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11/2022 USA has always fobbed off the true cost of its wealth making on the rest of the world

Updated: Nov 11, 2022

2019-06-19 _F2A6610aaa3

“A French Lesson on Inflation and Social Class

Today on TAP: In France, workers have shut down oil refineries, demanding wage hikes as a share of company windfall profits.”


“Manchin Helped to Impoverish 4 Million Children When He Killed Child Tax Credit”


Cha-Ching$$$ Biden will be in office for another term if this keeps up. Ah, the creeping scope$ and scale$ of war:

“Norway will purchase $20 million worth of artillery ammunition to Ukraine”


Image rehab after Khashoggi?:

“Saudi Arabia announces $400 mln humanitarian aid to Ukraine”


“China gives Tesla tax break 3 days after Musk's Taiwan advice

Model S and Model X receive Chinese tax breaks after foreign ministry praises his Taiwan plan”


“British Government Close to Collapse as Chancellor Fired After 38 Disastrous Days in Office”


“East Antarctic glacier melting at 70.8bn tonnes a year due to warm sea water

Denman glacier in remote part of the continent could become unstable, possibly contributing to more sea level rise than predicted”


“What Happens When You Add a Hurricane Crisis to an Insurance Crisis?”

Only in Florida, man.”


Bolsonaro and his American counterparts responsible for the Amazon’s destruction must be held personally responsible for Ecocide:

“The Amazon is 'close to a point of no return' - a reality that impacts us all”


“Egypt silenced climate experts’ voices before hosting Cop27, HRW says

Failure to address country’s abuses will obstruct rollout of meaningful climate action, director of Human Rights Watch says”


“"Pretty troublesome": New COVID variant BQ.1 now makes up 1 in 10 cases nationwide, CDC estimates”


“A Fast-Emptying Ark: The World Grows Quieter by the Day

A vast new study finds there are 70 percent fewer wild animals sharing the earth with us than there were in 1970.”


Racist White Christo-Supremacy - America’s true colors:

“WaPo Wants US ‘Beacon’ for Ukraine Refugees—but Not for Haitians”


America fobbed off the true cost of its wealth making:


“‘A moral responsibility’: Scotland calls for climate reparations ahead of COP27

“People in the Global South and emerging economies are already paying the price of climate change every single day."”


“How the Rich REALLY Cause Climate Change”


Note the title makes clear the decision is one of Nuclear war OR the consequences of Global Warming.

Be afraid. Be very afraid. Reports that the bunker crowd would nuke its own America and other countries indiscriminately to hasten a cooling of the planet so they could repopulate the surface with their “superior” genetic material have been kicking around for a few years now.

This is America, sick shit like this gets acted out daily by washington. You bet they’d go to the bunkers and hit the button that would wipe out the billions pounding on the bunkers’ door to be spared. We’ve gotten in bed with the Nazis in Ukraine! Social murder for profit just keeps getting more and more blatantBe worried. Luxury bunkers will protected our decision makers from the consequences of both (but only for 100 yrs max):

Ep 41: Nuclear Hell or High Water

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