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11/2022 "The U.S. is warming 68% faster than the rest of the world"

Updated: Dec 23, 2023

Large Maple Spanworm (Prochoerodes lineola)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017-09-17 545aaa

Any retiring politician should be stripped of their wealth nxs of their wages while a public servant. They don’t receive anything remotely appearing as a “Bonus” including legal insider trading.


Kirk Brent Norring

“I wish to make a correction to past posts. I was showing Total columns of methane in the atmosphere when I should have shown the surface methane. It is the methane at the surface that shows where the methane is coming from. It seems to be a race between China, India and Europe as to which falls first.”


"All of the instability and violence is happening in this middle zone."

“’They are preparing for war’: An expert on civil wars discusses where political extremists are taking this country”


Political humor:

“Florida will go blue eventually”


A Washington Success! Forcing the elderly take the low paying jobs that immigrants used to work?:

“Rising prices are leading some retirees to think about heading back to work. See how a spike in inflation appears to be the key driver leading some people to rethink their retirement.”

“The Great Unretirement? Inflation Forces Some Retirees to Return to Work”

Note to Reader:

Think of it like this: today’s inflation is price gouging by corporations-period. The wealth this creates off the working class is transferred to the Rich via the stock market that is overwhelmingly owned by the rich. Raising interest rates to combat this greed driven inflation is wrongheaded. Republican President Nixon knew this and he threatened action against corporations that did this and it “fixed” the problem when it occurred under his presidency.

Today’s Washington knows this.

Today’s raising interest rates to combat greed driven inflation at its best will transfer a portion of the high prices on consumer goods caused by greedflation to the new higher prices of renting money. In simplified terms, BEFORE you have consumers goods at 100 and interest expenses at 100, AFTER consumers are paying 80 for goods and 120 for interest expenses. You move 20 from the consumer goods column over to the interest expense column. But overall people are still out of pocket by 200. Do why raise interest rates in response to greedflation? Raising interest rates will always take money out of peoples pockets. Worse still, with say grocery items, consumers can switch to cheaper substitute goods…but interest expense is governed by mandatory contracts. You can’t always switch to cheaper money. In a sense , the Fed raising interest rates makes sure a portion of the inflation that would have otherwise been spent on consumer goods gets paid (once chosen to purchase using debt) as a mandatory interest expense (or they’ll trash your credit report). Also, a rising tide raises all boats. Just as inflation in consumer goods infects all such goods, the govt raising the prices of money can - by a different process - allows the financial sector to participate in the feeding frenzy.

At the end of the day, today’s fed is not leaving working Americans better off by raising interest rates to combat greed driven inflation. Their spreading some of the pain of higher prices on consumer goods to an additional business sector. A sector that has a whole different batch of costs and benefits as well as risks and returns associated with it. The fed is blurring the source of the pain and not solving the problem. However hobbling labor - by making people desperate to afford stuff - is a a gift to the rich whose corporations can profit on the reduced cost labor, and that profit can be passed out to the rich in the stock market


Will America have Lula assassinated?:

“Breach of Ethics: Exclusive: Leaked Chats Between Brazilian Judge and Prosecutor Who Imprisoned Lula Reveal Prohibited Collaboration and Doubts Over Evidence”

“Hidden Plot: Exclusive: Brazil’s Top Prosecutors Who Indicted Lula Schemed in Secret Messages to Prevent His Party From Winning 2018 Election”


A massive archive of previously undisclosed materials reveals systematic wrongdoing among powerful officials — and the public has a right to know.”



The now-disgraced Car Wash probe overthrew Brazil’s political order — and 23 House Democrats want to know how the Justice Department was involved.”


“‘We Have Been Deeply Shaken’: 92 Museum Leaders Release Statement Addressing Climate Actions That Target Works of Art

The statement comes as world leaders meet at the COP27 climate summit.”


“Greenwashing COP27: Coke Is It

A major polluter sponsors the climate summit.”


“The Factor in Food Prices No One is Talking About: Wall Street

Our grocery bills have skyrocketed, thanks to out-of-control speculation and greedy investors. They’ll climb even higher if we don’t stop them.”


“Everyday workers starting to get ahead? Inflation alarming those with means? Time to hit the economy with a brick! How is the Fed rate hike expected to help the situation, though? Could the cure be worse than the disease? And who stands to gain?”

“Inflation, Recession and Human Sacrifice


“Ocean-Eaten Islands, Fire-Scarred Forests: Our Changing World in Pictures”


“The U.S. is warming 68% faster than the rest of the world. Billionaires' emissions aren't helping”


They have chosen to kill us rather suffer any inconvenience with their luxuries:

“The world will likely miss 1.5 C. Why isn’t anyone saying so?”


SCOTUS will probably block this:

“New EPA Proposal to Augment Methane Regulations Would Help Achieve an 87% Reduction From the Oil and Gas Industry by 2030

Steep reductions in emissions of methane—which traps 81 times as much heat as carbon dioxide in the first 20 years in the atmosphere—are among the most important steps for slowing climate change in the short term.”

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