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11/2022 Biden criticizing Britain’s Truss for NOT cutting taxes on the Rich


Updated: Nov 11, 2022

2018-047-13 511aaa

“We're Being Pushed Toward Nuclear War On A Fiction”


“Farmed fish feel pain, stress and anxiety and must be killed humanely, global regulator accepts”

"The Aquaculture Stewardship Council, which oversees a global certification scheme for farmed fish, is consulting on new draft welfare standards including more humane slaughter practices."


“COVID raises risk of long-term brain injury, large U.S. study finds”


“War on terror” is a euphemism for oil imperialism:


Josie Crilley:

“Having given more than I could afford to the Bernie 2016 & 2020 campaigns, plus 100’s of volunteer hours, I’m glad I helped spread Bernie’s ideas. Now we all know what the Dem Party will never allow us to have: economic, social & environmental justice & universal healthcare.”

Ryan Knight:

“A Princeton study revealed the bottom 990% of earners in U.S. – which is the vast majority of people – have zero impact on policy. Remember this when either ruling class party begs for your vote or money. Don’t give it to them. They don’t represent anyone except their rich donors.”

Opinions of the bottom 90% of income earners in US

Have a statistically near 0 impact on public policy


“Mexico turns into an ocean! Flash floods, Hurricane Karl & Julia hits Acapulco”


Biden criticizing Britain’s Truss for NOT cutting taxes on the Rich:

“Biden: Truss plan a 'mistake' amid 'worldwide inflation'”

Puffing up financial markets by letting the rich have more money to gamble or blaming lackluster performance on inflation stricken 99%’rs?! Biden criticizing Britain’s Truss for not cutting taxes on the rich is class warfare. Biosphere collapse & big oil are the ultimate drivers of inflation - fix those.


BOOK: “The Petroleum Papers

Inside the Far-Right Conspiracy to Cover Up Climate Change”

“tells the story of how the American oil companies that founded the tar sands in Alberta, Canada—home to the third-biggest oil reserves on the planet—ignored warnings about climate devastation as early as 1959. Instead of alerting the world to act on this impending global disaster, Exxon, Koch Industries, Shell and others created ad campaigns saying climate change isn't real and that alternatives to oil are an economic disaster. These companies built a global right-wing echo chamber to ensure tar sands could keep flowing into the U.S., which helped elect Donald Trump”


The US Supreme Court recently voided the Clean Air Act:

“over 63 million Americans experience unhealthy spikes in daily particle pollution, and more than 20 million Americans experience dangerous levels of particle pollution on a year-round basis”

“Fine particulate matter, or soot, is an extremely dangerous pollutant. It's a deadly mix of metals, organic chemicals, and acidic substances that are so small they can be inhaled deeply into the lungs and enter the bloodstream. Soot comes from many sources, including burning fossil fuels.”


Israel (eg AIPCA) is at the center of the destruction of Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and Libya:


The Democratic and Republican parties are garbage and working Americans – not to mention the entire planet - are paying the price:

“Tulsi Gabbard's valiant stand is only the beginning. Today's D.C. establishment Dems are about to have their heads cut off in the coming November election.

FDR's Democratic Party economic agenda remains the ticket to electoral dominance!!!”

“FDR’s “Second Bill of Rights”

The Right to a useful and remunerative job…

The Right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;

The Right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;

The Right of every business man, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;

The Right of every family to a decent home;

The Right to adequate medical care….to achieve and enjoy good health;

The Right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;

The Right to a good education.


“WATCH: President Biden tells Colorado crowd his son Beau “lost his life in Iraq.”

Beau Biden, a decorated war veteran, died of brain cancer in 2015”

“Get this demented old man back to Delaware. He needs a nurse. And he needs a priest who he can confess his lies to before he loses his mind completely.”


US SCOTUS & Judiciary are playing a pivotal role in overthrowing American Democracy in favor of Christofascism:

Now that State House governments are dominated by the Republican wing of our 2 party travesty and gerrymandering has been approved by the US Supreme Court the same court need only approve in favor of letting State Houses override election results with they impending Independent State Legislature theory case and the overtly deep fascist can appoint what ever Republican candidate they want to the White House. That means Ron DeSantis or even Trump. It is not clear at this writing if that includes people that don’t even campaign like a member of the Proud Boy’s or Oath Keepers that would make an excellent complement to the US SCOTUS.

Couple the culmination of these efforts may also be the rewriting the US Constitution (relying on the bible of course to diminish opposition):

“How Wisconsin Became the GOP’s Laboratory for Dismantling Democracy

Republicans are trying to make state politics voter-proof. If they prevail, the next coup attempt may well succeed.”

“Ari Berman on “How Wisconsin Became the GOP’s Laboratory for Dismantling Democracy””

The most depraved always do the best in American Politics:

“DeSantis Condemned For Using “Election Police” to Intimidate Florida Voters with Felony Convictions”



“Professor Jeffrey Sachs Explain's How WESTERN Countries Started This War 30 Years Back !!!”


“Biden Lies About Roe v Wade For Midterm Votes”


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