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11/2022 Carbon Capture doesn't work

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Confused Eusarca (Eusarca confusaria)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-07-16 1029aaa

“Subpoenas' Served on US Weapons Manufacturers

These four corporations are representative of the modern-day piracy that is the U.S. war industry, a corporate capture of U.S. foreign policy, the Congress, the Departments of Defense and State, and the U.S. economic system.”


“The Devastating Price Veterans Have Paid for America's Addiction to War

War culture in this country leaves us with a residual collective trauma that weighs us all down and is only made worse by a national blindness to it.”


"Who Controls Food Shortages?"

“It's a Wild, Wild West -- when it comes to controlling food prices, according to Rebecca Wolf, Food Policy Analyst at Food and Water Watch. A relatively small number of large agribusinesses control the prices farmers get and the prices consumers pay for food, with little control. The government HAD a mechanism to store grains in years of excess -- the U. S. Strategic Grain reserve, and release it to the public in lean production years, thus managing the prices farmers get for their product and the prices consumers pay. But no longer.”


“How We Voted in the 2022 Midterm Elections

A pre-election and Election Day survey found several demographic groups shifted toward Republicans while the economy was the top issue, per the AP VoteCast survey.”


We Have to Wake Up: Factory Farms are Breeding Grounds for Pandemics

Meat, Egg and Dairy Alternatives


The rich are not going to inconvenience themselves or adjust their wealth because the inferior now realize the error of their ways.

Biosphere collapse changes everything and now it has changed everything. Everything you do that without change only adds to you yours body count later. Govt didn’t plan for that and actually continues to makes the problem worse for those whose profit is more important to them than YOUR life.

Die well. Because it’s very like you will die if your not rich in this coming decade.

And your children?! HA! Fat chance they won’t starve to death to death if the heat & disease doesn’t get them first.

“Professors Warn of “Horrifying” Self-Destruction of Human Civilization”


“As Glasgow forest pledge turns to action, most signatories drop out

Russia, Indonesia and DRC are among the tree-rich nations not signed up to a Cop27 partnership for delivering forest protection”


“Billionaires Are Funding Climate Destruction

When you count their investments, the world's richest people are responsible for runaway amounts of emissions, a new report finds.”


See the interest rate hikes for what they are – an inducement (hobbling labor negotiation position) meant to curry favor with the Rich by Democrats hoping to hold the White House in 2024

The coming recession was manufactured by a US Federal Reserve weaponized against Labor knowing full well that the increased unemployment would result in additional deaths amongst the nonRich

“Buckle up, America: The Fed plans to sharply boost unemployment

The Fed knows that by raising unemployment you also raise the rate of death in the working class. We are being offered to the rich as a human sacrifice.


“The End Of The World”


“This One Thing Is Making Your Life More Expensive”

Private equity is shutting out millions of people from buying their own homes.

In 2021, private equity investors bought nearly 1 in 7 homes in top metro areas.

This is essentially a direct transfer of wealth from the working class into the pockets of private equity managers.”


“The Secret Language of Trees”


“Debt, Coups & Colonialism in Haiti: France & U.S. Urged to Pay Reparations for Destroying Nation

“We look in depth at “The Ransom,” a new series in The New York Times that details how France devastated Haiti’s economy by forcing Haiti to pay massive reparations for the loss of slave labor after enslaved Haitians rebelled, founding the world’s first Black republic in 1804. We speak with historians Westenley Alcenat and Gerald Horne on the story of Haiti’s finances and how Haitian demands for reparations have been repeatedly shut down. Alcenat says the series “exposes the rest of the world to a knowledge that actually has existed for over a hundred years,” and while he welcomes the series, he demands The New York Times apologize for publishing racist Haitian stereotypes in 2010 by columnist David Brooks. Horne also requests The New York Times make the revelatory documents that the series cites accessible to other historians. He says the series will “hopefully cause us to reexamine the history of this country and move away from the propaganda point that somehow the United States was an abolitionist republic when actually it was the foremost slaveholder’s republic.””


Carbon Capture Technology is Dangerous, Expensive — And it Just Doesn’t Work” but still Biden brags about investing in it as part of his Climate action:

“Carbon Capture & Storage Explained: The New Fossil Fuel Frontier

Carbon capture tech has gotten a lot of buzz recently. Here’s how it works — and what the industry and its hacks won’t tell you.”


“Calling Foul On Fake Solutions

Slick marketing is no substitute for real change when it comes to avoiding climate disaster.”


“What aren’t we doing to fix inflation?

Seven experts weigh in on how to tackle inflation beyond interest rate hikes from the Fed.”


Tightening Grip of Global Famine: as a Dickensian once-great Britain promotes edible insects as a food source, Wisconsin asks for donations of dead deer to stock food pantries for the poor


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