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11/2022 15 meat and dairy companies emit almost as much methane as the EU

Updated: Nov 24, 2022

2017-08-21 114aaa

“Scaling up solar and wind takes time. There is a lot of logistical hurdles, inertia, and plain resistance built into the current energy system. But using less energy to do the same tasks is attainable right now, and could make an enormous difference in the global carbon footprint. As unsexy and un-marketable as it is, energy efficiency remains one of the most important and most under-attended pieces in the climate crisis puzzle.”

“The Truth About The Energy Crisis That No One Wants To Acknowledge”


“Stronger La Niña and El Niño events due to global heating will be detectable in the eastern Pacific Ocean by 2030, decades earlier than previously expected, new modelling suggests.”

This means +1.5C is more damaging than policy makers think.

“Global heating to drive stronger La Niña and El Niño events by 2030, researchers say”


“Global heating caused by just five countries — the U.S., China, Russia, Brazil, and India – has caused $6 trillion in global economic losses. And those losses have not been suffered equally. The burden has fallen disproportionately on low-income countries that have contributed the least to the problem.”

“Five countries have cost the world $6 trillion in global warming losses

Climate change is causing substantial economic damage, recent research finds.”


“8 Billion Souls”

“There are 8 billion people on Earth. But that isn't causing climate change, scientists say”


“India will become the world’s most populous country in 2023”


“Fenced In: How the Global Rise of Border Walls Is Stifling Wildlife

Amid a rising tide of nationalism, walls and fortified fences are proliferating around the world. These barriers pose a growing threat to wildlife — blocking animal migrations and threatening millions of species that will need to move to keep up with a changing climate.”


Profit comes from exploited labor:

“It's not just Elon Musk. Your boss probably wants you to put in 'long hours at high intensity' too.”


Will it be Democrats or Republicans who bail out Elon Musk’s twitter adventure?:

“Elon Musk’s twitter buyout was a billion dollar windfall for these 13 hedge funds”


“Dam safety: study indicates probable maximum flood events will significantly increase over next 80 years”

“Industry-funded research says existing models for potential maximum rainfall are out of date and suggests existing dams are at greater risk due to spillway inadequacy.”


“Almost Twice as Many Republicans Died From COVID Before the Midterms Than Democrats

The authors of a new study can’t say if this impacted the midterms, but say that it’s “plausible given just how stark the differences in vaccination rates have been, among Democrats and Republicans.””


“Devastating floods in Nigeria were 80 times more likely because of climate crisis”


“What seed-saving can tell us about the end of the world

Interest in the ancient practice spiked during the pandemic. But as climate change bears down, why we save seeds may matter as much as the act of saving them.”


When it comes to profit or the economics of private wealth there is NO such thing as patriotism:

“Wall Street’s Chorus of Buy China Calls Is Getting Louder

Morgan Stanley, Bank of America shift away from bearish views

Offshore Chinese stocks lead rally driven by policy shifts”


“Emergence of changing Central-Pacific and Eastern-Pacific El Niño-Southern Oscillation in a warming climate”


“‘It turns out that a sandstorm is not the same wherever it happens’”

“Stark difference in experience of sandstorms in two cities raises questions as climate crisis deepens”


“$71,315 — Lithium Prices Reach All-Time High

The price of Chinese lithium is through the roof!”


“A Caustic Shift Is Coming for the Arctic Ocean

Scientists have already begun to observe the ecological effects of acidifying oceans on sea life. The changes ahead may be more drastic.”


“How much oil remains for the world to produce? Comparing assessment methods, and separating fact from fiction”



Blockades and closures have further isolated Palestinians in the occupied territory. As Israeli attacks intensify, so does talk of a new uprising.”


“These 15 meat and dairy companies emit almost as much methane as the EU

Tyson, Nestlé, JBS Foods and other food giants should have stricter emissions tracking, experts say”

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