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12/2021 Agricultural products have become less nutritious with Climate\Biosphere Collapse

Updated: Aug 8, 2022

Suburban Sprawl contributes to Climate Collapse:

“How America is tackling its greatest source of emissions”


“Methane and the PETM - the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum”


"By dismantling the neoliberal ideologies of individualism, free-market capitalism, and small government, we can rewrite what it means to have healthy 'Main Streets' in America."

“Why a Small Business-Centered Economy Is Critical Right Now

Covid pummeled small businesses already hamstrung by decades of neoliberal policy and a long history of structural racism.”

2021-09-19 _F2A0711aaap


“Six problem-solving mindsets for very uncertain times”





“The role of philanthropy in Bill Gates’s global empire is well known. But the Gates Foundation’s contributions to media organizations are huge, underexamined, and a significant part of how one of the world’s wealthiest men has built and protected his image.”

“Billionaire Bill Gates Uses Money to Shape the Media”


“Here is a list of donation amounts - information you will not find on major media. And this is just one billionaire.”

“Documents show Bill Gates has given $319 million to media outlets to promote his global agenda”


Democrats & Republicans Beware. Your true identities have been realized:

“Auschwitz Survivor Supports BDS: ‘I Have Experienced Fascism’”


Prime Minister Morrison should be dealt with harshly:

“Australian climate activist handed 12-month jail sentence for non-violent protest”


“Healthcare Lobby Gives Dems $1.5M To KILL Expanded Medicare | The Kyle Kulinski Show”


Pelosi has received over a $1 million:

“Do you wonder why BBB's Medicare expansion is stalling? Perhaps this piece by Sludge helps explain it. "The bundle was given as the health insurance industry was lobbying against Medicare dental, vision, and hearing coverage being included in the Build Back Better Act." Furthermore, referring to the $66,000 ..."It was the largest bundle, by total dollar amount, that Schumer has received since 2016." Schumer, according to Open Secrets, has received $312,000 from the insurance industry this year, tops among his colleagues in the Senate. ...... So, who exactly does he represent, you must ask.

Join Sludge @ They do excellent and essential work!”

“Schumer Took a $66k Bundle of Checks From the Health Insurance Industry’s Top Lobbyist

The bundle was given as the health insurance industry was lobbying against Medicare dental, vision, and hearing coverage being included in the Build Back Better Act.”


“Healthcare Lobby Gives Dems $1.5M To KILL Expanded Medicare | The Kyle Kulinski Show”

“Health care lobbyists are dumping money on Democrats through the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

They are doing it to kill provisions in "Build Back Better" that would help ordinary people, including reform that would lower prescription drug prices and expand Medicare.

The lobbyists will win. Party Leadership is addicted to this money and will do whatever their masters want to get more of it.

It's bribery. It's corruption. And it is so common that the mainstream media doesn't even talk about it anymore.

If Democrats want to hold on to power, they need to stop serving these masters and start serving ordinary people, as their branding wants you to believe. In other words, they need to start materially improving the lives of Americans, not the grifters who throw money at them.”


The consequences of killing our planet are good for business:

“Catastrophe Capitalism in America”

“**Wars and chattel slavery are obvious, and easy to find examples of deaths under U.S. capitalism. However, there are far more subversive means of keeping capitalism afloat in exchange for blood. There are deaths due to extreme poverty, causing at least 20,000,000 lives traded at the altar of global capital every year. There are deaths due to lack of healthcare, totaling about 68,000+ per year in the pre-COVID era. In the COVID-era, deaths due to America’s collective lack of healthcare and directly attributable to COVID-19 in the first year alone totaled 339,934 people. FDR’s Social Security Act of 1935 originally had universal healthcare. It was dropped in order to pass the remaining aspects of the bill. Figuring 68,000 deaths per year since 1935, American capitalism has caused an additional 5,848,000 deaths. That’s nearly six million deaths from lack of healthcare in 86 years, excluding COVID-19 data and other pandemics. **

# **So, from ‘just’ wars and conflicts, American and American-influenced capitalism has killed at least 19,366,900 people. Once we include the genocide of the Indigenous tribes and First Nations and the Africans that died as slaves in the area that is now the United States of America, the death toll is now at least 169,619,900 people and counting. Every COVID-19 death in America is a death due to American capitalism. Every death in America due to starvation, homelessness, or other poverty, is a death due to American capitalism. This is because we hide food, medicine, and housing behind green paper and choose not to provide enough green paper so everyone can live freely.


**Furthermore, America is only “the greatest country in the world” for the flow of transnational capital and right-wing politics. By definition, anything supporting any form of capitalism is right-wing in the political sphere. America is so far right that most Americans are conned into thinking their taxes and/or welfare programs are “socialism” and that liberals are the left. **”


“Venezuela’s socialists win elections in landslide – so US tries to discredit them”


“Rep. Greene introduces bill to award Congress’s highest honor to Kyle Rittenhouse, who fatally shot two men”


“Guy's latest discusses the irony and criminality of the US military.

In my latest post on the criminals at the IPCC I pointed out that "There are 195 countries in the world, and 148 of them emit a lot less hothouse gas than the U.S. Army alone.” Militarism, grinding the living planet into dust”

“Science Update: U.S. Military Unprepared for Climate Change”


“How many people in North America do you think know that a portion of the money allotted to US military goes to propaganda in the form of television shows and movies?

The Pentagon has directly supervised 400+ Hollywood movies and worked behind the scenese, approving scripts in some capacity in 800 major films and 1000 TV shows – distorting and constru…


Military Recruitment and Hollywood


Great Website!:

“Climate Reanalyzer”

“...around 8 large blue water areas, near the 'coast', have opened up today [25 NOV 21] on the west & east Antarctic ice shelves...66th day of 'spring'; 91+ days of 'summer' to come...touch globe 5 times to get to Antarctic view, then expand...”


“Capitalist Freedom Is a Farce”



A politician whose status, income, self-esteem and ability to live well depend on continuing to win elections will be less likely to do the right thing when it is going to be unpopular. We should not expect such politicians to be "profiles in courage."

“Needed: More Rich Politicians”


“It’s time to talk about anti-Palestinianism as a form of bigotry”


Boris Johnson needs to be dealt with harshly:

Activists take court action against Boris Johnson over climate crisis

“Three people claim government is breaching right to life and family life by not doing what is needed to prevent”

“Young People vs UK Gov: Right to Life & the Paris Agreement”


Political organizing is hard — political education shouldn’t have to be. These three essential pamphlets focus on "Understanding Capitalism," "Capitalism and the State," and "Capitalism and the Class Struggle."


"Executives are seizing a once in a generation opportunity to raise prices to match and in some cases outpace their own higher expenses, after decades of grinding down costs and prices,"

“There's a major problem with the narrative on inflation”


“Big Oil’s Big Lie About Who Caused the Climate Collapse”


“Repeat after me: Tax loopholes for the filthy rich are entitlements. Social Security and Medicare are Earned Benefits.

I pledge to vote against any incumbent representative, Republican or Democrat, that votes for cuts to social security or medicare.”


Ahmaud Arbery’s murderers were to supposed to get away with it like Rittenhouse:

“’The almost go away with it: How a leaked video led to convictions in the Ahmaud Arbery case”


“Austerity measures don't actually save money. But they do disempower workers. Which is why governments pursue them in the first place.”

“The Myth of the Fiscal Conservative”


“An Investment Manager's View on the Top 1%”

"I sit in an interesting chair in the financial services industry. Our clients largely fall into the top 1%, have a net worth of $5,000,000 or above, and — if working — make over $300,000 per year. My observations on the sources of their wealth and concerns come from my professional and social activities within this group.

"I could go on and on, but the bottom line is this: A highly complex set of laws and exemptions from laws and taxes has been put in place by those in the uppermost reaches of the U.S. financial system. It allows them to protect and increase their wealth and significantly affect the U.S. political and legislative processes. They have real power and real wealth. Ordinary citizens in the bottom 99.9% are largely not aware of these systems, do not understand how they work, are unlikely to participate in them, and have little likelihood of entering the top 0.5%, much less the top 0.1%. Moreover, those at the very top have no incentive whatsoever for revealing or changing the rules. I am not optimistic."


“See also the separate study:

“Quantifying contributions of natural variability and anthropogenic forcings on increased fire weather risk over the western United States” - by Yizhou Zhuang et al.

“Increasing large wildfires over the western United States linked to diminishing sea ice in the Arctic - by Yufei Zou et al.


Agricultural products have become less nutritious:

“Did you know that you would have to eat 8 of the oranges grown in 2021 to get the same nutrients as you would get from 1 orange in the 1970s? Many companies and organizations are trying to change this statistic by implementing regenerative agriculture practices.”


“Capitalism is a development by refinement from feudalism just as feudalism is a development by refinement from slavery. Capitalism is but the gentleman’s method of slavery.” Kwame Nkrumah


Still more Oil:

“Oil: DRC and Angola agree on joint exploitation of crude in Block 14

A memorandum of understanding was concluded on September 25, 2021 in Luanda, between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola on the exploitation of crude oil in Block 14 located in the area of ​​common interest. This, "after intense negotiations" in the presence of the line ministers of the two neighboring countries who signed the document.

Meeting in two separate technical commissions, led respectively by the Congolese Secretary General for Hydrocarbons and the Angolan Secretary of State for Petroleum, the two delegations discussed the finalization of the roadmap of the projects selected within the framework of the Zone d ' common interest (ZIC) in connection with the exploitation of crude oil in the block concerned.

Experts have agreed on a three-month deadline to submit a draft contract to pave the way for oil exploitation in this area of ​​common interest. Then the contract will be signed in the first quarter of 2022 in Kinshasa, the Congolese side.

Since June 2003, the DRC has been claiming a plan for the production of Angolan blocks in deep water.

The execution of the project for the exploitation of oil in block 14 was envisaged in 2007, in compliance with the standards required for petroleum products from Angola. On May 11, 2009, the DRC filed a petition with the UN for the delimitation of its maritime borders. A few weeks later, the ZIC was created, in application of the Treaty of Montevideo on the Law of the Sea. The ZIC had decided to extend by 200 nautical miles the extent of the continental shelf of its Atlantic coast, between Angola and its province of Kabinda.”

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