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11/2022 State level US politicians are committing Ecocide against the entire planet.

2017-07-16 619aaaap


The Evacuation of the CIA’s Afghan Proxies Has Opened One of the War’s Blackest Boxes”


Wait until DemGOPs’ Christo- fascists in America get going. Then you’ll know hell on earth:

“Despite its brutal tactics, Iran’s regime fails to contain mass protests

The women and youth-led movement has proven hard to put down.”


Corrupt unpatriotic politicians are as American as apple pie:

“Saudi Arabia's Dar Al Arkan signs deal with Trump family for Oman project”


What are we supposed to think of cops?:

Law enforcement opposes rules banning cops from being involved in extremist groups


Drying of the Mississippi River and the west mega droughts are nothing compared to what’s coming:

“The West will not act on climate change until it feels its pain

Pleas from the Global South will not stir Western government into action. Only Western suffering will.”


“Is the world ready for mass migration due to climate change?”


America is overwhelmingly responsible for the vast bulk of GHG in the atmosphere:

“These three charts show who is most to blame for climate change

Getting to the bottom of which countries have contributed most to climate change is complicated, but a few pieces of data can help.”


“Euthanizing The Poor Is Just Capitalism's True Face”


“NASA Study: Rising Sea Level Could Exceed Estimates for U.S. Coasts”


“Washing away

The Arctic hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T., is collapsing into the ocean as it loses up to a metre of coastline each year. The people who live there are in a race against time to preserve their way of life — and their community — before it is washed away.”


“How to Live in a Catastrophe”

“In search of a way to think clearly about the planetary crisis.”


“The truth about eco-fascism

Environmentalism has been hijacked by the technocrats”


“our God-given right to drive, mine, manufacture, fly, burn oil and freely enjoy the glories that only Western Progress can provide, or a threat to diversity, equality, human rights, LGBTQIA++ people, refugees, “global justice” and a woman’s right to choose. Either way, the conclusion will be much the same: a non-specific but ominous call for more monitoring of “problematic” views, more work to tackle “radicalisation”, more laws to prevent protests and “hate speech”, and probably more internet regulation. For the safety of us all, of course.”


“Sen. Mike Lee says solution to climate change ‘is to fall in love, get married and have some kids’”


More cities need to start eliminating their lawns and mowing:


No mitigation of new and existing green house gas is to embrace eugenics.

“…paves the way…”? = lawyer speak for no action

“In low-energy finish, oil and gas escape censure at Cop27”

“At dawn on Sunday, exhausted negotiators agreed a climate deal in Sharm el-Sheikh that paves the way to a fund for climate victims but falls short on mitigation”


“Tom Murphy: Growth has an Expiration Date”


States in America where the stench of DemGOP’s Conservativism is strongest are killing the planet. These state level actors need to be charged with Ecocide and arrested if they ever leave the country:

“Huge Methane Leak in Pennsylvania Sparks Fresh Call for Fracking Ban

"Methane is a scourge wherever people drill for oil and gas, and leaks are an inevitable byproduct," said one environmental advocate.”

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