and apply the "wisdom of the Edo Period" in contemporary society and living."


“Profitable companies built in questionable ways and employing reckless means engage in corporate social responsibility, and some rich people make a splash by “giving back” – regardless of the fact that they caused serious societal problems as they built their fortunes.” Anand Giridharadas, “Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World”


The Rich attack Public Universities from every angle:

“Inside the Secretive World of Union Busting: Labor-Focused Academics Targeted for Their Research

Pressure from corporate donors, public relations firms and anti-union consultants has chilled research by labor studies academics.”

“Researchers in the field of labor studies have been the target of legal threats and lawsuits, onerous public records requests and misinformation campaigns from union avoidance consultants, business executives, corporate lawyers and conservative think tanks.

It’s one aspect of the business lobby’s relentless war against unions in recent decades, which has seen companies spend more than $340 million a year on consultants to defeat organizing efforts by their employees and helped sink union membership.”


“Inside the Secretive World of Union Busting: How Employers Use Technology to Defeat Unions

An estimated 60% of large employers use workplace monitoring tools, some of which can be used to chill organizing.”

““It used to be that workers could feel pretty comfortable talking with their co-workers, as long as the supervisor wasn’t within earshot. You don’t really have that luxury anymore.””


“Crucial Antarctic ice shelf could fail within five years, scientists say”


“How Israel turned Palestine into a surveillance tech dystopia”

“Romeu Peitinho

“Recent revelations have included the Israeli army’s deployment of Blue Wolf facial recognition technology, which reportedly saw Israeli soldiers incentivised with prizes for taking the most photos of Palestinian civilians, and the installation of NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware on the phones of Palestinian human rights workers.

While these revelations might have shocked the international community, Palestinians have long known that Israel uses the occupied territories as a laboratory for testing invasive surveillance technologies. This allows Israeli firms to market their technologies as “field tested” when they are exported around the world. “”


“The Coming Tsunami of Grief”

“As runaway abrupt climate change and it’s brutal reality bares down on us with the speed of a tsunami, another little discussed side affect is grief. I shall try to cover it in this blog and provide some avenues for readers to seek solace and solidarity below.”


“"An update released today by the International Union for Conservation of Nature found that more than a quarter of plants and animals around the globe are threatened with extinction."

How You Can Help to Save Wildlife”

“New Global Extinction Assessment Highlights Imperiled Freshwater Species”


“All humans are fundamentally flawed; and because institutions are comprised of humans, they too are flawed. Consequently, when assessing the outcomes of all human endeavor, it stands to reason that we can’t expect perfection anywhere, but we should expect improvement everywhere. Just as ordinary people learn, grow and improve over time, it is not unreasonable to expect corporations and government to do the same. Therefore, any avoidable and unnecessary harm caused by corporate and/or government negligence that remains unexamined, unresolved and unchanged has no valid excuse and should never be tolerated.”


Guy McPherson:

“Guy's latest work concentrates on the loss of the Arctic Sea Ice, it's consequences for the climate and the grief associated with assimilating this knowledge.”


“Capitalists should never be allowed near a healthcare system. They hold sick children hostage as they force parents to bankrupt themselves in the desperate scramble to pay for medical care. The sick do not have a choice. Medical care is not a consumable good. We can choose to buy a used or new car, shop at a boutique or a thrift store, but there is no choice between illness and health.” Chris Hedges”


“The Psychology of Fascism and Sexual Repression | 1Dime”


“No, billionaires won’t "escape" to space while the world burns

It takes thousands of people to keep a few alive on the ISS. The plutocrat space race is not serious”

"If we don't reverse the environmental and societal degradation caused by global capitalism, the ISS may turn out to be the pinnacle of human space exploration."


“We saved 100% on our taxes by switching to Jesus”


“The US is now officially a banana republic

In economics, a banana republic is a country operated as a commercial enterprise for private profit, effected by a collusion between the state and favored monopolies, in which the profit derived from the private exploitation of the public is private property, while the debts incurred are thereby a public responsibility.

“We the People” have been sold to the highest bidder, everybody ok with that?”



“Adam McKay’s new movie may be the first film in 57 years to equal the comedy and horror of Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece.”


Sam Carana:

“Thawing Permafrost Releases Nitrous Oxide, a Greenhouse Gas”

“Nitrous oxide (N2O) follows carbon dioxide and methane as the third-most significant greenhouse gas. It is nearly 300 times more powerful warming agent per unit mass compared to carbon dioxide. Microbial activity is the source for the production of nitrous oxide in soils.

“Thawing Yedoma permafrost is a neglected nitrous oxide source - by Maija Marushchak et al.”


“Bad as things seem now, they could easily get worse”

“Rivalry between America and China will shape the post-covid world”


“U.S. Wastes Enough Food to Feed 150 Million Americans Per Year: New EPA Report on Environmental Impact of Food Waste”


“Nancy Pelosi’s Brain Breaks on Camera”


“How Neoliberalism is Keeping the Pandemic Alive”


“BP and Shell planning for catastrophic 5°C global warming despite publicly backing Paris climate agreement

Companies are trying to 'have their oil and drink it' by committing to 2°C in public while planning for much higher temperature rises, says shareholder campaign group, ShareAction”


“8 Essential Steps to Radically Transform Our Economy”


Biden’s\Trump’s “Medicare Direct Contracting (DC)”:

“The biggest threat to Medicare you've never even heard of”


“Noam Chomsky Explains the Best Way for Ordinary People to Make Change in the World, Even When It Seems Daunting”


“America’s Orwellian Nightmare”

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