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11/2022 Israel's robot pollinators dooms insects\pollinators and heralds boom for pesticide use.

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

2016-04-18 139aaa.jpg

Now that global famine is setting in are cooking shows in poor taste? And what’s with the nature shows with a healthy abundance & diversity of wildlife? What planet are they from?!


“Ukrainian Climate Activist Barred from COP27 After Speaking Out Against Russian War”

““Fossil Fuels Fund Dictatorships”: Ukrainian Climate Activist Suspended from COP27 over Russia Protest”


The coming robot bees will not save our wild places but they will render policy to save wild pollinators irrelevant in the minds of our politicians. These little machines will also eliminate the need for pesticide controls in the minds of the same debased elite.

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.”

~ Albert Einstein

Insects are considered the most vital link between life on earth and all living creatures. Without bees, we would lose a majority of life forms. They are considered, by many entomologists, the "glue in nature" that underpins the food and water supplies that we collectively rely upon.

I believe teaching sacred geometry and the Living Mathematics of Nature to children will help reverse the collapsing effects of nature's ecosystems. Education is the key.

Jain 108


“Married people have higher net worths and are more likely to be homeowners than their unmarried counterparts their age are. The mystery, though, is why cohabitating but unmarried couples struggle to build wealth in the same way.”

“Moving In Together Doesn’t Match the Financial Benefits of Marriage, but Why?

Married couples are four times as wealthy as unmarried couples who live together”


“As the 1 percent internalized the sense that they alone were responsible for their success, so too was everyone else made to feel like the cause of their own failure. This formula was baked into the neoliberal philosophy from the beginning.”

“Neoliberalism Renders Us Powerless — and Blames Us for It”


It’s well underway, right does to having the human race hinge on genetically superior children,…that just so happen to be white,… and yea blonde hair would be great,… to go with their blue eyes don’t ya know. Jesus Christ it’s fucking amazing that I’m actually typing this knowing it’s not a fucking joke at all but taken from main stream publications. America is way down the rabbit hole – completely fucking warped, there is even now talk of eugenics.

“NYC Film Fest Honors An Open Nazi From Ukraine”


A classic:

“Did you know John Steinbeck’s depression-era classic ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ is among the ‘Top 100 books banned’ in America? I can see why:

Here’s a short passage from Chapter 25:

“There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topple all our successes. The fertle Earth, the straight tree row, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And the children dying of (hunger) must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificates – died of malnutrition – because the food must rot (if not sold at a profit).

…and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.”


“Overfishing - and the mismanagement of international fishing - is a massive global economic and environmental problem.

Fortunately, it's one with political solutions that can be driven by accountability - which in turn can be driven by public advocacy and effective communication.

Read more in our initial op-ed by founder Ryan Orgera - published today in POLITICO Studio.”

“Bringing accountability to the dark and murky world of RFMOs: The case for Accoutability.Fish”


“Exiled Russian Environmentalist: Russia’s Uranium Sales to U.S. & Europe Help Putin Fund Ukraine War”


“Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” Albert Einstein

Reader Comments:

“Brad Schrunk

The evidence of propaganda is shown in this video how Americans are manipulated into believing our country is based on religion and magic instead of The Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

The deliberate dumbing down of America is in full swing. Furthermore, the rich folk have real access to "elected officials"

us working folk don't but most of these fools want to believe instead of looking at the facts. Shockingly Stupid Republicans: What's the Matter with Mississippi?”

“Shockingly Stupid Republicans: What's the Matter with Mississippi?”

“Brad Schrunk

Here is our former "trust worthy President" displaying his integrity.

It has been said by many that Donald Trump is a complete liar.

This video bears out that fact with NO DOUBT. Keilar:

“Trump doesn't know WikiLeaks?”

Roll The Tape .

“Brad Schrunk


They are victims of Edward Bernays THE FATHER OF PROPAGANDA, Sigmund Freud's Nephew

Openly sought to use social psychology, political persuasion and advertising to construct necessary illusions which were fed to the masses as reality. Bernays described it as

The objective for Bernays was to show government, government schools and government-regulated media outlets how to gain control.

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