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11/2022 Saudi Arabia is getting Arizona water for a steal & leaving citizens with little to nothing

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Saw-wing (Euchlaena serrata)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2016-06-04 IMG_1693aaa

“Time is running out. We must call out the vested interests propelling the climate crisis”

“It is not enough to professionally communicate the science of climate change. This is not a matter of rationality.


“Why Conservative Intellectuals Are Anti-Intellectual”

“The heart of the problem for conservatives is this: they fear too much intellectualism will lead people to question authority and hierarchy.”



More than 110 experts raise alarm over WHO’s ‘weak’ PFAS limits for drinking water

Independent scientists raise concerns about apparent industry influence and distortions of the science in WHO guidelines”


Typical Nazi eugenics thinking:

“Billionaires like Elon Musk want to save civilization by having tons of genetically superior kids.

Inside the movement to take 'control of human evolution.'”

[you take control of human evolution by ridding humanity of the genes you don’t want or need. And one way you do that by having your politicians enact increasingly blatant Social Murder on a grand scale, which is precisely what we see with Climate Change, the Mass Extinction and COVID. Other ways you can do it is with Hitleresque death camps or in today’s world, say, orchestrating mass starvation domestically. They will eliminate select aspects of the social safety net at the appropriate time to maximize effectiveness of their genetic purge.]


“Our leaders had a final chance to halt climate breakdown. They failed each and every one of us”

“It’s a miracle that any one of us is alive today. Those with the power to grant that miracle to future generations chose not to”


Note 190F and 164F in the example. At these temperatures - and, sorry, but they are going to happen a whole lot sooner than we want to realize - atmospheric oxygen is going to take a huge hit. Also at the upper end of what’s coming, even if there is oxygen, it will be deadly to breath it because the air will be too hot:

“Extreme Heat Will Change Us

Half the world could soon face dangerous heat. We measured the daily toll it is already taking.

We visited two cities already transformed by climate change — Kuwait City and Basra, Iraq — to document what billions may experience as human emissions warm the planet.”


“Effective Altruism Is Bunk, Crypto Is Bad for the Planet, and Other Basic Truths of the FTX Crash

The overarching lesson of Sam Bankman-Fried’s downfall is that the gauzy philosophical natterings of CEOs are just meant to distract us from their real goal: accumulating cash without interference.”


“The climate case against Elon Musk

A detailed breakdown of the new Twitter owner's impact”


Wall St has had Biden’s Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Powell, realize their dream:

“60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck heading into the peak shopping season”


Arizona, like Wisconsin, is example of a Republican State throwing their people’s lives aside to build wealth for the already rich:

“When Saudi Arabia comes to town and buys all your water

Oil is not the only issue: the Kingdom is getting Arizona resources for a steal, and it’s leaving citizens with little to nothing.”


Initially, the Western Rich should have their pockets emptied as the benefited the most from cheap energy:

“Developing countries need trillions for climate action. Where will it come from?

At COP 27, negotiators have been haggling over how to pay for the mounting costs of climate change.”


“Greenwash alert as Cop27 draft allows double claiming of carbon credits”

“Companies and countries could take credit for the same tonne of CO2 cut under rules being negotiated in Sharm el-Sheikh”


They've pissed away millions of retirement accounts:


quote: "Public pension funds benefiting nearly 26 million Americans have invested $1.3 trillion in high-risk, high-fee “alternative” investments like private equity, hedge funds, and private real estate that have been wracked with corruption scandals and financial misconduct. Those pension funds could soon face a reckoning, as the downturn in the stock market spreads to these alternative investments, resulting in costly reductions of their estimated value and in turn, increased contributions from state and local governments to meet those losses."

[they want to replace state local governments with corporate controlled committee like things]


Biden\Kerry praise opportunities for private wealth investment created by capitalism as New York Times highlights coming temperatures between 160F and 190F to be read by household thermometers using new tech!

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