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11/2022 Mississippi River expected dry further in coming heat & drought

2015-06-02 207aaa

“COP27: Ethiopia's 20-billion tree goal - a sapling success?”


“12 Myths About Taxing the Rich”


Herds of sheep are forming large circles and walking them for days on end:

“Hundreds of sheep walk in a circle for over 10 days in N China's Inner Mongolia. The sheep are healthy and the reason for the weird behavior is still a mystery. Veterinary doctors suspect Listeriosis disease may be the cause.

Listeriosis is an important infectious disease of sheep and goats most commonly causing encephalitis, but also capable of causing a blood infection and abortion.

Symptoms of Listeriosis include depression, loss of appetite, fever, lack of coordination, salivation, facial paralysis, and circling”


Val Eisman:

"From 2011 to the end of last year, 90 percent of U.S. counties have experienced a flood, hurricane, wildfire or other calamity serious enough to receive a federal disaster declaration, according to [the ]


, and more than 700 counties suffered five or more such disasters. During that same period, 29 states had, on average, at least one federally declared disaster a year somewhere within their borders. Five states have experienced at least 20 disasters since 2011."

“New Measure of Climate’s Toll: Disasters Are Now Common Across US”


+1.5C is more than enough to wipe out humanity – feedback loops:

“Is COP27 the End of Hopes for Limiting Global Warming to 1.5 Degrees Celsius?”

“The climate talks are going into overtime with little progress toward the emissions cuts required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.”


“Amanpour and Co. 11/17/2022 Interview of Al Gore on C Change. Using A. I. and the global three hundred satellites to truthfully locate GHG emissions worldwide. Give this information for free so folks can source less polluting companies. He outlines the changes that need to happen to the World Bank. Loss and damage plus adaptation challenge. Pledges have been just words. “

“Al Gore on Climate Change and a Global Sustainability Revolution | Amanpour and Company”


One step forward in the direction of continued dirty energy results in Two steps back delivered by a dying planet:

“The Progress Illusion”


The end of the Mississippi River.

It’s stunning that this is happening at just +1.5C when it’s only the year 2022. Whether intentionally or not, we have vastly underestimated every aspect of our Biosphere’s collapse and we continue to make decisions going forward on seemingly intentionally flawed reasoning – this is the kernel of eugenics underlying our leaders’ behavior:

""The Mississippi River provides drinking water to around 20 million people, or 16% of the U.S. population.

It's also a primary mode of transportation, carrying around 500 million tons of cargo every year," Loucopoulos said.

"The Mississippi River Basin is home to 57% of US farmland, producing 60% of US grains and 54% of US soybeans.

This interconnected network, spanning much farther than just the Mississippi River Basin, will be affected by this drought."

“Why Is the Mississippi River Drying Up?


Republican State Governments are committing acts of Ecocide and they need to be held responsible by the Global Community:

“Leak at Pennsylvania gas storage well spewing methane”


“Politics, climate conspire as Tigris and Euphrates dwindle”

Quote: “The drop is projected to worsen as temperatures rise from climate change. Both Turkey and Iraq, the two biggest consumers, acknowledge they must cooperate to preserve the river system that some 60 million people rely on to sustain their lives.”


“This week on Radio Ecoshock:

UNBROKEN NEWS: Why Is the Arctic Suddenly Burning?

*Guest Dr. David Gaveau on newly seen Arctic feedback. A new feedback loop of wildfires and self-perpetuating heat erupted in the last three years – in the Arctic! This has not been reported in the news, but shows up on satellite images.

*Alex rants on COP27 Climate Conference. “The clock is ticking. We are in the fight of our lives, and we are losing. Greenhouse gas emissions keep growing. Global temperatures keep rising – and our planet is fast approaching tipping points that will make climate chaos irreversible." - António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, opening the 27th Conference of the Parties in Egypt, November 2022.

*Al Gore’s COP27 opening remarks: we are failing and no one believes we will do anything to stop emissions.

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...where there is no sign-up required, just lots of great information on the latest climate science. Thank you for listening and for caring about our world”

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